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Role - tripleo_cephadm


An Ansible role for TripleO integration with Ceph clusters deployed with cephadm and managed with Ceph orchestrator.

This role is provided as part of the implementation of the tripleo_ceph_spec. It is an Ansible wrapper to call the Ceph tools cephadm and orchestrator and it contains the Ansible module ceph_key from ceph-ansible.


  • This role assumes it has an inventory with a single host, known as the bootstrap_host. An inventory genereated by tripleo-ansible-inventory will have a mons group so the first node in this group is a good candidate for this host.

  • The cephadm binary must be installed on the bootstrap_host.

  • Though there only needs to be one Ceph node in the inventory cephadm will configure the other servers with SSH. Thus, the following playbook should be run before one which uses this role to configure the ceph-admin user on the overcloud with the SSH keys that cephadm requires.

    ansible-playbook -i $INV \
      tripleo-ansible/tripleo_ansible/playbooks/cli-enable-ssh-admin.yaml \
      -e @ceph-admin.yml

    Where ceph-admin.yml contains something like the following:

    tripleo_admin_user: ceph-admin
    ssh_servers: "{{ groups['mons'] }}"
    distribute_private_key: true

    The ssh_servers variable should be expanded to contain another other nodes hosting Ceph, e.g. osds.

  • A cephadm-spec file should be provided which references the Ceph services to be run on the other ssh_hosts. The path to this file can be set with the ceph_spec variable.


Here is an example of a playbook which bootstraps the first Ceph monitor and then applies a spec file to add other hosts. It then creates RBD pools for Nova, Cinder, and Glance and a cephx keyring called openstack to access those pools. It then creates a file which can be passed as input to the role tripleo_ceph_client so that an overcloud can be configured to use the deployed Ceph cluster.

- name: Deploy Ceph with cephadm
  hosts: mons[0]
    bootstrap_host: "{{ groups['mons'][0] }}"
    tripleo_cephadm_spec_on_bootstrap: false
      - vms
      - volumes
      - images
    - name: Satisfy Ceph prerequisites
        role: tripleo_cephadm
        tasks_from: pre

    - name: Bootstrap Ceph
        role: tripleo_cephadm
        tasks_from: bootstrap

    - name: Apply Ceph spec
        role: tripleo_cephadm
        tasks_from: apply_spec
      when: not tripleo_cephadm_spec_on_bootstrap

    - name: Create Pools
        role: tripleo_cephadm
        tasks_from: pools

    - name: Create Keys
        role: tripleo_cephadm
        tasks_from: keys

    - name: Export configuration for tripleo_ceph_client
        role: tripleo_cephadm
        tasks_from: export
          - client.openstack