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User Guide

Environment configuration

  1. Create an environment with vxlans support. For more information about environment creation, see Fuel User Guide <http://docs.openstack.org /developer/fuel-docs/userdocs/fuel-user-guide/create-environment.html>

  2. In Environments tab choose an environment for which you want to install Networking SFC plugin.

  3. Enable L2 Population in Network tab in section Other.


  4. Enable plugin by Service Function Chaining Extension for OpenStack Networking on Settings tab in section Other.


  5. Plugin reguire Xenial kernel. Because it is not in Fuel 9.0 by default it's should be installed by changing LTS kernel stack on Settings tab in section General. On the bootom is section Provision, in text box named Initial packages change packages from linux-headers-generic-lts-trusty and linux-image-generic-lts-trusty to linux-headers-generic-lts-xenial and linux-image-generic-lts-xenial.



  6. Adjust other environment settings to your requirements and deploy the environment. For more information, see Configure your Environment <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/fuel-docs /userdocs/fuel-user-guide/configure-environment.html>.