
46 KiB

Command-line API

Installing this distribution gets you a shell command, vitrage, that you can use to interact with the Vitrage API server.



vitrage help

vitrage help <command>

Environmental Variables

Environmental variables can be sourced, or optionally passed in as CLI arguments. It is easiest to source them first and then use the CLI.

When using Keystone to obtain the token and endpoint:

export OS_AUTH_URL=

When OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME is not set, then 'Default' is assumed. Alternatively IDs can be used instead of names.

When using Keycloak instead of Keystone use the os-auth-type vitrage-keycloak and supply username, password, realm_name, endpoint, auth_url, openid_client_id.

The parameters can be supplied in command line e.g --username,--realm-name or as environment variables with the prefix VITRAGE_ e.g VITRAGE_REALM_NAME

You'll find complete documentation on the shell by running vitrage help:

vitrage help
usage: vitrage [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug]
             [--vitrage-api-version VITRAGE_API_VERSION]
             [--profile HMAC_KEY] [--os-region-name <auth-region-name>]
             [--os-interface <interface>] [--insecure]
             [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--os-cert <certificate>]
             [--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>] [--os-auth-type <name>]
             [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] [--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID]
             [--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME]
             [--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
             [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
             [--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
             [--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]
             [--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID]
             [--os-default-domain-id OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID]
             [--os-default-domain-name OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME]
             [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID] [--os-username OS_USERNAME]
             [--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
             [--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
             [--os-password OS_PASSWORD] [--endpoint ENDPOINT]

Vitrage command line interface

optional arguments:
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
  -q, --quiet           Suppress output except warnings and errors.
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
  -h, --help            Show help message and exit.
  --debug               Show tracebacks on errors.
  --vitrage-api-version VITRAGE_API_VERSION
                        Defaults to env[VITRAGE_API_VERSION] or 1.
  --profile HMAC_KEY    HMAC key to use for encrypting context data for
                        performance profiling of request. This key should be
                        the value of the HMAC key configured for the
                        osprofiler middleware in Vitrage api; it is specified
                        in the Vitrage configuration file
                        at"/etc/vitrage/vitrage.conf". Without the key,
                        profiling will not be triggered even if osprofiler is
                        enabled on the server side.
  --os-region-name <auth-region-name>
                        Authentication region name (Env: OS_REGION_NAME)
  --os-interface <interface>
                        Select an interface type. Valid interface types:
                        [admin, public, internal]. (Env: OS_INTERFACE)
  --os-auth-type <name>, --os-auth-plugin <name>
                        Authentication type to use
  --endpoint ENDPOINT   Vitrage endpoint (Env: VITRAGE_ENDPOINT)

API Connection Options:
  Options controlling the HTTP API Connections

  --insecure            Explicitly allow client to perform "insecure" TLS
                        (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be
                        verified against any certificate authorities. This
                        option should be used with caution.
  --os-cacert <ca-certificate>
                        Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS
                        (https) server certificate. Defaults to
  --os-cert <certificate>
                        Defaults to env[OS_CERT].
  --os-key <key>        Defaults to env[OS_KEY].
  --timeout <seconds>   Set request timeout (in seconds).

Authentication Options:
  Options specific to the password plugin.

  --os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL
                        Authentication URL
  --os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID
                        Domain ID to scope to
  --os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME
                        Domain name to scope to
  --os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID, --os-tenant-id OS_PROJECT_ID
                        Project ID to scope to
  --os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME, --os-tenant-name OS_PROJECT_NAME
                        Project name to scope to
  --os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID
                        Domain ID containing project
  --os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME
                        Domain name containing project
  --os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID
                        Trust ID
  --os-default-domain-id OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID
                        Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2 parameters.
                        It will be used for both the user and project domain
                        in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication.
  --os-default-domain-name OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
                        Optional domain name to use with v3 API and v2
                        parameters. It will be used for both the user and
                        project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication.
  --os-user-id OS_USER_ID
                        User id
  --os-username OS_USERNAME, --os-user-name OS_USERNAME
  --os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID
                        User's domain id
  --os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME
                        User's domain name
  --os-password OS_PASSWORD
                        User's password

