
23 KiB

Multiple Secret Backend Support

Barbican provides capability to create and store secrets via its plugin mechanism. Barbican has KMIP, PKCS11 and Dogtag KRA plugins for creating and managing secrets in HSM (Hardware Security Module) devices and store_crypto plugin for storing secrets in its own database. Enterprises generally have HSM devices to safely secure their key material (data-at-rest) and to meet compliance requirements.

Problem Description

Barbican supports secret storage in HSM device as well as in a database. So far, Barbican has implicit concept of configuring one active plugin for secret store which means all of the new secrets are going to be stored via same plugin (i.e. same storage backend). This approach can limit the usage of barbican in a cloud deployment where not all services/applications have similar data sensitivity and hence don't have necessity of using same mechanism to safeguard their key material. Also HSM are expensive devices which have limited storage capacity and performance characteristics in comparison to database. Current one active secret store plugin approach is inflexible for following use cases.

  • In a deployment, a deployer may be okay storing their dev/test resources using a low-security secret store, such as one backend by software-only crypto, but may want to use an HSM-backed secret store for production resources.
  • In a deployment, for certain use cases where a client requires high concurrent access of stored keys, HSM might not be a good storage backend. Also scaling them horizontally to provide higher scalability is a costly approach with respect to database.
  • HSM devices generally have limited storage capacity so a deployment will have to watch its stored keys size proactively to remain under the limit constraint. This is applicable in KMIP backend more than with PKCS11 backend because of plugin's different storage approach. This aspect can also result from above use case scenario where deployment is storing non-sensitive (from dev/test environment) encryption keys in HSM.
  • Barbican running as IaaS service or platform component where some class of client services have strict compliance requirements (e.g. FIPS) so will use HSM backed plugins whereas others may be okay storing keys in software-only crypto plugin.

Currently there is no simple solution to support above use-cases. The suggestion of asking deployment to have a separate barbican endpoint per plugin is not a good usage experience. See alternatives-label section for further details. As there is only one secret store backend available, so client (or class of services) does not have choice to choose backend regardless of its requirement related to safeguarding those keys.

Proposed Change

Proposal is to allow multiple secret store backends available in a single barbican deployment. As part of this change, client will have the choice to select preferred backend at a project level.

For this, a Barbican deployment will have at least 2 secret storage backend enabled and need to specify one backend to be a deployment level (global) default option. Project administrators will have choice of pre-selecting one backend as the preferred choice for secrets created under that project. Any new secret created under that project will use the preferred backend to store its key material. When there is no project level storage backend selected, then new secret will use the global secret storage backend.

As each secret already has metadata which captures its backend information, Barbican can allow clients to specify a specific storage backend when creating or storing new secret in Barbican. This can be a future enhancement if there is an actual use case for this requirement. Currently this feature is not in scope of this effort.

Also to manage this feature, a flag enable_multiple_secret_stores will be added. By default, this flag will be disabled (set as false). So any existing logic changes need to account for that flag value and modify only when this flag is enabled. When barbican is started with this flag enabled, then need to make sure that global default plugin exists in config file.

Change in New Secret Generate and Storage

Currently a secret store plugin expose its generate and store capability via its supports API mechanism. This mechanism checks that input secret specification (algorithm, length) is supported by plugin backend.

When a project has defined its preferred secret store plugin, then only that plugin is checked for supports criteria. If preferred plugin does not meets the given input criteria, then 400 error with related message is returned to the client. For this to happen, get_active_plugins logic will return project level preferred plugin if defined otherwise global default plugin.

This logic of preferred secret generate and store needs to be applied on order processing side as well. Synchronous or asynchronous order processing logic needs to be modified so that when generate plugin is looked up for new secret, it provides project level preferred plugin and then global default plugin. Same goes for secret store logic needed for symmetric key storage and certificate storage after certificate are generated successfully during order processing.

Barbican has key wrapping support (in few plugins) to ensure that secret is pre-encrypted in such a way that only client and backend store can decrypt the secret. For this client needs to have access to transport key to pre-encrypt while storing or reading that secret back. With multiple backend support, reading of transport key will not be impacted. For existing secrets, client invokes secret metadata API which returns secret transport key id in response when requested. This id is derived from secret plugin association and plugin transport key association. For new secrets, if there is project level preferred backend specified, then returned transport key is specific to that backend. If project does not have project preferred backend, then it will return transport key specific to global default backend. This way, there should not be case where transport key and secret store backends are different.


One alternative suggested earlier has been to deploy separate Barbican servers to have different endpoints for each supported plugin. This may work though it is not a good usage experience from client perspective. Now onus is on the client to maintain different barbican endpoints in their configuration and to remember on their side which secrets is accessed via which endpoint. Also some of current service integrations generally has support for one barbican endpoint so this may not be feasible for existing service integrations. Then there is standard issue of managing these endpoints in keystone service catalog.

