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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Add a Unit Test case

Getting used to writing testing code and running this code in parallel is considered a good workflow. Whenever an API for valence is implemented, it is necessary to include the corresponding unit test case in the testing framework. Currently, when adding a unit test, valence uses basic libraries e.g. unittest, mock.

Unit tests scripts are located in <valence_root>/valence/tests/unit/ <> directory


Place your unit test in the corresponding directory in valence/tests/unit.

"valence/tests/unit/fakes" contains the fake data for all the units.

Implement a Unit Test Case

Consider implementing a unit test case for our example unit module.

To implement a unit test case for the example unit module,

Create a class in valence/tests/unit/(directory)/test(example).py, which inherits the TestCase class from unittest. i.e.

# valence/tests/unit/redfish/

class TestRedfish(TestCase):

    # This should be any function name your want to test
    def test_get_rfs_url(self):
        cfg.podm_url = ""
        expected = urljoin(cfg.podm_url, "redfish/v1/Systems/1")

        # test without service_ext
        result = redfish.get_rfs_url("/Systems/1/")
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)

Also if you want to add fakes data in unit test, please put fakes data in "valence/tests/unit/fakes", which should be named valence/tests/unit/fakes/(example)

For every bit of new code added, it is better to do pep8 and other python automated syntax checks. As we have tox integrated in to valence, this could be achieved by running the below command from the valence root directory(where tox.ini is present).

$ tox -e pep8,py27