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Welcome to the Almanach documentation!
Almanach stores the utilization of OpenStack resources (instances and volumes) for each tenant.
What is Almanach?
The main purpose of this software is to record the usage of the cloud resources of each tenants.
Almanach is composed of two parts:
- **Collector**: Listen for OpenStack events and store the relevant information in the database.
- **REST API**: Expose the information collected to external systems.
- OpenStack infrastructure installed (Nova, Cinder...)
- MongoDB
- Python 2.7, 3.4 or 3.5
Generate config file with default values
.. code:: bash
tox -e genconfig
Command line usage
Start the API daemon:
.. code:: bash
almanach-api --config-file /etc/almanach/almanach.conf
Start the collector:
.. code:: bash
almanach-collector --config-file /etc/almanach/almanach.conf
Signal Handling
- :code:`SIGINT`: force instantaneous termination
- :code:`SIGTERM`: graceful termination of the service
- :code:`SIGHUP`: reload service
The authentication mechanism use the HTTP header :code:`X-Auth-Token` to send a token.
This token is validated through Keystone or with the config file (private secret key).
:: code:: raw
GET /volume_types HTTP/1.1
X-Auth-Token: secret
Content-Type: application/json
If the token is not valid, you will receive a :code:`401 Not Authorized` response.
Private Key Authentication
The private secret key authentication is the default method.
In your config file, you have to define your private key in the field :code:`auth_token`:
:: code:: raw
strategy = private_key
private_key = secret
Keystone Authentication
The token will be validated with Keystone.
To use this authentication backend you have to define the authentication strategy to :code:`keystone`.
:: code:: raw
strategy = keystone
keystone_username = my_service_username
keystone_password = my_service_password
keystone_url = http://keystone_url:5000/v3
RabbitMQ configuration
Each OpenStack services (Nova, Cinder, Neutron) need to be configured to send notifications to the Almanach queue.
For example with Nova, add the topic "almanach" in the config file :code:`/etc/nova.conf`:
.. code:: raw
MongoDB configuration
Almanach requires a specific user to connect to the database.
To create a new user, open a new MongoDB shell:
.. code:: javascript
m = new Mongo()
m.getDB("almanach").createUser({user: "almanach", pwd: "almanach", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "almanach"}]})
Devstack configuration
.. code:: bash
enable_plugin almanach
Database entities
Each entity have at least these properties:
- :code:`entity_id`: Unique id for the entity (UUID)
- :code:`entity_type`: "instance" or "volume"
- :code:`project_id`: Tenant unique ID (UUID)
- :code:`start`: Start date of the resource usage
- :code:`end`: End date of the resource usage or :code:`null` if the resource still in use by the tenant
- :code:`name`: Resource name
Compute Object
.. code:: json
"entity_id": "UUID",
"entity_type": "instance",
"project_id": "UUID",
"start": "2014-01-01T06:00:00.000Z",
"end": null,
"last_event": "2014-01-01T06:00:00.000Z",
"flavor": "MyFlavor1",
"os": {
"distro": "ubuntu",
"version": "14.04"
"name": "my-virtual-machine.domain.tld"
Block Storage Object
.. code:: json
"entity_id": "UUID",
"entity_type": "volume",
"project_id": "UUID",
"start": "2014-01-01T06:00:00.000Z",
"end": null,
"last_event": "2014-01-01T06:00:00.000Z",
"volume_type": "MyVolumeType",
"size": 50,
"name": "my-virtual-machine.domain.tld-volume",
"attached_to": "UUID"
List of events handled
Almanach will process those events:
- :code:`compute.instance.create.end`
- :code:`compute.instance.delete.end`
- :code:`compute.instance.resize.confirm.end`
- :code:`compute.instance.rebuild.end`
- :code:`volume.create.end`
- :code:`volume.delete.end`
- :code:`volume.resize.end`
- :code:`volume.attach.end`
- :code:`volume.detach.end`
- :code:`volume.update.end`
- :code:`volume.exists`
- :code:`volume_type.create`
API documentation
.. autoflask:: almanach.api.main:app