Service Configuration impact

To support multiple plugin configuration, following configuration format is needed as current multiple plugin configuration does not define a clear relationship between secret store and crypto plugin:

enable_multiple_secret_stores = True
stores_lookup_suffix = software, kmip, pkcs11, dogtag

secret_store_plugin = store_crypto
crypto_plugin = simple_crypto

secret_store_plugin = kmip_plugin
global_default = True

secret_store_plugin = dogtag_plugin

secret_store_plugin = store_crypto
crypto_plugin = p11_crypto

When multiple secret stores support is enabled, then this new list property stores_lookup_suffix is going to be used for looking up relevant supported plugin names in oslo configuration section constructed using pattern 'secretstore:{suffix}'. One of the plugin must be explicitly identified as global_default = True. There is going be a validation around this requirement. Ordering of suffix does not matter.

When multiple secret stores are enabled, then property enabled_secretstore_plugins and enabled_crypto_plugins are not used for instantiating supported plugins. Instead above mentioned mechanism is used to instantiate store and cryto plugins.

Data model impact

A new table, secret_stores, is going to be created for storing secret store backend information. At barbican application startup, this table is going to add new entry for plugins supported, if not present, based on secret_store_plugin and crypto_plugin combination. One of secret store plugin entry in db will have global_default column value as true.:

table_exists = ctx.dialect.has_table(con.engine, 'secret_stores')
if not table_exists:
         sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('deleted_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True),
         sa.Column('deleted', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('status', sa.String(length=20), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('store_plugin', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('crypto_plugin', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
         sa.Column('global_default', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
         sa.UniqueConstraint('store_plugin', 'crypto_plugin',

At service startup, logic is going to be added to populate secret_stores data. See global_default_api_label for API. This new table is going to have crypto_plugin field to account for software-only and PKCS11 plugin case. Both plugins use store_crypto as secret store backend and difference is in crypto plugin name i.e. simple_crypto vs. p11_crypto plugin.

Each secret store and crypto plugins implementation going to have new config 'plugin_name' added in their plugin specific configuration. This name is intended to be user friendly name and we will add default for it which can be updated via config if needed. This plugin name is going to be used when creating new secret store entry. For PKCS11 and DB backend, crypto plugin names are going to be used in name field as they do not directly extend secret store base classes.

Another new table, project_secret_stores, is going to be created for storing per project secret store linking data.:

table_exists = ctx.dialect.has_table(con.engine, 'project_secret_stores')
if not table_exists:
         sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('deleted_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True),
         sa.Column('deleted', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('status', sa.String(length=20), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('secret_store_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
         sa.Column('project_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
         sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['secret_store_id'], [''],),
         sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['project_id'], [''],),
   op.create_index(op.f('ix_project_secret_stores_store_id'), 'project_secret_stores',
                   ['secret_store_id'], unique=False)
   op.create_index(op.f('ix_project_secret_stores_project_id'), 'project_secret_stores',
                   ['project_id'], unique=False)

This table is going to be populated whenever a project level preferred store is set. In case of update of existing project preferred value, existing entry will be removed and new entry is going to be created.

There is no database migration needed as its a new feature.

REST API impact

There is no impact on existing barbican API(s). Following new REST API are going to be added to support this new feature.

In case multiple secret store backend is not enabled and response is not applicable ( /secret-stores/{ID}/preferred ), secret-stores related API will result in error 404.

Listing All Secret Store Backend

A new API resource tree /secret-stores is going to be added for managing available secret storage backends. This API will provide list of available secret store backends. Only project administrator (users with admin role) are authorized to invoke this API.

REST API: GET /secret-stores:

   GET /secret-stores
      X-Auth-Token: 'f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1'

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK

            "name": "PKCS11 HSM",
            "global_default": True,
            "secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
            "store_plugin": "store_crypto"
            "crypto_plugin": "p11_crypto",
            "secret_store_id": "4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
            "updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283"
            "name": "KMIP HSM",
            "global_default": False,
            "secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/93869b0f-60eb-4830-adb9-e2f7154a080b",
            "store_plugin": "kmip_plugin",
            "crypto_plugin": None,
            "secret_store_id": "93869b0f-60eb-4830-adb9-e2f7154a080b",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.124554",
            "updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.124554"
            "name": "Software Only Crypto",
            "global_default": False,
            "secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/0da45858-9420-42fe-a269-011f5f35deaa",
            "store_plugin": "kmip_plugin",
            "crypto_plugin": "simple_crypto",
            "secret_store_id": "0da45858-9420-42fe-a269-011f5f35deaa",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.127866",
            "updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.127866"

Reading A Secret Store Backend

Any barbican user can invoke a given secret store backend info. Returned name is derived from friendly plugin name defined in service configuration. Each secret store plugin and crpyto plugins have default name which can be overriden in plugin_name under that plugin section. Only project administrator (users with admin role) are authorized to invoke this API.

