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Patrole - The OpenStack RBAC Validation Test Suite

The documentation for Patrole is officially hosted at:

This is a set of integration tests to be run against a live OpenStack cluster. Patrole has a battery of tests dedicated to validating the correctness and security of the cloud's RBAC implementation.

Design Principles

As a Tempest plugin, Patrole borrows some design principles from Tempest, but not all, as its testing scope is confined to policies.

  • Patrole uses OpenStack public interfaces. Tests in Patrole should only touch public OpenStack APIs.

  • Patrole tests should be atomic: they should test policies in isolation. Unlike Tempest, a Patrole test strives to only call a single endpoint at a time. This is because it is important to validate each policy is authorized correctly and the best way to do that is to validate the policy alone.

  • Patrole should validate all policy in code defaults. For testing, Patrole uses the API-to-policy mapping contained in each project's policy in code documentation where applicable.

    For example, Nova's policy in code documentation is located in the Nova repository under nova/policies. Likewise, Keystone's policy in code documentation is located in the Keystone repository under keystone/common/policies. The other OpenStack services follow the same directory layout pattern with respect to policy in code.


    Realistically this is not always possible because some services have not yet moved to policy in code.

  • Patrole should attempt to clean up after itself; whenever possible it should tear down resources when done.


    Patrole modifies roles dynamically in the background, which affects pre-provisioned credentials. Work is currently underway to clean up modifications made to pre-provisioned credentials.

  • Patrole should be self-testing.


To run Patrole, you must first have Tempest installed and configured properly. Please reference Tempest's Quickstart guide to do so. Follow all the steps outlined therein. Afterward, proceed with the steps below.

  1. You first need to install Patrole. This is done with pip after you check out the Patrole repo:

    $ git clone
    $ pip install patrole/

    This can be done within a venv.


    You may also install Patrole from source code by running:

    pip install -e patrole/
  2. Next you must properly configure Patrole, which is relatively straightforward. For details on configuring Patrole refer to the patrole-configuration.

  3. Once the configuration is done you're now ready to run Patrole. This can be done using the tempest_run command. This can be done by running:

    $ tempest run --regex '^patrole_tempest_plugin\.tests\.api'

    There is also the option to use testr directly, or any testr based test runner, like ostestr. For example, from the workspace dir run:

    $ stestr --regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^patrole_tempest_plugin\.tests\.api))'

    will run the same set of tests as the default gate jobs.

    You can also run Patrole tests using tox. To do so, cd into the Tempest directory and run:

    $ tox -eall-plugin -- patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.api


    It is possible to run Patrole via tox -eall in order to run Patrole isolated from other plugins. This can be accomplished by including the installation of services that currently use policy in code -- for example, Nova and Keystone. For example:

    $ tox -evenv-tempest -- pip install /opt/stack/patrole /opt/stack/keystone /opt/stack/nova
    $ tox -eall -- patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.api
  4. Log information from tests is captured in tempest.log under the Tempest repository. Some Patrole debugging information is captured in that log related to expected test results and role-overriding.

    More detailed RBAC testing log output is emitted to patrole.log under the Patrole repository. To configure Patrole's logging, see the patrole-configuration guide.

RBAC Tests

To change the role that the patrole tests are being run as, edit rbac_test_role in the patrole section of tempest.conf: :

rbac_test_role = member


The rbac_test_role is service-specific. member, for example, is an arbitrary role, but by convention is used to designate the default non-admin role in the system. Most Patrole tests should be run with admin and member roles. However, other services may use entirely different roles.

For more information about the member role and its nomenclature, please see:

Unit Tests

Patrole also has a set of unit tests which test the Patrole code itself. These tests can be run by specifying the test discovery path:

$ stestr --test-path ./patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/unit run

By setting --test-path option to ./patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/unit it specifies that test discovery should only be run on the unit test directory.

Alternatively, there are the py27 and py35 tox jobs which will run the unit tests with the corresponding version of Python.

One common activity is to just run a single test; you can do this with tox simply by specifying to just run py27 or py35 tests against a single test:

$ tox -e py27 -- -n patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.unit.test_rbac_utils.RBACUtilsTest.test_override_role_with_missing_admin_role

Or all tests in the file:

$ tox -e py27 -- -n patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.unit.test_rbac_utils

You may also use regular expressions to run any matching tests:

$ tox -e py27 -- test_rbac_utils

For more information on these options and details about stestr, please see the stestr documentation.