Simplify network sanity checks

Simplify the network sanity check using the new /etc/ci/
script. If thats present we use it to check pings to the mirror host and
HTTP against the pypi mirror. If it isn't present we don't bother. Note
this makes the sanity check fail the job again if it doesn't work which
should be fine at this point because /etc/ci/ should only
exist if you have a mirror to provide information about.

Change-Id: Ifddb7c5b7ae3e446005338c9679dd5441bc57062
This commit is contained in:
Clark Boylan 2017-04-17 08:49:35 -07:00
parent 2f3218e486
commit ce56c6704e
2 changed files with 17 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ BASE: "{{ lookup('env', 'BASE')|default('/opt/stack', true) }}"
CI_USER: "{{ lookup('env', 'CI_USER')|default(ansible_user_id, true) }}"
PIP_CONFIG_FILE: "{{ lookup('env', 'PIP_CONFIG_FILE')|default('/etc/pip.conf', true) }}"
MIRROR_INFO_FILE: "{{ lookup('env', 'MIRROR_INFO_FILE')|default('/etc/ci/', true) }}"

View File

@ -1,31 +1,20 @@
- name: Get status of file PIP_CONFIG_FILE
stat: path={{ PIP_CONFIG_FILE }}
- name: Get status of file MIRROR_INFO_FILE
stat: path={{ MIRROR_INFO_FILE }}
register: st
- block:
- name: Set pypi_url variable
set_fact: pypi_url={{ lookup('ini', 'index-url section=global file=' + PIP_CONFIG_FILE) }}
- name: Set pypi_host variable
set_fact: pypi_host={{ pypi_url.split('/')[2].split(':')[0] }}
- include: ping_check.yaml host={{ pypi_host }}
- include: http_check.yaml url={{ pypi_url }}
# Get the shell parsed values so that we are consistent with what is used
# and don't have to do our own parsing.
shell: source {{ MIRROR_INFO_FILE }} && echo $NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST
register: mirror_host
executable: /bin/bash
shell: source {{ MIRROR_INFO_FILE }} && echo $NODEPOOL_PYPI_MIRROR
register: pypi_mirror
executable: /bin/bash
- include: ping_check.yaml host={{ mirror_host.stdout }}
- include: http_check.yaml url={{ pypi_mirror.stdout }}
when: st.stat.exists
- name: Get NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST from /etc/nodepool/provider
shell: grep NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST /etc/nodepool/provider | cut -d "=" -f2
register: grep_mirror_host
changed_when: False
- name: Get NODEPOOL_REGION from /etc/nodepool/provider
shell: grep NODEPOOL_REGION /etc/nodepool/provider | cut -d "=" -f2
register: grep_region
changed_when: False
- name: Get NODEPOOL_CLOUD from /etc/nodepool/provider
shell: grep NODEPOOL_CLOUD /etc/nodepool/provider | cut -d "=" -f2
register: grep_cloud
changed_when: False
- name: Build NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST variable with region and cloud if undefined
set_fact: NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST={{ grep_mirror_host.stdout|default("mirror." + grep_region.stdout|lower + "." + grep_cloud.stdout + "", true) }}
- include: ping_check.yaml host={{ NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST }}
ignore_errors: yes
- include: http_check.yaml url=http://{{ NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST }}/ubuntu/dists/trusty/Release
ignore_errors: yes