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mysql_commands, the number of times per second a given statement has been executed. The metric has a command field that contains the statement to which it applies. The values can be:

  • change_db for the USE statement.
  • commit for the COMMIT statement.
  • flush for the FLUSH statement.
  • insert for the INSERT statement.
  • rollback for the ROLLBACK statement.
  • select for the SELECT statement.
  • set_option for the SET statement.
  • show_collations for the SHOW COLLATION statement.
  • show_databases for the SHOW DATABASES statement.
  • show_fields for the SHOW FIELDS statement.
  • show_master_status for the SHOW MASTER STATUS statement.
  • show_status for the SHOW STATUS statement.
  • show_tables for the SHOW TABLES statement.
  • show_variables for the SHOW VARIABLES statement.
  • show_warnings for the SHOW WARNINGS statement.
  • update for the UPDATE statement.


mysql_handler, the number of times per second a given handler has been executed. The metric has a handler field that contains the handler to which it applies. The values can be:

  • commit for the internal COMMIT statements.
  • delete for the internal DELETE statements.
  • external_lock for the external locks.
  • read_first for the requests that read the first entry in an index.
  • read_key for the requests that read a row based on a key.
  • read_next for the requests that read the next row in key order.
  • read_prev for the requests that read the previous row in key order.
  • read_rnd for the requests that read a row based on a fixed position.
  • read_rnd_next for the requests that read the next row in the data file.
  • rollback the requests that perform rollback operation.
  • update the requests that update a row in a table.
  • write the requests that insert a row in a table.


  • mysql_locks_immediate, the number of times per second the requests for table locks could be granted immediately.
  • mysql_locks_waited, the number of times per second the requests for table locks had to wait.


  • mysql_octets_rx, the number of bytes received per second by the server.
  • mysql_octets_tx, the number of bytes sent per second by the server.


  • mysql_threads_cached, the number of threads in the thread cache.
  • mysql_threads_connected, the number of currently open connections.
  • mysql_threads_running, the number of threads that are not sleeping.
  • mysql_threads_created, the number of threads created per second to handle connections.


These metrics are collected with statement 'SHOW STATUS'. see Percona documentation for further details.

  • mysql_cluster_size, current number of nodes in the cluster.
  • mysql_cluster_status, 1 when the node is 'Primary', 2 if 'Non-Primary' and 3 if 'Disconnected'.
  • mysql_cluster_connected, 1 when the node is connected to the cluster, 0 otherwise.
  • mysql_cluster_ready, 1 when the node is ready to accept queries, 0 otherwise.
  • mysql_cluster_local_commits, number of writesets commited on the node.
  • mysql_cluster_received_bytes, total size in bytes of writesets received from other nodes.
  • mysql_cluster_received, total number of writesets received from other nodes.
  • mysql_cluster_replicated_bytes total size in bytes of writesets sent to other nodes.
  • mysql_cluster_replicated, total number of writesets sent to other nodes.
  • mysql_cluster_local_cert_failures, number of writesets that failed the certification test.
  • mysql_cluster_local_send_queue, the number of writesets waiting to be sent.
  • mysql_cluster_local_recv_queue, the number of writesets waiting to be applied.

Slow Queries

This metric is collected with statement 'SHOW STATUS where Variable_name = 'Slow_queries'.

  • mysql_slow_queries, number of queries that have taken more than X seconds, depending of the MySQL configuration parameter 'long_query_time' (10s per default)