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.. _consuming-catalog:
Consuming Service Catalog
This document describes the process to correctly find a service's endpoint
from the Service Catalog.
.. note:: The process described in this document is compatible with all known
OpenStack Public Clouds and also matches the behavior of the python
library keystoneauth, which is the reference implementation of
authenticating with keystone and consuming information from the
catalog. In some places an argument can be made for a different
process, but given keystoneauth's wide use and reference nature,
we've chosen to keep backwards compatibility with keystoneauth's
behavior rather than design a new perfect process. keystoneauth
itself notes internally places where it kept backwards compatibility
with the libraries that predate it. Notes have been left about
stricter behavior a library or framework could choose to impose.
.. note:: The use of the word "object" in this document refers to a JSON
object, not an Object from any particular programming language.
User Request
The ultimate goal of this process is for a user to find the information about
an endpoint for a service given some inputs. The user will start the process
knowing some number of these parameters. Each additional input expected from
the user without an answer of "where do they learn this information" will
increase the difficulty of a user consuming services, so client libraries and
utilities are strongly encouraged to do whatever they can to be extra helpful
in helping the user ask the right question.
.. note:: Be liberal with what you accept and strict with what you emit.
There is one piece of information that is absolutely required that the
user know:
The official name of the service, such as ``compute``, ``image`` or
``block-storage`` as listed in the `OpenStack Service Types Authority`_.
Required. It is impossible for a user to consume service discovery without
knowing what service they want to discover.
The user may also wish to express an alteration to the general algorithm:
Forgo leniant backwards compatibility concessions and be more strict in
input and output validation.
There are several optional pieces of information that the user might know,
or additional constraints the user might wish to express.
The region of the service the user desires to work with. May be optional,
depending on whether the cloud has more than one region. Services
all exist within regions, but some clouds only have one region.
If ``{be-strict}`` has been given, ``{region-name}`` is required.
.. note:: It is highly recommended that ``{region-name}`` always be required
to protect against single-region clouds adding a region in the
future. However, keystoneauth today allows region-name to be omitted
and there are a large number of clouds in existence with a single
region named ``RegionOne``. For completely new libraries or major
versions where breaking behavior is acceptable, requiring region-name
by default would be preferred.
Which API interface, such as ``public``, ``internal`` or ``admin`` that
the user wants to use. A user can also request a list of interfaces they find
acceptable in the order of their preference, such as
``['internal', 'public']`` (Optional, defaults to ``public``)
Arbitrary name given to the service by the deployer. Optional.
.. note:: In all except the most extreme cases this should never be needed and
its use as a meaningful identifier by Deployers is strongly
discouraged. However, the Consumer has no way to otherwise mitigate
the situation if their Deployer has provided them with a catalog
where a ``service-name`` must be used, so ``service-name`` must be
accepted as input. If ``{be-strict}`` has been requested, a user
supplying ``{service-name}`` should be an error.
Unique identifier for an endpoint in the catalog. Optional.
.. note:: On clouds with well-formed catalogs ``service-id`` should never be
needed. If ``{be-strict}`` has been requested, a user supplying
``{service-id}`` should be an error.
An endpoint for the service that the user has procurred from some other
source. (Optional, defaults to omitted)
At the end of the discovery process, the user should know the
``{service-endpoint}``, which is the endpoint to use as the root of the
service, and the ``{interface}`` of the endpoint that was found.
In the description that follows, each of the above inputs and outputs will
be referred to like ``{endpoint-override}`` so that it is clear whether a user
supplied input to the process or one of the expected outputs is being
discussed. Other values that are fetched at one point in the process and
referred to at a later point are similarly referred to like
``{service-catalog}``. Names will not be reused within the process to
hold different content at different times.
It is also assumed that the user has an ``{auth-url}`` and authentication
information. The authentication process itself is out of the scope of this
Discovery Algorithm
Services should be registered in the ``{service-catalog}`` using their
``{service-type}`` from the `OpenStack Service Types Authority`_. However,
for historical reasons there are some services that have old service types
found in the wild. To facilitate moving forward with the correct
``{service-type}`` names, but also support existing users and installations,
the `OpenStack Service Types Authority`_ contains a list of historical
aliases for such services. (see `Consuming Service Types Authority`_ for
information on the data itself.
Clients will need a copy of the data published in the
`OpenStack Service Types Authority`_ to be able to complete the full Discovery
Algorithm. A client library could either keep a local copy or fetch the data
from https://service-types.openstack.org/service-types.json and potentially
cache it. It is recommended that client libraries handle consumption of the
historical data for their users but also allow some mechanism for the user to
provide a more up to date verison of the data if necessary. See
`Consuming Service Types Authority`_ for information on how to fetch the data.
The basic process is:
#. If the user has provided ``{endpoint-override}``, STOP. This is the
#. Authenticate to keystone at the ``{auth-url}``, retreiving a ``token``
which contains the ``{service-catalog}``.