  alarm count     Show a count of all alarms
  alarm list      List all alarms
  alarm show      Show an alarm
  complete        print bash completion command (cliff)
  event post      Post an event to Vitrage
  healthcheck     Check api health status
  help            print detailed help for another command (cliff)
  rca show        Show the Root Cause Analysis for a certain alarm
  resource count  Show a count of all resources
  resource list   List resources
  resource show   Show a resource
  service list    List all services
  template add    Add a template
  template delete Delete a template
  template list   List all templates
  template show   Show a template
  template validate Validate a template file
  topology show   Show the topology of the system
  webhook add     Add a new webhook to the database
  webhook delete  Delete a webhook
  webhook list    List all webhooks in the database
  webhook show    Show a webhook

Bash Completion

Basic command tab completion can be enabled by sourcing the bash completion script. :

source /usr/local/share/vitrage.bash_completion

Topology Example

Note: To see complete usage: 'vitrage help' and 'vitrage help <command>'

topology show

vitrage topology show

 "directed": true,
 "graph": {},
 "nodes": [
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-8",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "20d12a8a-ea9a-89c6-5947-83bea959362e",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:20d12a8a-ea9a-89c6-5947-83bea959362e"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-2",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "dc35fa2f-4515-1653-ef6b-03b471bb395b",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:dc35fa2f-4515-1653-ef6b-03b471bb395b"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-13",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "9879cf5a-bdcf-3651-3017-961ed887ec86",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:9879cf5a-bdcf-3651-3017-961ed887ec86"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-10",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "fe124f4b-9ed7-4591-fcd1-803cf5c33cb1",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:fe124f4b-9ed7-4591-fcd1-803cf5c33cb1"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-11",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "f2e48a97-7350-061e-12d3-84c6dc3e67c0",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:f2e48a97-7350-061e-12d3-84c6dc3e67c0"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "host-2",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "available",
     "type": "",
     "id": "host-2",
     "vitrage_id": ""
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "host-3",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "available",
     "type": "",
     "id": "host-3",
     "vitrage_id": ""
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "host-0",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "available",
     "type": "",
     "id": "host-0",
     "vitrage_id": ""
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "host-1",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "available",
     "type": "",
     "id": "host-1",
     "vitrage_id": ""
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-9",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "275097cf-954e-8e24-b185-9514e24b8591",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:275097cf-954e-8e24-b185-9514e24b8591"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-1",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "a0f0805f-c804-cffe-c25a-1b38f555ed68",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:a0f0805f-c804-cffe-c25a-1b38f555ed68"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-14",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "56af57d2-34a4-19b1-5106-b613637a11a7",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:56af57d2-34a4-19b1-5106-b613637a11a7"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "zone-1",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "available",
     "type": "",
     "id": "zone-1",
     "vitrage_id": ""
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-3",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "16e14c58-d254-2bec-53e4-c766e48810aa",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:16e14c58-d254-2bec-53e4-c766e48810aa"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-7",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "f35a1e10-74ff-7332-8edf-83cd6ffcb2de",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:f35a1e10-74ff-7332-8edf-83cd6ffcb2de"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-4",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "ea8a450e-cab1-2272-f431-494b40c5c378",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:ea8a450e-cab1-2272-f431-494b40c5c378"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-6",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "6e42bdc3-b776-1b2c-2c7d-b7a8bb98f721",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:6e42bdc3-b776-1b2c-2c7d-b7a8bb98f721"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-5",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "8c951613-c660-87c0-c18b-0fa3293ce8d8",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:8c951613-c660-87c0-c18b-0fa3293ce8d8"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "zone-0",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "available",
     "type": "",
     "id": "zone-0",
     "vitrage_id": ""
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-0",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "78353ce4-2710-49b5-1341-b8cbb6000ebc",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:78353ce4-2710-49b5-1341-b8cbb6000ebc"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "vm-12",
     "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
     "state": "ACTIVE",
     "project_id": "0683517e1e354d2ba25cba6937f44e79",
     "type": "nova.instance",
     "id": "35bf479a-75d9-80a9-874e-d3b50fb2dd2e",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:nova.instance:35bf479a-75d9-80a9-874e-d3b50fb2dd2e"
     "category": "RESOURCE",
     "is_placeholder": false,
     "is_deleted": false,
     "name": "openstack.node",
     "type": "openstack.node",
     "id": "openstack.node",
     "vitrage_id": "RESOURCE:openstack.node"
 "links": [
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 3,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 5
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 1,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 5
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 16,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 5
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 11,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 5
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 13,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 6
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 4,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 6
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 14,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 6
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 20,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 7
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 0,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 7
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 19,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 7
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 15,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 7
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 9,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 8
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 10,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 8
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 2,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 8
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 17,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 8
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 6,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 12
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 8,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 12
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 5,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 18
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 7,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 18
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 18,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 21
     "relationship_name": "contains",
     "is_deleted": false,
     "target": 12,
     "key": "contains",
     "source": 21
 "multigraph": true

