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How slogging process Swift's logs

This page shows you how slogging process logs on OpenStack Swift.

Log Processing plugins

slogging is written to allow a plugin to be defined for every log type.

slogging includes plugins for both access logs and storage stats logs.

Each plugin is responsible for defining, in a config section, where the logs are stored on disk, where the logs will be stored in swift (account and container), the filename format of the logs on disk, the location of the plugin class definition, and any plugin-specific config values.

You need to define three methods for plugin.

  • The constructor. must accept one argument (the dict representation of the plugin's config section).
  • The process method must accept an iterator, and the account, container, and object name of the log.
  • The keylist_mapping accepts no parameters.

Actually, slogging collects following logs from Swift by using plugins.

Log Uploading

As a first step to collect stats data from Swift, you need to use swift-log-uploader. Basically there are three kind of logs.

  • Access Logs <access-logs>
  • Account Logs <stats-logs>
  • Container DB Stats Logs <stats-logs>

You can pass plugin's name as argument of swift-log-uploader like following.:

/usr/local/bin/swift-log-uploader /etc/swift/log-processor.conf access
/usr/local/bin/swift-log-uploader /etc/swift/log-processor.conf stats
/usr/local/bin/swift-log-uploader /etc/swift/log-processor.conf container-stats

You can set above command as cron job so that you can collect those kind of logs in regular basis.

swift-log-uploader receive a config file and a plugin name(access, container-stats, stats) through above settings. Then it finds the log files on disk according to the plugin config section and uploads them to the swift cluster as source data for log-processing.

This means one uploader process will run on each proxy server node and each account server node. To not upload partially-written log files, the uploader will not upload files with an mtime of less than two hours ago.

Access Logs

Access logs means the proxy server logs.

For example, a proxy request that is made on August 4, 2010 at 12:37 gets logged in a file named 2010080412.

This allows easy log rotation and easy per-hour log processing.

To upload access logs, you can set cron like following:

/usr/local/bin/swift-log-uploader /etc/swift/log-processor.conf access

Account / Container DB Stats Logs

You can use swift-account-stats-logger and swift-container-stats-logger to collect Account / Container DB stats logs:

swift-account-stats-logger runs on each account server (via cron) and walks the filesystem looking for account databases. When an account database is found, the logger selects the account hash, bytes_used, container_count, and object_count. These values are then written out as one line in a csv file.

One csv file is produced for every run of swift-account-stats-logger. This means that, system wide, one csv file is produced for every storage node. Rackspace runs the account stats logger every hour.

If you run account stats logger in every hour and if you have ten account servers, ten csv files are produced every hour. Also, every account will have one entry for every replica in the system. On average, there will be three copies of each account in the aggregate of all account stat csv files created in one system-wide run.

The swift-container-stats-logger runs in a similar fashion, scanning the container dbs.

To upload account stats logs and container stats logs, you can set cron like following:

/usr/local/bin/swift-log-uploader /etc/swift/log-processor.conf container-stats
/usr/local/bin/swift-log-uploader /etc/swift/log-processor.conf stats

Log Processing

Log Processing is a kind of final process to create total stats data.

swift-log-stats-collector accepts a config file and generates a csv that is uploaded to swift.

It loads all plugins defined in the config file, generates a list of all log files in swift that need to be processed, and passes an iterable of the log file data to the appropriate plugin's process method. The process method returns a dictionary of data in the log file keyed on (account, year, month, day, hour). The log-stats-collector process then combines all dictionaries from all calls to a process method into one dictionary. Key collisions within each (account, year, month, day, hour) dictionary are summed. Finally, the summed dictionary is mapped to the final csv values with each plugin's keylist_mapping method.

The resulting csv file has one line per (account, year, month, day, hour) for all log files processed in that run of swift-log-stats-collector.