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openstack-releasing - A set of scripts to handle OpenStack release process


You'll need the following Python modules installed:
  • launchpadlib also requires that you have tardiff installed. If it's not packaged for your distribution, you can find it at

Top-level scripts

The top-level scripts call the various base tools to get their work done.

This script handles all development milestone publication tasks. It creates a tag, pushes it, waits for the tarball build, lets you doublecheck tarball similarities, turns FixCommitted bugs into FixReleased ones (and targets them to the milestone), and upload the resulting tarball to Launchpad (while marking it released).

It supports special cases for the release of a swift intermediary release (where bugs should have been processed using beforehand), and oslo-incubator (where no tarball is generated or needs to be uploaded).


./ kilo-3 HEAD keystone

Apply 2015.1.0b3 tag to HEAD of keystone master branch, check resulting tarball, mark FixCommitted bugs as released, upload tarball to Launchpad and mark Launchpad milestone released.

Swift's intermediary releases tag a RC1 candidate on master and let them bake, so the all-in-one doesn't work there. creates a RC1 tag, pushes it, waits for the tarball build, lets you doublecheck tarball similarities, and turns FixCommitted bugs into FixReleased ones (and targets them to the milestone). When the RC1 is deemed ready, you can run to tag and upload the final release.


./ 7432f32d838ab346c 2.1.0

Apply 2.1.0rc1 tag to Swift's 7432f32d838ab346c commit, check resulting tarball, mark FixCommitted bugs as released and target them to the 2.1.0 milestone.

Final release follows a slightly different process. Just before RC1 we need to create a proposed/* release branch. creates a proposed/$SERIES branch from the specified SHA, and turns all Launchpad bugs for the RC1 milestone to FixReleased (which means "present in the release branch").

It special-cases Swift, where an additional parameter is provided to specify the version number of the final release. It also special-cases oslo-incubator, where it doesn't wait for a tarball to be built.


./ 7432f32d838ab346c juno nova

Create a proposed/juno branch for Nova at commit 7432f32d838ab346c, and mark FixCommitted bugs FixReleased, while targeting them to the juno-rc1 milestone.

./ HEAD juno swift 2.2.0

Create a proposed/juno branch for Swift from master's HEAD commit, and mark FixCommitted bugs FixReleased, while targeting them to the 2.2.0-rc1 milestone.

This script is used to publish RCs and final release from the proposed/$SERIES branch. It applies the RC or final tag, pushes it, waits for the tarball build, lets you doublecheck tarball similarities, and upload the resulting tarball to Launchpad (while marking it released).

It special-cases Swift, where an additional parameter is provided to specify the version number of the final release. It also special-cases oslo-incubator, where no tarball is generated or needs to be uploaded.


./ kilo rc1 cinder

Push 2015.1.0rc1 tag to current cinder proposed/kilo branch HEAD, wait for the tarball build, and upload the resulting tarball to Launchpad (while marking it released).

./rcdelivery juno rc2 swift 2.3.0

Push 2.3.0rc2 tag to current swift proposed/juno branch HEAD, wait for the tarball build, and upload the resulting tarball to Launchpad (while marking it released).

./rcdelivery kilo final neutron

Push 2015.1.0 final tag to current neutron proposed/juno branch HEAD (which should be the last RC), wait for the tarball build, and upload the resulting tarball to Launchpad (while marking it released).

This script is used to publish alphas and final releases for Oslo libraries. Such libraries use a floating "next-$SERIES" milestone (for example, 'next-kilo'). While under development, when an alpha release is tagged, FixCommitted bugs are turned to FixReleased (but remain targeted to next-$SERIES). At final release, next-$SERIES is renamed to the final version and the milestone is marked released.


./ juno HEAD oslo.rootwrap"

Push a tag to oslo.rootwrap current HEAD. Mark all FixCommitted bugs in oslo.rootwrap to FixReleased in next-juno.

./ juno 1.3.0 HEAD oslo.rootwrap"

Rename the next-juno milestone to '1.3.0'. Push a 1.3.0 tag to oslo.rootwrap current HEAD. Mark all FixCommitted bugs in oslo.rootwrap (if any) to FixReleased in 1.3.0, and mark 1.3.0 released.

