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REST API Version History

This documents the changes made to the REST API with every microversion change. The description for each version should be a verbose one which has enough information to be suitable for use in user documentation.


This is the initial version of the v1.1 API which supports microversions. The v1.1 API is from the REST API users's point of view exactly the same as v1.0 except with strong input validation.

A user can specify a header in the API request:

OpenStack-API-Version: <version>

where <version> is any valid api version for this API.

If no version is specified then the API will behave as if a version request of v1.1 was requested.


Add a new attribute 'nets' to the request to create a container. Users can use this attribute to specify one or multiple networks for the container. Each network could specify the neutron network, neutron port, or a v4/v6 IP address. For examples:

[{'port': '1234567'}] [{'v4-fixed-ip': ''}] [{'network': 'test'}] [{'network': 'test2'}] [{'v6-fixed-ip': '2f:33:45'}]


Add 'auto_remove' field for creating a container. With this field, the container will be automatically removed if it exists. The new one will be created instead.


Add host list api. Users can use this api to list all the zun compute hosts. Add get host api Users can use this api to get details of a zun compute host.


Add a new attribure 'runtime' to the request to create a container. Users can use this attribute to choose runtime for their containers. The specified runtime should be configured by admin to run with Zun. The default runtime for Zun is runc.


Add detach a network from a container api. Users can use this api to detach a neutron network from a container.


Disallow non-admin users to force delete containers Only Admin User can use "delete --force" to force delete a container.


Add attach a network to a container. Users can use this api to attach a neutron network to a container.


Add a new attribute 'hostname' to the request to create a container. Users can use this attribute to specify container's hostname.


Make container delete API async. Delete operation for a container can take long time, so making it async to improve user experience.


Add a new attribute 'mounts' to the request to create a container. Users can use this attribute to specify one or multiple mounts for the container. Each mount could specify the source and destination. The source is the Cinder volume id or name, and the destination is the path where the file or directory will be mounted in the container. For examples:

[{'source': 'my-vol', 'destination': '/data'}]


Add a new attribute 'stop' to the request to delete containers. Users can use this attribute to stop and delete the container without using the --force option.


Add a new api for a list of networks on a container. Users can use this api to list up neutron network on a container.


Remove the container rename endpoint (POST /containers/<container>/rename). The equivalent functionality is re-introduced by the patch endpoint (PATCH /containers/<container>). To rename a container, users can send a request to the endpoint with the data in the following form:

{'name': '<new-name>'}


Remove the APIs for adding/removing security group to/from a container. These APIs are removed because they are proxy APIs to Neutron.


Modify restart_policy to capsule spec content to align with Kubernetes.


Add parameter port to the network_detach API. This allow users to detach a container from a neutron port.


Modify the response of network_list (GET /v1/containers/{container_ident}/network_list) API. The normal response will be something like:

    "networks": [
            "port_id": "5be06e49-70dc-4984-94a2-1b946bb136fb",
            "net_id": "7e6b5e1b-9b44-4f55-b4e3-16a1ead98161",
            "fixed_ips" [
                "ip_address": "",
                "version": 4,
                "subnet_id": "ae8d7cce-859e-432f-8a33-d7d8834ccd14"


Introduce an API endpoint for resizing a container, such as changing the CPU or memory of the container.


Convert type of 'command' from string to list