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Fuel Contrail plugin 4.0.1 specs

Provide dedicated Contrail Analytics node

Problem description

Contrail plugin 3.0 implements deployment of Contrail analytics services in co-location with Contrail config services on the nodes with role 'contrail-config'. In highly scaled environments under load by thousands of network objects and instances, a high amount of analytics data can be continiously generated, causing the high resource usage by contrail-analytics services. That can negatively impact the performance of contrail-config services running on the name node.

Proposed solution

Create a plugin-defined node role with name 'contrail-analytics' to provide the possibility to deploy the components of contrail-analytics to a dedicated node or set of nodes. The services that should be moved to a dedicated role are Collector, Analytics API, Query engine, Topology and Alarm generator. Haproxy configuration should be updated to change the backend addresses to hosts running analytics api [0]. This role is mandatory for the contrail-enabled environments, so there must be at least one node with this role. To achieve high availability the environment should contain multiple nodes with 'contrail-analytics' role, odd number is recommended. The 'contrail-analytics' role can be mixed with other contrail roles ('contrail-db','contrail-config','contrail-control') in small environments, but not compatible with other OpenStack roles on the same node. It should be possible to add or remove contrail-analytics nodes after environment has been deployed.

UI impact

There are no changes in plugin settings tab.

Performance impact

Using dedicated nodes for contrail analytics can enhance performance of contrail config services.

Documentation Impact

User guide should be updated with information on new node role.

Upgrade impact

Experimental scripts for contrail packages upgrade should be updated with upgrade tasks for 'contrail-analytics' role.

Data model impact


Other end user impact

A new role with name 'contrail-analytics' will be available for assigning to slaves in nodes tab of Fuel Web UI.

Security impact


Notifications impact



Server requirements are described in [1]. There is no additional disk space requirements for this role, as analytics services store the data in Cassandra database.

Enable memcache support for contrail keystone middleware

Problem description

In highly scaled environments under load by thousands of network objects and instances validating the identity of every client on every request can cost a lot of computing resources that can produces a big latency in work of Contrail and OpenStack services. That can negatively impact the performance of whole environment.

Proposed solution

Enable caching keystone tokens for Contrail purposes. Similar to OpenStack approach Contrail can cache authentication responses from the keystone in memcache. This feature will be enabled by default and doesn't require any additional settings from Fuel UI. Kyestone middleware will use memcache servers running local Contrail config nodes.

UI impact

There are no changes in plugin settings tab.

Performance impact

Using caching keystone tokens for Contrail can reduce load of keystone service respectively enhance performance of Contrail and OpenStack services

Documentation Impact


Upgrade impact


Data model impact


Other end user impact


Security impact


Notifications impact




Add TOR/TSN functionality to Contrail Plugin

Problem description

Contrail provides ability of extending a cluster to include bare metal servers and other virtual instances connected to a top-of-rack (TOR) switch that supports the Open vSwitch Database Management (OVSDB) Protocol. The bare metal servers and other virtual instances can belong to any of the virtual networks configured in the Contrail cluster, facilitating communication with the virtual instances running in the cluster. Contrail policy configurations can be used to control this communication. User need to have ability to configure ToR service node and ToR agents by plugin.

Proposed solution

Provide new node role in fuel: ToR Services Node (TSN). This host will configure TSN services and agent to comunicate with ToR switches. Users will provide all information in settings tab, and based on this plugin will configure ToR agents - one per ToR switch provided by user. TSN node role should be standalone and incompatible with following roles: contrail-analytics, contrail-control, contrail-config, contrail-db, controller, compute, ceph-osd, cinder

UI impact

Additional node role for TSN, checkbox for TSN functionality in settings, textfield in settings for providing TOR informations. TOR settings have to be provided in YAML format.

Performance impact


Documentation Impact

User guide should be updated with information on new node role.

Upgrade impact


Data model impact


Other end user impact

A new role with name 'contrail-tsn' will be available for assigning to slaves in nodes tab of Fuel Web UI.

Security impact


Notifications impact




Make provisioning of default networks optional

Problem description

Some environemnts may require changes to default networks created during deployment for OSTF tests. As an example, network allocated for floating IP addresses may need some exclusions in address allocation for more-specific routes. This affects the ability to deploy changes to OpenStack environments, with fails on default network creation.

