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A role to generate Ceph spec files.



Role Variables

  • tripleo_ceph_spec_become: (Boolean) Execute command with escalated privileges. Default: false
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_crush_hierarchy: (String) Path to an existing crush hierarchy spec file.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_debug: (Boolean) Flag to print out the command that is run. Default: false
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_deployed_baremetal: (String) Path to the environment file output from "openstack overcloud node provision". This argument may be excluded only if tripleo_ceph_spec_standalone is True.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_file: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/ceph_spec.yaml"
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_generate_scripts_only: (Boolean) Do not run the actual command - to be used in conjunction with tripleo_ceph_spec_generate_scripts. By default uses the value of tripleo_generate_scripts_only or False if tripleo_generate_scripts_only is not defined.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_generate_scripts: (Boolean) Write out a shell script that can be used to reproduce the command being executed. By default uses the value of tripleo_generate_scripts or False if tripleo_generate_scripts is not defined.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_mon_ip: (String) IP address of the first Ceph monitor. Only supported if tripleo_ceph_spec_standalone is True.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_osd_spec: (String) Path to an existing OSD spec file. When the Ceph spec file is generated its OSD spec defaults to {data_devices: {all: true}} for all service_type osd. Use this parameter to override the data_devices value inside the Ceph spec file.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_overwrite: (Boolean) Flag to skip yes/no prompts about overwriting the tripleo_ceph_spec_file from a previous run. Default: false
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_poll: (Integer) Number of seconds to wait between each checks to see if the deployment command has completed. Default: 10
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_roles_file: (String) Path to an alternative roles_data.yaml. Used to decide which node gets which Ceph mon, mgr, or osd service based on the node's role tripleo_ceph_spec_deployed_baremetal.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_stack: Name or ID of heat stack. Used to find the working directory.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_standalone: (Boolean) Create a spec file for a standalone deployment. Used for single server development or testing environments.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_timeout_arg: (Integer) Number in minutes for the deployment to run. Default: 90
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_timeout: (Integer) Number in seconds to wait for the ansible execution of the deployment command to finish. This should be larger than the tripleo_ceph_spec_timeout_arg value. Default: 5700
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_working_dir: (String) The working directory for the deployment where all input, output, and generated files will be stored. Defaults to "$HOME/overcloud-deploy/"

Output Variables

  • tripleo_ceph_spec_output: (String) The command standard output.
  • tripleo_ceph_spec_result: Ansible shell execution results



Example Playbook

Example ceph spec playbook

- hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: true
    - name: Create Ceph Spec for Standalone
        name: tripleo_ceph_spec
        tripleo_ceph_spec_standalone: True
        tripleo_ceph_spec_file: /home/stack/ceph_spec.yaml
        tripleo_ceph_spec_overwrite: True

    - name: Create Ceph Spec from 'openstack overcloud node provision' output
        name: tripleo_ceph_spec
        tripleo_ceph_spec_debug: True
        tripleo_ceph_spec_generate_scripts: True
        tripleo_ceph_spec_overwrite: True
        tripleo_ceph_spec_stack: overcloud
        tripleo_ceph_spec_roles_file: /home/stack/custom_roles.yaml
        tripleo_ceph_spec_file: /home/stack/ceph_spec.yaml
        tripleo_ceph_spec_deployed_baremetal: /home/stack/overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml

