
15 KiB

Plugin configuration

To configure the StackLight Collector plugin:

  1. Create a new environment as described in Create a new OpenStack environment.

  2. In the Fuel web UI, click the Settings tab and select the Other category.

  3. Scroll down through the settings until you find the StackLight Collector Plugin section. You should see a page like this:

    The StackLight Collector Plugin settings

  4. Select The Logging, Monitoring and Alerting (LMA) Collector Plugin and fill in the required fields as indicated below.

    1. Optional. Provide an Environment Label of your choice to tag your data.
    2. In the Events Analytics section, select Local node if you plan to use the Elasticsearch-Kibana Plugin in the environment. Otherwise, select Remote server and specify the fully qualified name or the IP address of an external Elasticsearch server.
    3. In the Metrics Analytics section, select Local node if you plan to use the InfluxDB-Grafana Plugin in the environment. Otherwise, select Remote server and specify the fully qualified name or the IP address of an external InfluxDB server. Then, specify the InfluxDB database name you want to use, a username and password that have read and write access permissions.
    4. In the Alerting section, select Alerts sent by email if you want to receive alerts sent by email from the Collector. Otherwise, select Alerts sent to a local cluster if you plan to use the Infrastructure Alerting Plugin (Nagios) in the environment. Alternatively, select Alerts sent to a remote Nagios server.
    5. For Alerts sent by email, specify the SMTP authentication method you want to use. Then, specify the SMTP server fully qualified name or IP address, the SMTP username and password to have the permissions to send emails.
    6. Specify the Nagios server URL, username, and password if you have chosen to send alerts to an external Nagios server.
  5. Configure your environment as described in Configure your Environment.


    By default, StackLight is configured to use the management network, of the so-called default node network group created by Fuel. While this default setup may be appropriate for small deployments or evaluation purposes, it is recommended that you not use the default management network for StackLight. Instead, create a dedicated network when configuring your environment. This will improve the overall performance of both OpenStack and StackLight and facilitate the access to the Kibana and Grafana analytics.

  6. Deploy your environment as described in Deploy an OpenStack environment.


    The StackLight Collector Plugin is a hot-pluggable plugin. Therefore, it is possible to install and deploy the collector in an environment that is already deployed. After the installation of the StackLight Collector Plugin, you will need to define the settings of the plugin and then run the command shown below from the Fuel master node for every node of your deployment. You need to start with the controller node(s):

    [root@nailgun ~]# fuel nodes --env <env_id> --node <node_id> --start \
      post_deployment_start --tasks hiera

Plugin verification

Once the OpenStack environment is ready, verify that both the collectd and hekad processes are running on the OpenStack nodes:

[root@node-1 ~]# pidof hekad
[root@node-1 ~]# pidof collectd


Starting with StackLight version 0.10, there are two hekad processes running instead of one. One is used to collect and process the logs and the notifications, the other one is used to process the metrics.


If you see no data in the Kibana and/or Grafana dashboards, follow the instructions below to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify that the collector services are up and running:

    # On the controller node(s)
    [root@node-1 ~]# crm resource status metric_collector
    [root@node-1 ~]# crm resource status log_collector
    # On non controller nodes
    [root@node-2 ~]# status log_collector
    [root@node-2 ~]# status metric_collector
  2. If a collector is down, restart it:

    # On the controller node(s)
    [root@node-1 ~]# crm resource start log_collector
    [root@node-1 ~]# crm resource start metric_collector
    # On non controller nodes
    [root@node-2 ~]# start log_collector
    [root@node-2 ~]# start metric_collector
  3. Look for errors in the log file of the collectors located at /var/log/log_collector.log and /var/log/metric_collector.log.

  4. Look for errors in the log file of collectd located at /var/log/collectd.log.

  5. Verify that the nodes are able to connect to the Elasticsearch server on port 9200.

  6. Verify that the nodes are able to connect to the InfluxDB server on port 8086.

Diagnostic tool

The StackLight Collector Plugin installs a global diagnostic tool on the Fuel Master node. The global diagnostic tool checks that StackLight is configured and running properly across the entire LMA toolchain for all the nodes that are ready in your OpenStack environment:

[root@nailgun ~]# /var/www/nailgun/plugins/lma_collector-<version>/contrib/tools/diagnostic.sh
Running lma_diagnostic tool on all available nodes (this can take several minutes)
The diagnostic archive is here: /var/lma_diagnostics.2016-06-10_11-23-1465557820.tgz


A global diagnostic can take several minutes.

All the results are consolidated in the /var/lma_diagnostics.[date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%s].tgz archive.

Instead of running a global diagnostic, you may want to run the diagnostic on individual nodes. Based on the role of the node, the tool determines what checks should be executed. For example:

root@node-3:~# hiera roles

root@node-3:~# lma_diagnostics

2016-06-10-11-08-04 INFO node-3.test.domain.local role ["controller"]
2016-06-10-11-08-04 INFO ** LMA Collector
2016-06-10-11-08-04 INFO 2 process(es) 'hekad -config' found
2016-06-10-11-08-04 INFO 1 process(es) hekad is/are listening on port 4352
2016-06-10-11-08-04 INFO 1 process(es) hekad is/are listening on port 8325
2016-06-10-11-08-05 INFO 1 process(es) hekad is/are listening on port 5567
2016-06-10-11-08-05 INFO 1 process(es) hekad is/are listening on port 4353

In the example above, the diagnostic tool reports that two hekad processes are running on node-3, which is the expected outcome. In the case when one hekad process is not running, the diagnostic tool reports an error. For example:

root@node-3:~# lma_diagnostics
2016-06-10-11-11-48 INFO node-3.test.domain.local role ["controller"]
2016-06-10-11-11-48 INFO ** LMA Collector
2016-06-10-11-11-48 ERROR 1 'hekad -config' processes found, 2 expected!
2016-06-10-11-11-48 ERROR 'hekad' process does not LISTEN on port: 4352

In the example above, the diagnostic tool reported two errors:

  1. There is only one hekad process running instead of two.
  2. No hekad process is listening on port 4352.

These examples describe only one type of checks performed by the diagnostic tool, but there are many others.

On the OpenStack nodes, the diagnostic results are stored in /var/lma_diagnostics/diagnostics.log.


A successful LMA toolchain diagnostic should be free of errors.

Advanced Configuration

Reconfiguring the StackLight Collector after you have removed a node

There is currently a limitation in Fuel in that when a node is removed from an OpenStack environment (via the Fuel Web UI or CLI), the services that were running on that node are not automatically removed from the database and as such, are reported failed by StackLight. To remedy to this problem, you need to remove those services manually.