RCA Example

Note: To see complete usage: 'vitrage help' and 'vitrage help <command>'

rca show

vitrage rca show

"directed": true,
"graph": {

"nodes": [
    "category": "ALARM",
    "type": "nagios",
    "name": "CPU load",
    "state": "Active",
    "severity": "WARNING",
    "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
    "info": "WARNING - 15min load 1.66 at 32 CPUs",
    "resource_type": "",
    "resource_name": "host-0",
    "resource_id": "host-0",
    "id": 0,
    "vitrage_id": "ALARM:nagios:host0:CPU load"
    "category": "ALARM",
    "type": "vitrage",
    "name": "Machine Suboptimal",
    "state": "Active",
    "severity": "WARNING",
    "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
    "resource_type": "nova.instance",
    "resource_name": "vm0",
    "resource_id": "20d12a8a-ea9a-89c6-5947-83bea959362e",
    "id": 1,
    "vitrage_id": "ALARM:vitrage:vm0:Machine Suboptimal"
    "category": "ALARM",
    "type": "vitrage",
    "name": "Machine Suboptimal",
    "state": "Active",
    "severity": "WARNING",
    "update_timestamp": "2015-12-01T12:46:41Z",
    "resource_type": "nova.instance",
    "resource_name": "vm1",
    "resource_id": "275097cf-954e-8e24-b185-9514e24b8591",
    "id": 2,
    "vitrage_id": "ALARM:vitrage:vm1:Machine Suboptimal"
"links": [
    "source": 0,
    "target": 1,
    "relationship": "causes"
    "source": 0,
    "target": 2,
    "relationship": "causes"
"multigraph": false,
"inspected_index": 0

Resources Examples

Note: To see complete usage: 'vitrage help' and 'vitrage help <command>'

resource list

vitrage resource list
| ID                                   | Type              | Data Source ID                       | State      | Metadata                                                                                                                      |
| 786efe03-55ff-41b2-bdc1-6cd94bc355ad | nova.instance     | f3d6819a-5b52-4fae-93d4-ce58c263510b | SUBOPTIMAL | {'project_id': u'4437e14f56904650af9eef83dff35263', 'name': u'vm-0', 'update_timestamp': u'2018-01-03 09:06:06.339099+00:00'} |
| d019ee2b-df2a-4c8f-bc59-f28a2296b0db |   | dafa8864-a04c-4688-bab2-c6dc3ce5c31b | OK         | {'project_id': u'4437e14f56904650af9eef83dff35263', 'name': u'public', 'update_timestamp': u'2017-11-09T09:49:49Z'}           |
| 772d627f-90d7-4c5e-8c18-6587fa5b88ee | neutron.port      | 75ff8ce5-26d9-4d77-875f-8d297918374c | OK         | {'project_id': u'4437e14f56904650af9eef83dff35263', 'update_timestamp': u'2017-11-28T11:50:23Z'}                              |
| 4ac47cef-419f-4e4b-9590-22c10bbd21fd |         | compute-0-0                          | OK         | {'name': u'compute-0-0', 'update_timestamp': u'2018-01-03 09:06:06.851229+00:00'}                                             |
| 99920528-2757-4fde-a2a0-3063bf0c4020 | openstack.cluster | OpenStack Cluster                    | OK         | {'name': u'openstack.cluster'}                                                                                                |
| 374203a6-e7bc-4bd6-bc32-1137f4f3d234 |         | nova                                 | OK         | {'name': u'nova', 'update_timestamp': u'2018-01-03 09:06:07.628148+00:00'}                                                    |

