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The main purpose of this plugin is to provide ability to deploy Load Balancer (Haproxy) separately from controllers.


Plugin version Branch Fuel version
1.x.x stable/8.0 Fuel-8.x
2.x.x stable/mitaka Fuel-9.x

How to build plugin

  • Install fuel plugin builder (fpb)
  • Clone plugin repo and run fpb there:
git clone https://github.com/openstack/fuel-plugin-detach-haproxy
cd fuel-plugin-detach-haproxy
fpb --build .
  • Check if file detach_haproxy-*.noarch.rpm was created.

Known limitations

  • OSTF is not working


No need to configure plugin. Just assign Haproxy roles to needed nodes. If you're using it along with External Load Balancer plugin for testing purposes, you also don't need to configure External Load Balancer plugin, it will be configured to use Haproxy nodes automaticaly.