  1. From a controller node, list the services that are reported failed. In the example below 'node-7'.

    root@node-6:~# source ./openrc
    root@node-6:~# neutron agent-list
    | id                                   | agent_type         | host              | availability_zone | alive | ... |
    | 08a69bad-cc5d-4e85-a9d0-50467d480259 | Metadata agent     | node-8.domain.tld |                   | :-)   | ... |
    | 11b6dca6-ab86-47bf-ae38-2ec2de07a90d | Metadata agent     | node-7.domain.tld |                   | xxx   | ... |
    | 22ea82e3-dbbc-4e57-9d41-3dbf1720b708 | DHCP agent         | node-6.domain.tld | nova              | :-)   | ... |
    | 2d82849e-7ddd-4d1a-857e-0ad255c58eb0 | L3 agent           | node-6.domain.tld | nova              | :-)   | ... |
    | 3221ec18-2b65-4696-8ae1-49856023767a | Open vSwitch agent | node-6.domain.tld |                   | :-)   | ... |
    | 84bfd240-379f-40f3-a1fa-eaa266debe0d | Open vSwitch agent | node-7.domain.tld |                   | xxx   | ... |
    | 9452e8f0-8d53-40bb-b0ae-fe9932c00963 | Open vSwitch agent | node-9.domain.tld |                   | :-)   | ... |
    | 97136b09-96a4-4887-89ed-e5ad5bae24f4 | Open vSwitch agent | node-8.domain.tld |                   | :-)   | ... |
    | c198bc94-38a6-427d-ab04-fbad26affb9e | DHCP agent         | node-7.domain.tld | nova              | xxx   | ... |
    | c76c4ed4-75e7-426b-9a04-823b00caadc4 | L3 agent           | node-7.domain.tld | nova              | xxx   | ... |
    | d0fd8bb5-5f6f-4286-a959-7eb70f0f836a | L3 agent           | node-8.domain.tld | nova              | :-)   | ... |
    | d21f9cea-2719-49a4-adee-9810d51f431b | DHCP agent         | node-8.domain.tld | nova              | :-)   | ... |
    | f6f871b7-67ad-4b70-88cc-66e51c2a7b1d | Metadata agent     | node-6.domain.tld |                   | :-)   | ... |
    root@node-6:~# nova service-list
    | Id | Binary           | Host              | Zone     | Status  | State | Updated_at                 | ... |
    | 1  | nova-consoleauth | node-6.domain.tld | internal | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:43:07.000000 | ... |
    | 4  | nova-scheduler   | node-6.domain.tld | internal | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:43:21.000000 | ... |
    | 7  | nova-cert        | node-6.domain.tld | internal | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:43:07.000000 | ... |
    | 10 | nova-conductor   | node-6.domain.tld | internal | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:42:52.000000 | ... |
    | 22 | nova-cert        | node-7.domain.tld | internal | enabled | down  | 2016-07-19T11:43:04.000000 | ... |
    | 25 | nova-consoleauth | node-7.domain.tld | internal | enabled | down  | 2016-07-19T11:43:04.000000 | ... |
    | 28 | nova-scheduler   | node-7.domain.tld | internal | enabled | down  | 2016-07-19T11:43:36.000000 | ... |
    | 31 | nova-cert        | node-8.domain.tld | internal | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:43:04.000000 | ... |
    | 34 | nova-consoleauth | node-8.domain.tld | internal | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:43:04.000000 | ... |
    | 37 | nova-conductor   | node-7.domain.tld | internal | enabled | down  | 2016-07-19T11:42:51.000000 | ... |
    | 43 | nova-scheduler   | node-8.domain.tld | internal | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:43:35.000000 | ... |
    | 49 | nova-conductor   | node-8.domain.tld | internal | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:42:48.000000 | ... |
    | 64 | nova-compute     | node-9.domain.tld | nova     | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:42:47.000000 | ... |
    root@node-6:~# cinder service-list
    |      Binary      |              Host             | Zone |  Status | State |         Updated_at         | ... |
    |  cinder-backup   |       node-9.domain.tld       | nova | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:44:01.000000 | ... |
    | cinder-scheduler |       node-6.domain.tld       | nova | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:43:56.000000 | ... |
    | cinder-scheduler |       node-7.domain.tld       | nova | enabled | down  | 2016-07-19T11:43:59.000000 | ... |
    | cinder-scheduler |       node-8.domain.tld       | nova | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:44:00.000000 | ... |
    |  cinder-volume   | node-9.domain.tld@LVM-backend | nova | enabled | up    | 2016-07-19T11:44:00.000000 | ... |
  2. Remove the services and / or agents that are reported failed on that node.

    root@node-6:~# nova service-delete <id of service to delete>
    root@node-6:~# cinder service-disable <hostname> <binary>
    root@node-6:~# neutron agent-delete <id of agent to delete>
  3. Then, restart the Collector on all the controller nodes.

    [root@node-1 ~]# crm resource restart log_collector
    [root@node-1 ~]# crm resource restart metric_collector