resource show

vitrage resource show 786efe03-55ff-41b2-bdc1-6cd94bc355ad
| Field                     | Value                                |
| host_id                   | compute-0-0                          |
| id                        | f3d6819a-5b52-4fae-93d4-ce58c263510b |
| is_real_vitrage_id        | True                                 |
| name                      | vm-0                                 |
| project_id                | 4437e14f56904650af9eef83dff35263     |
| state                     | ACTIVE                               |
| update_timestamp          | 2018-01-03 09:06:06.339099+00:00     |
| vitrage_aggregated_state  | SUBOPTIMAL                           |
| vitrage_category          | RESOURCE                             |
| vitrage_id                | 786efe03-55ff-41b2-bdc1-6cd94bc355ad |
| vitrage_is_deleted        | False                                |
| vitrage_is_placeholder    | False                                |
| vitrage_operational_state | SUBOPTIMAL                           |
| vitrage_sample_timestamp  | 2018-01-03 09:06:06.339099+00:00     |
| vitrage_state             | SUBOPTIMAL                           |
| vitrage_type              | nova.instance                        |

resource count

vitrage resource count
"nova.instance": 394,
"openstack.cluster": 1,
"cinder.volume": 405,
"": 16,
"": 7,
"neutron.port": 1127,
"": 3,
"tripleo.controller": 3

vitrage resource count --type nova.instance --group-by state
"ACTIVE": 359,
"ERROR": 27,

Service Examples

Note: To see complete usage: 'vitrage help' and 'vitrage help <command>'

service list

A list of all vitrage services and their status:

vitrage service list
| Name                             | Process Id | Hostname     | Created At                |
| ApiWorker worker(0)              |      23161 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:15+00:00 |
| EvaluatorWorker worker(0)        |      23153 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:15+00:00 |
| EvaluatorWorker worker(1)        |      23155 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:15+00:00 |
| EvaluatorWorker worker(2)        |      23157 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:15+00:00 |
| EvaluatorWorker worker(3)        |      23158 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:15+00:00 |
| MachineLearningService worker(0) |      23366 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:33+00:00 |
| PersistorService worker(0)       |      23475 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:35+00:00 |
| SnmpParsingService worker(0)     |      23164 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:15+00:00 |
| vitrageuWSGI worker 1            |      25698 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:14:30+00:00 |
| vitrageuWSGI worker 2            |      25699 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:14:30+00:00 |
| VitrageNotifierService worker(0) |      23352 | controller-1 | 2019-02-10T11:07:32+00:00 |

Alarms Examples

Note: To see complete usage: 'vitrage help' and 'vitrage help <command>'

alarm list

A list of all alarms (default limit of 1000 alarms):

vitrage alarm list
| ID                                   | Type    | Name                                   | Resource Type | Resource ID                          | Severity | Update Time          |
| f85ed0d2-3e28-47f9-9231-6fa72d6c882d | vitrage | VM network problem 3                   | nova.instance | 786efe03-55ff-41b2-bdc1-6cd94bc355ad | CRITICAL | 2018-01-03T07:52:06Z |
| 868b252a-4053-431c-a6d3-7cdabd91edd8 | zabbix  | Lack of free swap space on compute-0-0 |     | 4ac47cef-419f-4e4b-9590-22c10bbd21fd | WARNING  | 2017-11-09T11:24:30Z |
| c1ab17d4-8b6b-4d12-a4ec-3150bb89a5a5 | zabbix  | Too many processes on compute-0-0      |     | 4ac47cef-419f-4e4b-9590-22c10bbd21fd | WARNING  | 2017-11-09T11:25:12Z |
| 7468b7f5-5a89-49ee-b408-3cfafd68290a | zabbix  | Public interface down on compute-0-0   |     | 4ac47cef-419f-4e4b-9590-22c10bbd21fd | CRITICAL | 2017-12-13T07:34:08Z |
| 608366ed-a737-4aab-a58f-8673a589e3aa | vitrage | VM network problem 2                   | nova.instance | 786efe03-55ff-41b2-bdc1-6cd94bc355ad | CRITICAL | 2018-01-03T07:52:06Z |

A list of all alarms on the given resource:

vitrage alarm list 52b466ba-ef98-4bf5-93d8-5c3ca680fe01
| ID                                   | Type    | Name          | Resource Type | Resource ID                          | Severity | Update Time          |
| 3c1dda08-2c95-49f1-9155-35e5512a6f38 | vitrage | Instance down | nova.instance | 52b466ba-ef98-4bf5-93d8-5c3ca680fe01 | CRITICAL | 2018-07-22T11:42:57Z |

A list of limit number of alarms:

vitrage alarm list --limit 2
|  ID                                  | Type    | Name          | Resource Type | Resource ID                          | Severity | Update Time                |
| f85ed0d2-3e28-47f9-9231-6fa72d6c882d | vitrage | Instance down | nova.instance | 52b466ba-ef98-4bf5-93d8-5c3ca680fe01 | CRITICAL | 2018-07-19 14:53:24.741108 |
| 868b252a-4053-431c-a6d3-7cdabd91edd8 | vitrage | Instance down | nova.instance | 4ac47cef-419f-4e4b-9590-22c10bbd21fd | CRITICAL | 2018-07-19 14:53:24.773490 |

Paging. Get next alarms, from marker which is a vitrage_id:

vitrage alarm list --limit 2 --marker 868b252a-4053-431c-a6d3-7cdabd91edd8
|  ID                                  | Type    | Name          | Resource Type | Resource ID                          | Severity | Update Time                |
| c1ab17d4-8b6b-4d12-a4ec-3150bb89a5a5 | vitrage | Instance down | nova.instance | 52b466ba-ef98-4bf5-93d8-5c3ca680fe01 | CRITICAL | 2018-07-19 14:53:24.801490 |
| 7468b7f5-5a89-49ee-b408-3cfafd68290a | vitrage | Instance down | nova.instance | 4ac47cef-419f-4e4b-9590-22c10bbd21fd | CRITICAL | 2018-07-19 14:53:24.828359 |

alarm history

A list of all alarms that were active during the time frame of start and end:

vitrage alarm history --start '2018-07-22 14:10:40.087709' --end '2018-07-23 16:10:41.354102' --limit 3
|  ID                                  | Type    | Name          | Resource Type | Resource ID                          | Severity | Start Time                 | End Time                   |
| f85ed0d2-3e28-47f9-9231-6fa72d6c882d | vitrage | Instance down | nova.instance | 4ac47cef-419f-4e4b-9590-22c10bbd21fd | CRITICAL | 2018-07-19 14:53:24.741108 | 2018-07-22 14:53:24.741108 |
| 868b252a-4053-431c-a6d3-7cdabd91edd8 | vitrage | Instance down | nova.instance | 786efe03-55ff-41b2-bdc1-6cd94bc355ad | CRITICAL | 2018-07-19 14:53:24.773490 |                            |
| c1ab17d4-8b6b-4d12-a4ec-3150bb89a5a5 | vitrage | Instance down | nova.instance | 52b466ba-ef98-4bf5-93d8-5c3ca680fe01 | CRITICAL | 2018-07-23 02:10:41.354102 |