#. Retrieve ``{catalog-endpoint}`` from the ``{service-catalog}`` given
some combination of ``{service-type}``, ``{interface}``, ``{service-name}``,
``{region-name}`` and ``{service-id}``. (see :ref:`endpoint-from-catalog`)
.. _endpoint-from-catalog:
Endpoint from Catalog
The ``{service-catalog}`` can be found in the ``token`` returned from
keystone authentication.
If v3 auth is used, the catalog will be in the ``catalog`` property of the
top-level ``token`` object. Such as:
.. code-block:: json
'token': {
'catalog': {}
If v2 auth is used it will be in the ``serviceCatalog`` property of the
top-level ``access`` object. Such as:
.. code-block:: json
'access': {
'serviceCatalog': {}
In both cases, the catalog content itself is a list of objects. Each object has
two main keys that concern discovery:
Matches ``{service-type}``
List of endpoint objects for that service
Additionally, for backwards compatibility reasons, the following keys may
need to be checked.
Matches ``{service-name}``
Matches ``{service-id}``
The list of endpoints has a different format depending on whether v2 or v3 auth
was used. For both versions each endpoint object has a ``region`` key,
which should match ``{region-name}`` if one was given.
In v2 auth the endpoint object has three keys ``publicURL``,
``internalURL``, ``adminURL``. The endpoint for the ``{interface}`` requested
by the user is found in the key with the name matching ``{interface}`` plus
the string ``URL``.
In v3 auth the endpoint object has a ``url`` that is the endpoint that is
being requested if the value of ``interface`` matches ``{interface}``.
Concrete examples of tokens with catalogs:
V3 Catalog Objects:
.. code-block:: json
"token": {
"catalog": [
"endpoints": [
"id": "39dc322ce86c4111b4f06c2eeae0841b",
"interface": "public",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://identity.example.com"
"id": "ec642f27474842e78bf059f6c48f4e99",
"interface": "internal",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://identity.example.com"
"id": "c609fc430175452290b62a4242e8a7e8",
"interface": "admin",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://identity.example.com"
"id": "4363ae44bdf34a3981fde3b823cb9aa2",
"type": "identity",
"name": "keystone"
V2 Catalog Objects:
.. code-block:: json
"access": {
"serviceCatalog": [
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
"adminURL": "https://identity.example.com/v2.0",
"region": "RegionOne",
"publicURL": "https://identity.example.com/v2.0",
"internalURL": "https://identity.example.com/v2.0",
"id": "4deb4d0504a044a395d4480741ba628c"
"type": "identity",
"name": "keystone"
The algorithm is:
#. Find the objects in the ``{service-catalog}`` that match the requested
``{service-type}``. (see `Match Candidate Entries`_)
#. If ``{service-name}`` was given and the objects remaining have a ``name``
field, keep only the ones where ``name`` matches ``{service-name}``.
.. note:: Catalogs from Keystone v3 before v3.3 do not have a name field. If
``{be-strict}`` was not requested and the catalog does not have a
``name`` field, ``{service-name}`` should be ignored.
#. If ``{service-id}`` was given and the objects remaining have a ``id``
field, keep only the ones where ``id`` matches ``{service-id}``.
.. note:: Catalogs from Keystone v2 do not have an id field. If
``{be-strict}`` was not requested and the catalog does not have a
``id`` field, ``{service-id}`` should be ignored.
The list of remaining objects are the ``{candidate-catalog-objects}``. If there
are no endpoints, return an error that there are no endpoints matching
``{service-type}`` and ``{service-name}``.
Use ``{candidate-catalog-objects}`` to produce the list of
For each endpoint object in each of the ``{candidate-catalog-objects}``:
#. If v2, if there is no key of the form ``{interface}URL`` for any of the
the ``{interface}`` values given, discard the endpoint.
#. If v3, if ``interface`` does not match any of the ``{interface}`` values
given, discard the endpoint.
If there are no endpoints left, return an error that there are no endpoints
matching any of the ``{interface}`` values, preferrably including the list of
interfaces that were found.
For each remaining endpoint in ``{candidate-endpoints}``:
#. If ``{region_name}`` was given and does not match either of ``region``
or ``region_id``, discard the endpoint.
If there are no remaining endpoints, return an error that there are no
endpoints matching ``{region_name}``, preferrably including the list of
regions that were found.
#. From the set of remaining candidate endpoints, find the ones that best
matches the requested ``{service-type}``.
(see `Find Endpoint Matching Best Service Type`_)
The remaining ``{candidate-endpoints}`` match the request. If there is more
than one of them, use the first, but emit a warning to the user that more
than one endpoint was left. If ``{be-strict}`` has been requested, return an
error instead with information about each of the endpoints left in the list.
.. note:: It would be more correct to throw an error if there is more than one
endpoint left, but the keystoneauth library returns the first and
changing that would break a large number of existing users. If one
is writing a completely new library from scratch, or a new major
version where behavior change is acceptable, defaulting to throwing
an error here if there is more than one version left is preferred.
#. If v2, the ``{catalog-endpoint}`` is the value of ``{interface}URL``.
#. If v3, the ``{catalog-endpoint}`` is the value of ``url``.
