{% extends "base.html" %} {% block body %} {{ super() }}
Failures on this page are collected from all gate failures that don't match current elastic-recheck bug fingerprints.
The crm114 links are logstash queries showing log messages that have been flagged as potential errors.
More information on the system can be found here

Unclassified failed jobs

Overall Categorization Rate: {{ rate['overall'] }}%

Total: {{ total }} - Found: {{ count }} = Unclassifed: {{ uncounted }}

Generated at: {{ generated_at }} (View: 24 hours, 2 days, 7 days, 10 days)

{% for job in jobs %} back to top

{{ job[0] }} : {{ job[1] }} Uncategorized Fails. {{rate[job[0]]}}% Classification Rate ({{total_job_failures[job[0]]}} Total Fails)

{% endfor %} {% endblock %}