Proposed solution

Make default networks provisioning optional, and allow manual networks creation.

UI impact

Checkbox for default networks provisioning added. It should be enabled by default.

Performance impact


Documentation Impact

User guide should be updated with information about this checkbox.

Upgrade impact


Data model impact


Other end user impact


Security impact


Notifications impact




DPDK-based vRouter feature

Problem description

DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) allows access to the hardware directly from applications, bypassing the Linux networking stack (binding interface will not be seen by the kernel). This reduces latency and allows more packets to be processed. Plugin need to support installing of Contrail vRouter in this mode.

Proposed solution

Create a role called 'DPDK' to mark compute nodes which should be configured to use DPDK-based vRouter. Hugepages setup must be handled by plug-in, since there's no hugepages support in Fuel 8.0. For hugepages there should be 2 settings: type and ammount of pages to allocate. Type has 2 options: 2MB and 1GB. Ammount should be specified as a percentage from all available memory. DPDK-based vRouter should use 'Private' interface, in the same way as kernel-based vRouter does.

DPDK-based vRouter requires some patches to nova-compute, which are not available in upstream code. Proposed solution is to override Nova packages on Compute nodes with packages from Contrail distribution. This override should be optional.

DPDK-based vRouter requires VMs to be backed by hugepages. This feature is available starting from QEMU 2.1, so QEMU and libvirt should be installed from Contrail distibution. This override should be optional.

UI impact

'DPDK' role should be present in list of roles. There should be a checkbox that enables DPDK in environment. Hugepages should have 2 settings: dropdown menu for type and a textfield for ammount. QEMU and Nova overrides should have checkboxes for toggling this overrides.

Performance impact

DPDK can be used to increase packet-rate performance on VMs, using DPDK-based application. With non-DPDK applications performance should be approximately same as with kernel-based vRouter.

Documentation Impact

User guide should be updated with information about usage of this feature.

Upgrade impact


Data model impact


Other end user impact


Security impact


Notifications impact



Network card on Computes which are selected to use DPDK, should support DPDK. _List of supported NICs <http://dpdk.org/doc/nics>

Enable SRIOV for Contrail

Problem description

The PCI-SIG Single Root I/O Virtualization and Sharing (SR-IOV) specification defines a standardized mechanism to create natively shared devices providing dedicated resources within the Ethernet controller (Physical Function) via Virtual Functions. Contrail supports SR-IOV starting from version 3.0, so the Fuel Contrail plugin should also support this feature.

Proposed solution

To select the compute nodes with SR-IOV enabled, a plugin-defined role will be added. The NICs on hosts carrying this role will be configured to use the maximum number of VFs supported on the particular system. The network cards for SR-IOV are selected to satisfy such conditions: - NIC supports SR-IOV - NIC is not a part of any bond, bridge and is not used with vRouter - link state is up The list of PCI IDs of SR-IOV NICs will be added to pci_passthrough_whitelist on compute nodes, PciPassthroughFilter will be enabled on controllers.

UI impact

SR-IOV compute role should be present in list of node roles. Plugin settings should have a checkbox that enables SR-IOV globally. A field with physnet name for SR-IOV should be added to plugin settings.

Performance impact

SR-IOV makes it possible to run a large number of VMs with high network load per compute host without increasing the number of physical NICs, off-loading the hypervisor and significantly improving both throughput and gaining deterministic network performance.

Documentation Impact

User guide should be updated with information on how to enable SR-IOV

Upgrade impact


Data model impact


Other end user impact

A new role with name 'SR-IOV' will be available for assigning to computes in nodes tab of the Fuel Web UI.

Security impact


Notifications impact



Compute nodes are expected to be equipped with network cards cappable of SR-IOV, SR-IOV must be enabled in BIOS settings.

DPDK-based vRouter on virtual function (VF)

Problem description

DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) allows access to the hardware directly from applications by passing Linux networking stack (binding interface will not be seen by the kernel). This reduces latency and allows more packets to be processed. However, it has many limitations and many features that Linux provides are not available with DPDK. Binding interface is not seen by the kernel and accordingly - the user can't reuse it. For environment with complex network schema or on servers with low amount of network interfaces it can be significant disadvantage.