REST API: GET /secret-stores/{secret_store_id}:

   GET secret-stores/4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8
      X-Auth-Token: 'f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1'

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK

      "name": "PKCS11 HSM",
      "global_default": True,
      "secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
      "store_plugin": "store_crypto"
      "crypto_plugin": "p11_crypto",
      "secret_store_id": "4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
      "updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283"

Preferred Secret Store Backend

Project administrator (users with admin role) can add, update or remove preferred secret store backend for their project. Project information is derived from project scoped token. In a barbican deployment without keystone setup, project information is obtained from X-Project-Id request header.

Getting Per Project Secret Store Backend

Only project administrator can request a reference to the preferred secret store if assigned previously. When a preferred secret store is set for a project, then new project secrets are stored using that store backend. If multiple secret store support is not enabled, then this resource will return 404 (Not Found title) error.

REST API: GET /v1/secret-stores/preferred:


GET /v1/secret-stores/preferred
   X-Auth-Token: "f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1"
   Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json

   "name": "KMIP HSM",
   "global_default": False,
   "secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/93869b0f-60eb-4830-adb9-e2f7154a080b",
   "store_plugin": "kmip_plugin",
   "crypto_plugin": None,
   "secret_store_id": "93869b0f-60eb-4830-adb9-e2f7154a080b",
   "status": "ACTIVE",
   "created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.124554",
   "updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.124554"

Setting Per Project Secret Store Backend

Only project administrator can set the per project backend. This API will set or update the per project backend for any new secrets created after that change.

REST API: POST /secret-stores/{secret_store_id}/preferred:


POST /secret-stores/7776adb8-e865-413c-8ccc-4f09c3fe0213/preferred
   X-Auth-Token: '2f30ca66d27d4d0cbff51d44bc5ac66e'


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Deleting Per Project Secret Store Backend

Only project administrator can remove the per project backend.

REST API: DELETE /secret-stores/{secret_store_id}/preferred:


DELETE /secret-stores/7776adb8-e865-413c-8ccc-4f09c3fe0213/preferred
   X-Auth-Token: '2f30ca66d27d4d0cbff51d44bc5ac66e'


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Global Default Secret Store Backend

Global default secret store is used when a project in barbican does not have a preferred secret store setting. In that case, new secrets created under that project will use global secret store to generate and store keys.

Global default secret store value is not expected to change that frequently so its value is managed via service configuration. At service startup, global_default value must be explicitly set in one of plugin related configuration section.

Changing global default secret store plugin in configuration should not impact project (without preferred plugin) existing secrets as those secrets metadata in db already has information about its associated plugin backend.

Getting Global Default Backend

Only project administrator can read the current global default backend value.

REST API: GET /secret-stores/global-default:


GET /secret-stores/global-default
   X-Auth-Token: '2f30ca66d27d4d0cbff51d44bc5ac66e'
   Accept: 'application/json'


HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json

   "name": "PKCS11 HSM",
   "global_default": True,
   "secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
   "store_plugin": "store_crypto"
   "crypto_plugin": "p11_crypto",
   "secret_store_id": "4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
   "status": "ACTIVE",
   "created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
   "updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283"

Operation POST or DELETE on /secret-stores/global-default is not allowed. So invoking that resource should generate 405 (Method Not Allowed) error.

Security impact

No impact as these are new APIs. Some of new APIs will require service administrator privileges to make changes. As result of this change, deployments will have choice to use database as secret store backend for some secrets. Database backend is considered less secure backend with reference to HSM storage option. But this feature in itself does not introduce a security risk as database backend is barbican existing backend and deployer can choose not to use it.

Notifications & Audit Impact


Python and Command Line Client Impact

These new APIs need to be supported in barbican client API and CLI (command line interface).

Other end user impact

There should not be impact on existing deployment as its a new feature. By default, this feature will be disabled. Once this feature is enabled, clients will have choice to define and use specific backend for a project. To use this, clients will initially have to use new APIs to set their project level preferred secret store plugins.

Performance Impact

Minimal. On API usage level, this is expected to be infrequent admin operation. Impact related to creating new secret and storing secret flow will be also very minimal.

Other deployer impact

This new feature is going to be disabled by default. There is new flag added to enable i.e. enable_multiple_secret_stores in secretstore section of barbican configuration. Also for multiple plugins support, deployer will need to define supported plugins configuration as mentioned above (different from way currently supported).

There is no migration needed and deployment should work with default configuration as-is.

Developer impact

There should not be any impact on plugin developers and existing API.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

Work Items

  • Add documentation for secret stores API.
  • Add model layer changes.
  • Logic to populate secret_stores table data.
  • Add logic to parse multiple plugin configuration.
  • Add controller layer changes for new api.
  • Modify secret create and store logic to leverage this feature.The feature flag needs to be used in related changes.
  • Add functional test for new APIs.
  • Update/Add existing functional test around multiple backend support.




Current unit and functional test will be modified to reflect related changes. New unit and functional test will be added for new secret-stores APIs.

Documentation Impact

This is a new feature that will be documented for new APIs and its usage.


1. Transport Key Wrapping