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From PyPi

At the command line:

$ pip install mors

Or, if you have virtualenvwrapper installed:

$ mkvirtualenv mors
$ pip install mors


Mors comes with an RPM installation and associated init.d scripts. Run the makefile under 'support' directory and it will produce RPM under the build directory.

Support subdirectory contains Makefile to build a RPM, apart from python 2.7, virtualenv it needs fpm, fpm is a simple package build utility that can build both RPM and deb packages. RPM itself is a thin wrapper on top of the virtualenv.

Configuration files are expected to be in /etc/pf9 directory. These are usual OpenStack style config files: * pf9-mors.ini: configure the nova section with the user/password that can be used by mors to perform delete operations on nova instances. The user needs to be an administrator. * pf9-mors-api-paste.ini: configure the keystone middleware with keystone auth tokens.

The packages comes with an init script that works on RHEL 7 compatible systems