
2.7 KiB

Supported Outputs

The LMA collector can forward part or all of the processed Heka messages to any kind of external system, provided that the system supports a protocol-based interface such as HTTP, SMTP or AMQP.

The supported backends are described hereunder.


The LMA collector is able to send logs and notifications to Elasticsearch.

There is one index per day and per type of message:

  • Index for log messages is log-<YYYY-MM-DD>.
  • Index for notification messages is notification-<YYYY-MM-DD>.


The LMA collector is able to send metrics to InfluxDB.

A metric message is stored into a measurement whose name is taken from Fields[name]. The datapoint's timestamp is taken from the Timestamp field and Fields[value] is stored as the value field. Note that numerical values are always encoded as float numbers.

Some tags are associated to all measurements:

  • deployment_id
  • hostname

If the metric message contains a non-empty Fields[tag_fields] list, the items listed in this field are encoded as additional key-value tags.

For instance, lets take the following Heka message:

2015/09/15 16:16:05
:Timestamp: 2015-09-15 16:15:37.645999872 +0000 UTC
:Type: metric
:Hostname: node-1
:Pid: 15595
:Uuid: e67f91c5-259b-489f-adfa-8eea0b389eb2
:Logger: collectd
:Payload: {"type":"cpu","values":[0],"type_instance":"idle","dsnames":["value"],"plugin":"cpu","time":1442333737.646,"interval":10,"host":"node-1","dstypes":["derive"],"plugin_instance":"0"}
:Severity: 6
    | name:"type" type:string value:"derive"
    | name:"source" type:string value:"cpu"
    | name:"deployment_mode" type:string value:"ha_compact"
    | name:"deployment_id" type:string value:"1"
    | name:"openstack_roles" type:string value:"primary-controller"
    | name:"openstack_release" type:string value:"2015.1.0-7.0"
    | name:"tag_fields" type:string value:"cpu_number"
    | name:"openstack_region" type:string value:"RegionOne"
    | name:"name" type:string value:"cpu_idle"
    | name:"hostname" type:string value:"node-1"
    | name:"value" type:double value:0
    | name:"environment_label" type:string value:"deploy_lma_infra_alerting_ha"
    | name:"interval" type:double value:10
    | name:"cpu_number" type:string value:"95"

Using the InfluxDB line protocol, it would be encoded like this:

cpu_idle,cpu_number=0,deployment_id=1,hostname=node-1 value=95.000000 1442333737645