
11 KiB

Configuration Options

Kwapi drivers specific

The following table lists the Kwapi drivers specific options in the drivers configuration file. Please note that Kwapi uses openstack-common extensively, which requires that the other parameters are set appropriately. For information we are listing the configuration elements that we use after the Kwapi drivers specific elements.

Parameter Default Note



Endpoint where the drivers send their measurements ipc://<file> or tcp://<host>:<port>

enable_signing true Enable message signing between drivers and plugins
metering_secret change this or be hacked Secret value for signing metering messages



Check drivers at the specified interval and restart them if they are crashed

The configuration file contains a section for each wattmeter.

A sample configuration file can be found in drivers.conf.

Kwapi plugin API specific

The following table lists the Kwapi API specific options in the API configuration file. Please note that Kwapi uses openstack-common extensively, which requires that the other parameters are set appropriately. For information we are listing the configuration elements that we use after the Kwapi API specific elements.

Parameter Default Note
api_port 5000 API port
probes_endpoint ipc:///tmp/kwapi-forwarder Endpoint where the measurements are received
signature_checking true Enable the verification of signed metering messages
driver_metering_secret change this or be hacked Secret value for verifying signed metering messages
acl_enabled true Check the Keystone tokens provided by the clients
policy_file /etc/kwapi/policy.json Policy file



Delete the probes that have not been updated during the specified interval

A sample configuration file can be found in api.conf.

Keystone Middleware Authentication

The following table lists the Keystone middleware authentication options which are used to get admin token. Please note that these options need to be under [keystone_authtoken] section.

Parameter Default Note


The host providing the Keystone service API endpoint for validating and requesting tokens

auth_port 35357 The port used to validate tokens
auth_protocol https The protocol used to validate tokens

auth_uri admin_token

admin_user admin_password admin_tenant_name signing_dir certfile keyfile


The full URI used to validate tokens Either this or the following three options are required. If set, this is a single shared secret with the Keystone configuration used to validate tokens. User name for retrieving admin token Password for retrieving admin token Tenant name for retrieving admin token The cache directory for signing certificate Required if Keystone server requires client cert Required if Keystone server requires client cert. This can be the same as certfile if the certfile includes the private key.

Kwapi plugin RRD specific

The following table lists the Kwapi RRD specific options in the RRD configuration file. Please note that Kwapi uses openstack-common extensively, which requires that the other parameters are set appropriately. For information we are listing the configuration elements that we use after the Kwapi RRD specific elements.

Parameter Default Note
rrd_port 8080 Port used to display webpages
probes_endpoint ipc:///tmp/kwapi-forwarder Endpoint where the measurements are received
signature_checking true Enable the verification of signed metering messages
driver_metering_secret change this or be hacked Secret value for verifying signed metering messages
png_dir /var/lib/kwapi/kwapi-png The directory where are stored PNG files
rrd_dir /var/lib/kwapi/kwapi-rrd The directory where are stored RRD files
currency The currency symbol used in graphs
kwh_price 0.125 The kWh price used in graphs
hue 100 The hue of the graphs
max_watts 200 The maximum value of the summary graph
refresh_interval 5 The webpage auto-refresh interval

A sample configuration file can be found in rrd.conf.

General options

The following is the list of openstack-common options that we use:

Parameter Default Note
log_file Log output to a named file
verbose true Print more verbose output

Kwapi forwarder specific

The following table lists the Kwapi forwarder specific options in the forwarder configuration file. Please note that Kwapi uses openstack-common extensively, which requires that the other parameters are set appropriately. For information we are listing the configuration elements that we use after the Kwapi forwarder specific elements.

Parameter Default Note



Endpoint where the measurements are forwarded and where the plugins subscriptions are received



Endpoint where the drivers send their measurements. ipc://<file> or tcp://<host>:<port>

The configuration file contains a section for each wattmeter.

A sample configuration file can be found in forwarder.conf.