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Log_processor consists of a client daemon and multiple worker daemons. The client daemon subscribes to ZeroMQ on a Jenkins master listening for build completes and then dispatches jobs to the worker daemons using gearman.

External Requirements


You should have a Jenkins server running with the ZMQ Event Publisher plugin installed (it is available in the Jenkins Update Center). Be sure that the machine where you plan to run Log Processor can connect to the ZMQ port specified by the plugin on your Jenkins master(s).


You should have Logstash running with the tcp input plugin. Be sure that the machine where you plan to run Log Processor can connect to the tcp input port specified in the logstash configuration.

Install Log Processor

To install directly from git:

git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/log_processor.git /path/to/log_processor
pip install /path/to/log_processor