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Database Changes


Many GSLB backends have specific parameters for load-balancer policies. Instead of just being a CNAME record in a DNS server as expected with the Neutron LBaaS + Designate solution.

Also at time there is not just one Pool associated with a load-balancer policy, there could be more than one. Like Active and Passive for disaster recovery. So we need to move the pool-id out of loadbalancer table and make it a separate relational table.

Problem description

There is a requirement for introduction of loadbalancer_parameters in to the kosmos database as some GSLB backends have specific attributes associated with a GSLB Policy. As current kosmos database schema doesn't accomodate parameters for load_balancer, we need to add a new table named, load_balancer_parameters for this.

We also need to take pool_id from load_balancer table as there could be more than one pool associated with a policy. For example Active/Standy policies would always have a standby pool that should be defined for the policy.

domain_id in all the artifact table will be modified to accept null so that we implement only if required.

Proposed change

We need to make changes to the following:


Add a new table loadbalancer_parameters with the following columns:
  1. loadbalancer_id [FK from loadbalancers table]
  2. parameter_key [Type: String(255)]
  3. prameter_value [Type: String(255)]

Remove pool_id from loadbalancers table

Add a new table loadbalancer_pools with the following columns:
  1. loadbalancer_id [FK from loadbalancers table]
  2. pool_id [FK from pools table]
  3. loadbalancer_pool_type [Type: LB_POOL_TYPES; Default: ACTIVE]
Add LB_POOL_TYPES as an enum with the following possible values:
Remove domain_id from the following tables:
  1. pools
  2. pool_members
  3. loadbalancers
  4. monitors

Alter the flavour_id in the loadbalancer table from String(32) to UUID()

Alembic Versions

Generate new Version file using Alembic. Make sure it has both upgrade() and downgrade() methods implemented.


Remove pool_id to be nullable=False in loadbalancer.py.

Add pools and parameters in fields section. These fields should default and an empty array.

Change the version to 1.1.


Change domain_id to be nullable=True in KosmosOwnedObject.


Add below py files:

  1. loadbalancer_pool.py
  2. loadbalancer_parameter.py


Add loadbalancer_pool and loadbalancer_parameters to import statements


Update test_kosmos_object_hashes.py with the new hashes.

Add test cases for all the objects.

Update the base test case.



Primary assignee:


Secondary assignees:

ma501v pr8721 praveen-komakula pradeepkumar.ks


Target Milestone for completion:
