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Swift metering notification

DevStack plugins configuration

Required DevStack plugins:





enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account

enable_plugin panko https://git.openstack.org/openstack/panko
enable_plugin ceilometer https://git.openstack.org/openstack/ceilometer
enable_plugin aodh https://git.openstack.org/openstack/aodh

enable_service aodh-evaluator aodh-notifier aodh-api
disable_service ceilometer-alarm-notifier ceilometer-alarm-evaluator

enable_plugin picasso git@github.com:openstack/picasso.git

By default Ceilometer DevStack plugin installs python-ceilometermiddleware for Swift as its proxy API middleware that sends notifications through message queue to a specific topic ("notifications" by default)

Configuring Ceilometer event pipeline

To enable this functionality, configure Ceilometer to be able to publish events to the queue the aodh-listener service listen on. The event_alarm_topic config option of Aodh identifies which messaging topic the aodh-listener on, the default value is “alarm.all”.

Ceilometer publisher needs to be configured using pipeline configuration file (event_pipeline.yaml as default) to send events "alarm.all" topic:

    - name: event_source
          - "*"
          - event_sink
    - name: event_sink
          - notifier://
          - notifier://?topic=alarm.all

Collecting events from Swift

On each API request, Swift emits (through python-ceilometermiddleware) notifications to a message queue. Those notifications are being transformed into Ceilometer/Panko events and available via Ceilometer API.

Setting up alarms based on Swift notifications

Once DevStack is installed, create a Picasso app:

openstack fn apps create alarm-notifier-app

Create a route:

openstack fn routes create alarm-notifier-app-5a3e626d281 /hello async iron/hello --is-public

After that setup Aodh alarm:

aodh alarm create --event-type objectstore.http.request \
    --description objectstore_request --period 600 --evaluation-periods 1 \
    --alarm-action $(openstack fn routes expose-url alarm-notifier-app-5a3e626d281 /hello) \
    --name objectstore_request \
    --type event --ok-action $(openstack fn routes expose-url alarm-notifier-app-5a3e626d281 /hello)

This alarm would be triggered per each objectstore.http.request event in queue and one of the actions (alarm action or OK action) will be executed by submitting POST request with event data.

In Aodh (aodh-notifier) logs we can see that event alarm URL is being triggered:

2017-02-16 15:45:14.802 29717 DEBUG aodh.notifier [-] Received 1 messages in batch. sample /opt/stack/aodh/aodh/notifier/__init__.py:98
2017-02-16 15:45:14.803 29717 DEBUG aodh.notifier [-] Notifying alarm 5a911a27-487c-49d4-a4da-68b209eda2cc with action SplitResult(scheme=u'http', netloc=u'', path=u'/r/alarm-notifier-app-5a3e626d281/hello', query='', fragment='') _handle_action /opt/stack/aodh/aodh/notifier/__init__.py:138
2017-02-16 15:45:14.804 29717 INFO aodh.notifier.rest [-] Notifying alarm objectstore_request 5a911a27-487c-49d4-a4da-68b209eda2cc with severity low from insufficient data to alarm with action SplitResult(scheme=u'http', netloc=u'', path=u'/r/alarm-notifier-app-5a3e626d281/hello', query='', fragment='') because Event <id=52346005-00d3-4789-9347-1a29bdddde18,event_type=objectstore.http.request> hits the query <query=[]>.. request-id: req-cd265735-ef58-468d-aca3-65e3add9a03c
2017-02-16 15:45:15.041 29717 INFO aodh.notifier.rest [-] Notifying alarm <5a911a27-487c-49d4-a4da-68b209eda2cc> gets response: 200 OK.

Also (in aodh-listener):

2017-02-16 15:56:57.542 29761 DEBUG aodh.evaluator.event [-] Evaluating event: event = {u'event_type': u'objectstore.http.request', u'traits': [[u'typeURI', 1, u'http://schemas.dmtf.org/cloud/audit/1.0/event'], [u'eventTime', 1, u'2017-02-16T13:56:54.322957'], [u'outcome', 1, u'success'], [u'user_id', 1, u'106a49d7d2fe4bc99792a3a95195b843'], [u'initiator_typeURI', 1, u'service/security/account/user'], [u'service', 1, u'ceilometermiddleware'], [u'target_id', 1, u'af2f24bca17e4d7f974c5a07012636db'], [u'observer_id', 1, u'target'], [u'initiator_id', 1, u'106a49d7d2fe4bc99792a3a95195b843'], [u'eventType', 1, u'activity'], [u'target_typeURI', 1, u'service/storage/object'], [u'action', 1, u'read'], [u'project_id', 1, u'04108819f6294723ba539b73b0c40a03'], [u'id', 1, u'b2552bc9-20ad-516c-a9ae-e58a7e016e82']], u'message_signature': u'364eec8d900cac2cc99679b5d171d279c32138114b93250e2954782d1f961c54', u'raw': {}, u'generated': u'2017-02-16T13:56:54.323449', u'message_id': u'6531d952-07f7-4534-aaf2-b6be3934f831'} evaluate_events /opt/stack/aodh/aodh/evaluator/event.py:167
2017-02-16 15:56:57.543 29761 DEBUG aodh.evaluator.event [-] Finished event alarm evaluation. evaluate_events /opt/stack/aodh/aodh/evaluator/event.py:184

However the data that is being sent to functions does not contain any useful information regarding actual resources that were modified, so no way to get the information on it.


As part of Picasso distribution, Swift middleware is available, see https://github.com/openstack/picasso/tree/master/examples/python-picassomiddleware