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Installation Guide

Install the Plugin

To install the XenServer Fuel plugin:

  1. Download it from the Fuel Plugins Catalog

  2. Copy the rpm file to the Fuel Master node: :

    [root@home ~]# scp fuel-plugin-xenserver-4.0-4.0.*-1.noarch.rpm root@fuel:/tmp
  3. Log into Fuel Master node and install the plugin using the Fuel CLI:

    [root@fuel-master ~]# fuel plugins --install /tmp/fuel-plugin-xenserver-4.0-4.0.*-1.noarch.rpm
  4. Verify that the plugin is installed correctly. Note that the version displayed may differ in the final part of the version number (the patch level). All versions with the same major and minor version number are compatible with this guide.

    [root@fuel-master ~]# fuel plugins
    id | name                  | version | package_version
    1  | fuel-plugin-xenserver | 4.0.0   | 4.0.0

Add Management Network tool

  1. Download the HIMN tool xencenter-himn-plugin
  2. Stop XenCenter if it is running
  3. Install the HIMN tool
  4. Re-start XenCenter