Match Candidate Entries
For every entry in the catalog:
#. If the entry's type matches the requested ``{service-type}``, it is a
#. If the requested type is an official type from the
`OpenStack Service Types Authority`_ that has aliases and one of the aliases
matches the entry's type, it is a candidate.
#. If the requested type is an alias of an official type from the
`OpenStack Service Types Authority`_ and the entry's type matches the
official type, it is a candidate.
.. note:: Requesting one alias and finding a different alias is not supported
at this point because most aliases carry implied information about
major versions as well. A subsequent spec adds the process for
version discovery at which point it can be safe to attempt to return
an endpoint listed under an alias different than what was requested.
Find Endpoint Matching Best Service Type
Given a list of candidate endpoints that have matched the other criteria:
#. Check the list of candidate endpoints to see if one of them matches the
requested ``{service-type}``. If any are an exact match,
`Find Endpoint Matching Best Interface`_.
#. If the requested ``{service-type}`` is an official type in the
`OpenStack Service Types Authority`_ that has aliases, check each alias
in order of preference as listed in the Authority to see if it has a
matching endpoint from the candidate endpoints. For all endpoints that
match the first alias with matching endpoints,
`Find Endpoint Matching Best Interface`_.
#. If the requested ``{service-type}`` is an alias of an official type in the
`OpenStack Service Types Authority`_ and any endpoints match the official
type, `Find Endpoint Matching Best Interface`_.
Find Endpoint Matching Best Interface
Given a list of candidate endpoints that have matched the other criteria:
#. In order of preference of ``{interface}`` list, return all endpoints that
match the first ``{interface}`` with matching endpoints.
For example, given the following catalog:
.. code-block:: json
"token": {
"catalog": [
"endpoints": [
"interface": "public",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://block-storage.example.com/v3"
"id": "4363ae44bdf34a3981fde3b823cb9aa3",
"type": "volumev3",
"name": "cinder"
"endpoints": [
"interface": "public",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://block-storage.example.com/v2"
"id": "4363ae44bdf34a3981fde3b823cb9aa2",
"type": "volumev2",
"name": "cinder"
Then the following:
service_type = 'block-storage'
# block-storage is not found, get list of aliases
# volumev3 is found, return it
service_type = 'volumev2'
# volumev2 not an official type in authority, but is in catalog
# return volumev2 entry
service_type = 'volume'
# volume not in authority or catalog
# volume is an alias of block-storage
# block-storage is not found. Return error.
Given the following catalog:
.. code-block:: json
"token": {
"catalog": [
"endpoints": [
"interface": "public",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://block-storage.example.com"
"id": "4363ae44bdf34a3981fde3b823cb9aa3",
"type": "block-storage",
"name": "cinder"
Then the following:
service_type = 'block-storage'
# block-storage is found, return it
service_type = 'volumev2'
# volumev2 not in authority, is an alias for block-storage
# block-storage is in the catalog, return it
Given the following catalog:
.. code-block:: json
"token": {
"catalog": [
"endpoints": [
"interface": "public",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://block-storage.example.com"
"id": "4363ae44bdf34a3981fde3b823cb9aa3",
"type": "block-storage",
"name": "cinder"
"endpoints": [
"interface": "public",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://block-storage.example.com/v2"
"interface": "interal",
"region": "RegionOne",
"url": "https://block-storage.example.int/v2"
"id": "4363ae44bdf34a3981fde3b823cb9aa2",
"type": "volumev2",
"name": "cinder"
Then the following:
service_type = 'block-storage'
interface = ['internal', 'public']
# block-storage is found
# block-storage does not have internal, but has public
# return block-storage public
service_type = 'volumev2'
interface = ['internal', 'public']
# volumev2 not an official type in authority, but is in catalog
# volumev2 has an internal interface
# return volumev2 internal entry
Consuming Service Types Authority
The `OpenStack Service Types Authority`_ is data about official service type
names and historical service type names commonly in use from before there was
an official list. It is made available to allow libraries and other client
API consumers to be able to provide a consistent interface based on the
official list but still support existing names. Providing this support is
highly recommended, but is ultimately optional. The first step in the matching
process is always to return direct matches between the catalog and the user
request, so the existing consumption models from before the existence of the
authority should always work.
In order to consume the information in the `OpenStack Service Types Authority`_
it is important to know a few things:
#. The data is maintained in YAML format in git. This is the ultimately
authoritative source code for the list.
#. The data is published in JSON format at
https://service-types.openstack.org/service-types.json and has a JSONSchema
at https://service-types.openstack.org/service-types-schema.json.
#. The published data contains a version which is date based in
`ISO Date Time Format`_, a sha which contains the git sha of the
commit the published data was built from, and pre-built forward and reverse
mappings between official types and aliases.
#. The JSON file is served with ETag support and should be considered highly
#. The current version of the JSON file should always be the preferred files to
#. The JSON file is similar to timezone data. It should not be considered
versioned such that stable releases of distros should provide a
frozen version of it. Distro packages should instead update for all
active releases when a new version of the file is published.
.. _OpenStack Service Types Authority: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/service-types-authority/
.. _ISO Date Time Format: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6