alarm show

vitrage alarm show f85ed0d2-3e28-47f9-9231-6fa72d6c882d
| Field                        | Value                                |
| name                         | VM network problem 3                 |
| resource_id                  | 786efe03-55ff-41b2-bdc1-6cd94bc355ad |
| severity                     | critical                             |
| state                        | Active                               |
| update_timestamp             | 2018-01-03T07:52:06Z                 |
| vitrage_aggregated_severity  | CRITICAL                             |
| vitrage_category             | ALARM                                |
| vitrage_id                   | f85ed0d2-3e28-47f9-9231-6fa72d6c882d |
| vitrage_is_deleted           | False                                |
| vitrage_is_placeholder       | False                                |
| vitrage_operational_severity | CRITICAL                             |
| vitrage_resource_id          | 786efe03-55ff-41b2-bdc1-6cd94bc355ad |
| vitrage_resource_type        | nova.instance                        |
| vitrage_sample_timestamp     | 2018-01-03 07:52:06.306507+00:00     |
| vitrage_type                 | vitrage                              |

alarm count

vitrage alarm count

  "WARNING": 2,
  "SEVERE": 0,
  "CRITICAL": 7,
  "OK": 0,
  "N/A": 0

Template Examples

Note: for templates version 2 --type <template type> is not required. Template type is specified in the metadata section.

template validate

vitrage template validate --path /home/stack/my_template.yaml --type standard

Valid types are: standard, definition and equivalence

  "results": [
      "status": "validation OK",
      "file path": "/home/stack/my_template.yaml",
      "status code": 0,
      "message": "Template validation is OK",
      "description": "Template validation"

vitrage template validate --path /home/stack/my_template_with_typo.yaml --type standard
  "results": [
      "status": "validation failed",
      "file path": "/home/stack/my_template_with_typo.yaml",
      "status code": 3,
      "message": "template_id does not appear in the definition block. template id: aaalarm",
      "description": "Template content validation"

template list

vitrage template list
| UUID                                 | Name                                    | Status | Status details            | Date                | Type        |
| ae3c0752-1df9-408c-89d5-8b32b86f403f | host_disk_io_overloaded_usage_scenarios | ACTIVE | Template validation is OK | 2018-01-23 10:14:05 | standard    |
| f254edb0-53cb-4552-969b-bdad24a14a03 | ceph_health_is_not_ok_scenarios         | ACTIVE | Template validation is OK | 2018-01-23 10:20:29 | standard    |
| bf405cfa-3f19-4761-9329-6e48f21cd466 | basic_def_template                      | ACTIVE | Template validation is OK | 2018-01-23 10:20:56 | definition  |
| 7b5d6ca8-9ee0-4388-8c91-819b8786b78e | zabbix_host_equivalence                 | ACTIVE | No Validation             | 2018-01-23 10:21:13 | equivalence |

template show

vitrage template show 72f47086-366f-44d1-b88f-e420a8bc8ff0
returns a loaded template as json

Note: You can use template name instead of id

template add

For template of version 2:
vitrage template add --path /etc/vitrage/templates/host_disk_io_usage_scenarios.yaml

For template of version 1 (old):
vitrage template add --path /etc/vitrage/templates/host_disk_io_usage_scenarios.yaml --type standard

Valid types are: standard, definition and equivalence

| UUID                                 | Name                                    | Status  | Status details            | Date                       | Type     |
| ae3c0752-1df9-408c-89d5-8b32b86f403f | host_disk_io_overloaded_usage_scenarios | LOADING | Template validation is OK | 2018-01-23 10:14:05.135990 | standard |

template delete

vitrage template delete ae3c0752-1df9-408c-89d5-8b32b86f403f

For deleting multiple templates:
vitrage template delete ae3c0752-1df9-408c-89d5-8b32b86f403f f254edb0-53cb-4552-969b-bdad24a14a03