Proposed solution

Instead of whole interface use the Virtual Function as a target for DPDK-based vRouter. This will allow to use same hardware adapter as used for DPDK-based vRouter for other purposes.

UI impact

Checkbox in DPDK section of contrail settings. It will be disabled by default. Also DPDK and SRIOV roles need to be assigned on node to enable this feature (more details will be described in documentation).

Performance impact

No additional impact compared to the main DPDK feature.

Documentation Impact

User guide should be updated with information about usage of this feature.

Upgrade impact


Data model impact


Other end user impact


Security impact


Notifications impact




Enable HTTPS for public Contrail endpoints

Problem description

OpenStack and Contrail services receive requests from public networks that are untrusted area. As the network path between the end-users and the services is untrusted, encryption is required to ensure confidentiality. This can be achieved by implementing Secure Sockets Layer as recommended in the OpenStack security guide.

Proposed solution

Fuel can configure secure access for public-facing OpenStack services such as Nova API and Horizon by configuring Haproxy to recieve SSL connections as described in [2]. However, Contrail configuration API has no encryption enabled, but is exposed on public endpoint. Contrail Web UI has SSL enabled, but uses self-signed certificate by default. Fuel Contrail plugin should inherit SSL/TLS settings from Fuel UI configuration and configure encrypted public endpoints for Contrail API and Contrail Web UI using the hostname and cerificate shared with Horizon.

UI impact

There are no changes in plugin settings tab.

Performance impact

The SSL-overhead is generally small. The major cost of HTTPS is the SSL handshaking so depending the typical session length and the caching behavior of clients the overhead may be different. For very short sessions you can see performance issue.

Documentation Impact


Upgrade impact


Data model impact


Other end user impact


Security impact

Using encrypted connections to Contrail API via public network and using Horizon certificate for Contrail Web UI improves the confidentiality and security.

Notifications impact






Primary assignee:

  • Oleksandr Martsyniuk <omartsyniuk> - tech lead, developer
  • Vitalii Kovalchuk <vkovalchuk> - developer
  • Przemyslaw Szypowicz <pszypowicz> - developer
  • Illia Polliul <ipolliul> - developer

Project manager:

  • Andrian Noga <anoga>

Quality assurance:

  • Oleksandr Kosse <okosse>
  • Olesya Tsvigun <otsvigun>

Work items

  • Development
  • Add DPDK role to list of plug-in roles
  • Add checkboxes for DPDK-overrides
  • Add settings for Hugepages
  • Write puppet code for DPDK overrides
  • Write puppet code for Hugepages
  • Create a task for host aggregates and flavors for DPDK
  • Update vRouter configuration for DPDK
  • Update the plugins metadata with 'contrail-analytics' role definition
  • Create new deployment tasks
  • Re-factor the contrail module to ensure that all analytics tasks can be executed separately
  • Update other manifests to support dedicated analytics nodes
  • Adjust the experimental upgrade scripts to run on contrail-analytics role
  • Add python-memcache package to manifests for 'contrail-config' role and adjust the contrail-keystone configuration with memcached server IPs
  • Update the manifests to use ssl settings for haproxy
  • Add checkbox to environment config
  • Make network provisioning conditional
  • Add checkbox for SR-IOV feature
  • Add checkbox for DPDK on VF feature
  • Add additional puppet class that will enable DPDK on VF feature on compute nodes
  • Ensure idempotency of DPDK on VF feature in puppet code.
  • Testing
  • Update tests and test plans to cover new functionality
  • Automation scripts should be updated to deploy environments which contain nodes with 'contrail-analytics' role
  • Documentation
  • User guide should be updated to cover the new roles and features

Acceptance criteria

User can deploy contrail analytics services on node with contrail-analytics role. Analytics services should be up and running, the status can be verified with contrail-status command.


[0] https://github.com/Juniper/contrail-controller/wiki/Roles-Daemons-Ports [1] http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/en_US/contrail3.0/topics/task/installation/hardware-reqs-vnc.html [2] https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/fuel-specs/specs/7.0/ssl-endpoints.html