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.. _libvirt:
Libvirt drivers
This driver implements Power/Management interfaces for virtual baremetal
hardware and is based on Libvirt [1]_ library and its Python interface.
Thus it is suited **for testing environments only**.
It performs considerably better that Ironic's SSH driver, especially when
there are many virtual baremetal nodes placed on hypervizor [2]_.
It also supports additional connection transports, including TCP with SASL
authentication that can be considered as secure alternative to SSH.
Known drawbacks in comparison to Ironic's SSH driver are:
- no support for user+password SSH authentication
- some use cases possible with SSH driver are not supported
- e.g. managing VirtualBox VMs on a Windows host from Linux guest
Setting up the environment
#. Install Ironic
#. Install ironic-staging-drivers
#. Install ``libvirt-python``
* When installing from PyPI, you'd need development version of
``libvirt`` package from your distribution
(e.g. ``libvirt-dev`` in Ubuntu, ``libvirt-devel`` in Fedora)
and all the usual Python packages required to compile C-extensions
in your system
(on DevStack, those are already installed when nova-compute is enabled).
#. Add ``staging-libvirt`` to the list of ``enabled_hardware_types``
in ironic.conf, configure the power and management interfaces, for example::
enabled_hardware_types = staging-libvirt
enabled_management_interfaces = staging-libvirt
enabled_power_interfaces = staging-libvirt
Then restart the ironic-conductor service.
#. Create or update existing virtual baremetal nodes to use one of
libvirt-based drivers enabled in the previous step.
#. Update node properties with driver-specific fields if needed.
(see `Node driver_info`_).
Default values are suitable for single-node DevStack.
#. Deploy the node.
Node driver_info
(optional) Libvirt URI to connect to.
Default is ``qemu+unix:///system``.
(optional) File name of private SSH key when using ``qemu+ssh://``
The file must have appropriate permissions for the user running
ironic-conductor service.
Default is to use default SSH keys for that user.
Note that for private keys with password those must be pre-loaded into
username to authenticate as.
Required when using TCP transport with SASL authentication.
password to use for SASL authentication.
Required when using TCP transport with SASL authentication.
.. [1]
.. [2]