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Craton URL Structure and Design


Craton developers decided to start modifying the URL structure and semantics prior to creating a release. This has led down a number of paths which require documentation and understanding prior to resolving ourselves on one such structure and semantic meaning.

Problem description

Presently, Craton's API requires query parameters for certain calls. For example,

  • To list hosts, one must specify a region ID:

    GET /v1/hosts?region_id=1
  • To list cells, one must specify a region ID:

    GET /v1/cells?region_id=1

To make the API easier to use for others, as well as easier to use when performing checks across the inventory, Craton is looking to remove required query parameters.

Proposed change

Query parameters are typically optional and have always been a poorly considered choice for a required parameter. Instead, the Craton team proposes that we adopt a flat URL structure and design while continuing to allow filtering based on attributes that were formerly required.

Now users will be able to list all hosts and cells that their project allows them to view:

GET /v1/hosts
GET /v1/cells

While also allowing them to filter those based on variables and other attributes:

GET /v1/hosts?vars=operating_system:ubuntu
GET /v1/cells?region_id=1

This change, however, will increase the priority of completing work around adding pagination support to Craton. As such, adding support for pagination is a work item of this specification.


We could retain our current way of using query parameters. This, however, is unseemly, unusual, and an unpleasant experience for users. If we were to continue requiring parameters, e.g., region_id, we would instead be adopting a dfifferent URL structure.

Data model impact

There are no database or data model impacts implied by this change.

REST API impact

This makes the API easier to use and reason about for users new to Craton's API.

Security impact

Proper pagination support is necessary to prevent requests returning large collections of resources.

Notifications impact

Craton does not presently have notifications, so there is no impact.

Other end user impact

This will affect the command-line interface to cratonclient. As region IDs are no longer necessary for listing resources, that requirement will need to be relaxed in our parameter handling.

Performance Impact

With proper pagination, this should have a neglible (if any) impact on Craton's performance.

Other deployer impact

This will not affect people who are deploying Craton.

Developer impact

This has no other developer impact beyond API usage.



Primary assignee: - git-harry

Other contributors: - icordasc

Work Items

  • Refactor API layer to stop requiring parameters in the query string (See also:
  • Add pagination support for endpoints returning collections of resources.




We will update and continue to use our current functional testing.

Documentation Impact

This will affect the API reference section of our documentation.