Note: You can use template name instead of id

Templates with parameters

vitrage template validate --path ./with_single_param.yaml
  "results": [
      "status": "validation failed",
      "file path": "with_single_param.yaml",
      "status code": 163,
      "message": "Failed to resolve parameter",
      "description": "Template content validation"

vitrage template validate --path ./with_single_param.yaml --params alarm_name=Alarm1
  "results": [
      "status": "validation OK",
      "file path": "with_single_param.yaml",
      "status code": 0,
      "message": "Template validation is OK",
      "description": "Template validation"

vitrage template add --path ./with_single_param.yaml
| UUID                                 | Name              | Status | Status details              | Date                       | Type     |
| d785f6d4-123b-4271-80cf-c5d9c21adb12 | with_single_param | ERROR  | Failed to resolve parameter | 2019-02-11 11:44:50.916064 | standard |

vitrage template add --path with_params.yaml --params template_name=Template1 alarm_name=Alarm2
| UUID                                 | Name      | Status  | Status details            | Date                       | Type     |
| 1a18a38b-99ee-4835-964d-a3fe2f17d4cd | Template1 | LOADING | Template validation is OK | 2019-02-11 11:57:31.077176 | standard |

template versions

vitrage template versions

| Version | Status    |
| v1      | SUPPORTED |
| v2      | SUPPORTED |
| v3      | CURRENT   |

Event Examples

To create an alarm on a host, field status should be down:

vitrage event post --type '' --details '{"hostname": "compute-0-0","source": "sample_monitor","cause": "another alarm","severity": "critical","status":"down","monitor_id": "sample monitor","monitor_event_id": "456"}'

To remove the created host alarm, field status should be up:

vitrage event post --type '' --details '{"hostname": "compute-0-0","source": "sample_monitor","cause": "another alarm","severity": "critical","status":"up","monitor_id": "sample monitor","monitor_event_id": "456"}'

Webhook Example

Note: To see complete usage: 'vitrage help' and 'vitrage help <command>'

webhook list

vitrage webhook list

| ID                                   | Created At                 | Project ID                       | URL                       | Headers                              | Filter                 |
| 1e35dddf-ab0b-46ec-b0cc-0cf48129fc43 | 2018-01-10T14:27:09.000000 | dbec2ffbf3844eaa9d3c75dabf5777d8 |     | {'content-type': 'application/json'} | {'vitrage_type': '.*'} |
| bdc9edfa-d18c-4a18-9e03-2beb51402be0 | 2018-01-10T14:29:04.000000 | dbec2ffbf3844eaa9d3c75dabf5777d8 | |                                      |                        |

webhook show

vitrage webhook show c35caf11-f34d-440e-a804-0c1a4fdfb95b

   | Field        | Value                                |
   | created_at   | 2018-01-04T12:27:47.000000           |
   | headers      | None                                 |
   | id           | c35caf11-f34d-440e-a804-0c1a4fdfb95b |
   | regex_filter | {'name':'e2e.*'}                     |
   | updated_at   | None                                 |
   | url          |         |

webhook delete

vitrage webhook delete c35caf11-f34d-440e-a804-0c1a4fdfb95b

| Field   | Value                                                |
| SUCCESS | Webhook c35caf11-f34d-440e-a804-0c1a4fdfb95b deleted |

webhook add

vitrage webhook add --url --headers
"{'content-type': 'application/json'}" --regex_filter "{'vitrage_type':'.*'}"

| Field        | Value                                |
| created_at   | 2018-01-04 14:32:23.489253           |
| headers      | {'content-type': 'application/json'} |
| id           | 2bd3ba88-f1fc-4917-bb69-bf0d1ff02d35 |
| regex_filter | {'vitrage_type': '.*'}               |
| url          |                |

Python API

There's also a complete Python API.

In order to use the python api directly, you can pass in the credentials using the keystoneauth1 client library

Start using the vitrageclient API by constructing the vitrageclient client .Client class. The Client class is used to call all vitrage-api commands

The api_version matches the version of the Vitrage API. Currently it is 'v1_0'.


from vitrageclient import client
from keystoneauth1.identity.generic.password import Password
from keystoneauth1.session import Session

auth = Password(auth_url='',
session = Session(auth=auth,timeout=600)
myclient = client.Client('1',session=session)

If using Keycloak then for auth parameter use VitrageKeycloakPlugin class instead of Password and supply the relevant parameters.