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Support External Actions in Vitrage Templates

launchpad blueprint:

Currently, the Vitrage templates support the following actions: raise alarm, set state, mark causal relationship and mark-down. The implementation of mark-down is patchy (update a property on the vertex and call the notifier).

We need a way to define in the template an external action that should be taken. One example is the mark-down. Another example is to execute a Mistral workflow or a Congress policy.

Problem description

The following use cases should be supported:

  1. mark-down. This is an existing use case. If a mark-down action exists, Vitrage will call Nova mark-down API. The behavior should remain the same after the change.
  2. Execute a Mistral workflow. The user should be able to execute a Mistral workflow based on Vitrage insights.
  3. Execute other external actions, like a Congress policy.

Proposed change

Add a new action for each external engine we would like to support. The action will have metadata with parameters to be sent to the engine.


  action_type: execute_nova
    api_call: mark-down
    host: host1
  action_type: execute_mistral
    workflow: evacuate_host
    failed_host: host1

The idea behind adding a new external* action for each engine is to emphasize that Vitrage supports a predefined set of external actions, and specifically it does not support runinng scripts.

The internal implementation will be identical for Nova, Mistral, Congress, etc. During the template loading phase, the execute* action will be converted to a generic Execute action, with a notifier parameter. The template validator will verify that the wanted notifier is enabled in vitrage.conf, otherwise the template loading will fail.

When executing the Execute action, the evaluator will send an event to the message bus of the wanted notifier. This way, only the Mistral notifier will handle the execute_mistral actions.

Note that currently only the Vitrage graph sends notification to the notifier. This behavior will be changed, so notifications will be sent both from the graph (for deduced alarms and set state) and from the evaluator.


There are two alternatives:

Send Message bus notifications

Vitrage can have a message bus notifier, that will send notifications about raise/delete alarm, set state and mark causal-relationship. Mistral will be configured to execute certain workflows based on the notifications received from Vitrage.


  • No extra configuration needed in Vitrage
  • Can work with the current notifiers mechanism


  • Messgae bus notifications might get lost
  • Less powerful. In Vitrage template the user can decide to execute a workflow based on a combination of alarms or a specific topology. Once Mistral gets the notifications, the topology context is no longer there.
  • mark-down use case is not supported by this solution

Configuration Done on the specific notifier

A Mistral notifier will be written and receive notifications from the graph. It will be configured by a yaml file that will determine which workflow to execute per specific alarm.


  • No extra configuration needed in Vitrage
  • Can work with the current notifiers mechanism
  • No lost messages


  • Less powerful. In Vitrage template the user can decide to execute a workflow based on a combination of alarms or a specific topology. In Mistral notifier we no longer have this context.
  • mark-down use case is not supported by this solution

Data model impact

A new Execute action will be added to the evaluator.

REST API impact


Versioning impact

We should introduce a versioning mechanism to the templates. This will be done when modifying the implementation of mark-down.

Other end user impact


Deployer impact


Developer impact


Horizon impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Enhance the template language (template loading and validation)
  • Update the documentation
  • Execute the external actions from the evaluator




The implementation will be covered by unit tests and tempest tests.

Documentation Impact

The new action should be documented