This produces a set of release notes intended to be sent as an announcement email when a new library or package is produced. It is more suitable for libraries than for the major projects, because it includes a list of all of the changes and diff-stats output to show which files changed.

The script parses the README.rst to find a line matching "Bugs:", extracts the URL following the colon, and includes that information in the output.

The bugs URL is converted to a launchpad project URL and combined with the final version number to produce a milestone URL.

The script uses python to determine the project name and the one-line description to include in the output text.


./ ~/repos/openstack/oslo.config 1.7.0 1.8.0

Print the release notes between versions 1.7.0 and 1.8.0 for the project in the ~/repos/openstack/oslo.config directory.

./ --show-dates --changes-only ~/repos/openstack/oslo.config 1.8.0 HEAD

Print the list of changes after 1.8.0 for the project in the ~/repos/openstack/oslo.config directory, including the date of the change but leaving out the email message boilerplate. This mode is useful for examining the list of unreleased changes in a project to decide if a release is warranted and to pick a version number.

Libraries do not use proposed branches, and go directly to creating stable branches using a pre-tagged release version. This script makes that easy to coordinate and ensures that the desired version also exists in launchpad as a released milestone.

Read the project list from the governance repository and print a list of the repositories owned by the named project.

./ Oslo

Base tools

Renames a Launchpad milestone.


./ oslo.rootwrap next-juno 1.3.0

Rename oslo.rootwrap next-juno milestone to 1.3.0.

Converts milestone code names (juno-1) to version numbers suitable for tags (2014.2.b1). If used with --onlycheck, only checks that the milestone exists in Launchpad (useful for Swift where the rules are different).


./ nova kilo-3

Returns 2015.1.0b3 (after checking that the kilo-3 milestone exists in Nova)

./ swift 2.1.0 --onlycheck

Exists successfully if there is a 2.1.0 milestone in Swift.

This script fetches a specific branch from a git repository into a temp directory and compares its content with the content of a tarball produced from it (using "python sdist"). The difference should only contain additional generated files (Changelog, AUTHORS...) and missing ignored files (.gitignore...).


./ nova master

Check the difference between Nova master branch contant and a tarball that would be generated from it.

This script compares the content of two tarballs on


./ nova proposed-kilo 2015.1.0rc1

Check content differences between nova-proposed-kilo.tar.gz and nova-2015.1.0rc1.tar.gz, as found on

This script fetches bugs for a project (by default all "FixCommitted" bugs, or all open bugs targeted to a given milestone if you pass the --milestone argument) and sets a milestone target for them (--settarget) and/or sets their status to "Fix Released" (--fixrelease).

It ignores bugs that have already a milestone set, if that milestone does not match the one in --settarget.


./ nova --settarget=grizzly-3 --fixrelease

Sets the target for all Nova FixCommitted bugs to grizzly-3 and mark them 'Fix Released'.

./ glance --settarget=grizzly-2 --status='Fix Released' --test

Test setting the target for all untargeted Glance FixReleased bugs to grizzly-2 on Launchpad Staging servers.

./ neutron --milestone juno-3 --settarget juno-rc1

Move all juno-3 open bugs from juno-3 to juno-rc1 milestone.

This script queries Jenkins tarball-building jobs to find either a job matching the provided --mpsha SHA building milestone-proposed.tar.gz, or a job matching the provided --tag. It then waits for that job completion and reports the built tarball name.


./ cinder --mpsha=59089e56f674f5f94f67c5986e9a616bb669d846

Looks for a cinder-branch-tarball job matching SHA 59089e... which would produce a milestone-proposed.tar.gz tarball, and waits for completion

./ cinder --tag=2013.1.1

Looks for a cinder-tarball job for tag "2013.1.1" and waits for completion.

This script grabs a tarball from and uploads it to Launchpad, marking the milestone released and inactive in the process. If used with the --nop argument, it will only mark the milestone released and inactive (this is used for projects like oslo-incubator which do not release source code).

The script prompts you to confirm that the tarball looks like the one you intend to release, and to sign the tarball upload.


./ nova 2015.1.0 --milestone=kilo-3

Uploads Nova's nova-2015.1.0b3.tar.gz to the kilo-3 milestone page.

./ glance 2015.1.0 --test

Uploads Glance's glance-2015.1.0.tar.gz to the final "2015.1.0" milestone as glance-2015.1.0.tar.gz, on Launchpad staging server

./ cinder 2012.2.3 --tarball=stable-folsom

Uploads Cinder's current cinder-stable-folsom.tar.gz to the 2012.2.3 milestone as cinder-2012.2.3.tar.gz

This script moves blueprints and bugs from interim milestones to the final release milestone page, in order to show all bugs and features fixed during the cycle. For Swift, this will only move X-rc* bugs and blueprints to final X release.

The --copytask mode is an experimental variant where a series bugtask is created and the release milestone is set on that bugtask, preserving the information from the "development" bugtask (and the milestone the bug was fixed in).


./ cinder kilo 2015.1.0

Moves Cinder blueprints and bugs from intermediary kilo milestones to the final 2015.1 milestone page.

./ --test swift grizzly 1.8.0

Moves Swift 1.8.0-rc* blueprints and bugs to the final 1.8.0 page, on Launchpad staging server

./ --copytask glance kilo 2015.1.0

Moves Glance blueprints from intermediary kilo milestones to the final 2015.1.0 milestone page. Creates kilo series task for all grizzly bugs and sets the milestone for those to 2015.1.0.

This script lets you create milestones in Launchpad in bulk. It is given a YAML description of the milestone dates and the projects to add milestones to. The script is idempotent and can safely be run multiple times. See create_milestones.sample.yaml for an example configuration file.


./ havana.yaml

This experimental script facilitates setting blueprint fields for approved specs. It takes the project and blueprint name as arguments. For specs that are still under review (--in-review) it will set them to "Blocked" (and definition status to Review). For approved specs it will set definition status to Approved, and set Spec URL. In both cases it will set the target milestone, approver name and specified priority (by default, 'Low').


./ glance super-spec --milestone=juno-2 --priority=Medium

Glance's super-spec.rst was approved and you want to add it to juno-2, with Medium priority. This will do it all for you.

./ nova --specpath=specs/kilo/approved/my-awesome-spec.rst

--in-review --milestone=juno-2

Nova's my-awesome-spec.rst is still under review, but you would like to add the my-awesome-spec blueprint to juno-2 (marked Blocked). Since it's located in a non-standard path, we specify it using --specpath parameter.

./ nova my-awesome-spec --priority=High

my-awesome-spec is now approved. You want to flip all the approval bits, but also change its priority to High. There is no need to pass --specpath again, spec2bp will infer it from the blueprint URL field.

A script that can be used to quickly "freeze" all open reviews to a stable branch. It may also be used to "thaw" frozen reviews upon re-opening of the branch for merges. Reviews are frozen by adding a -2 and thawed by reverting that and adding a 0.


To view open reviews for stable/icehouse 2014.1.4:

./ -r 2014.1.4 query

View open reviews for stable/icehouse 2014.1.4.

./ -r 2014.1.4 -o ~/openstack/2014.1.4-freeze.txt

Freeze all open reviews proposed to stable/icehouse. 2014.1.4-freeze.txt will contain all frozen reviews and this can be used to thaw later on.

./stable_freeze -r 2014.1.4 -i ~/openstack/2014.1.4-freeze.txt thaw

Thaw all reviews previously frozen and stored in 2014.1.4-freeze.txt.

./stable_freeze -r 2014.1.4 -i ~/openstack/2014.1.4-freeze.txt -c 123777 -c 123778 freeze

Freeze individual changes that have been proposed after the stable freeze period started. References to these reviews will be appended to 2014.1.4-freeze.txt to be unfrozen later on.

A script to periodically clean up blueprints (adjusting series goal based on target milestone, and optionally kicking unpriotized blueprints from the milestone. ttx is running it in a cron so you don't have to.


To clean up Nova kilo blueprints:

./ nova kilo

Reads a list of version tags from standard input and prints the "highest" value as output, ignoring tags that don't look like valid versions.