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Most Cinder errors are caused by incorrect volume configuration that result in the volume creation failures. To resolve these failures, use the Cinder logs.

To review the Cinder logs

If you have issues with Cinder, find and review the following Cinder logs on controller nodes:

  1. The cinder-api log located at /var/log/cinder/api.log.
  2. The cinder-volume log located at /var/log/cinder/volume.log.

Check the cinder-api log to determine whether you have the endpoint or connectivity issues. If, for example, the create volume request fails, review the cinder-api log to check whether the request to the Block Storage service succeeded. If the request is logged, and you see no errors or tracebacks, check the cinder-volume log for errors or tracebacks.

To verify the status of Cinder services

Cinder services are running as Pacemaker resources. To verify the status of services, run the following command on one of controller nodes:

# pcs resource show

All Cinder services should be in the started mode.