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Migration to OVN

Starting with OpenStack Ussuri, Charmed OpenStack recommends OVN as the cloud's software defined networking framework (SDN). This page outlines the procedure for migrating an existing non-OVN cloud to OVN. Technically, it describes how to move from "Neutron ML2+OVS" to "Neutron ML2+OVN".

On a charm level, the migration entails replacing these charms:

  • neutron-gateway
  • neutron-openvswitch

with these charms:

  • ovn-central
  • ovn-chassis (or ovn-dedicated-chassis)
  • neutron-api-plugin-ovn charms

Post-migration, the cg:admin/networking/ovn/index page in the Charm Guide includes information on configuration and usage.

MTU considerations

When migrating from ML2+OVS to ML2+OVN there will be a change of encapsulation for the tunnels in the overlay network to geneve. A side effect of the change of encapsulation is that the packets transmitted on the physical network get larger.

You must examine the existing configuration of network equipment, physical links on hypervisors and configuration of existing virtual project networks to determine if there is room for this growth.

Making room for the growth could be accomplished by increasing the MTU configuration on the physical network equipment and hypervisor physical links. If this can be done then steps #1 and #9 below can be skipped, where it is shown how to reduce the MTU on all existing cloud instances.

Remember to take any other encapsulation used in your physical network equipment into account when calculating the MTU (VLAN tags, MPLS labels etc.).

Encapsulation types and their overhead:

Encapsulation Overhead Difference from Geneve
Geneve 38 Bytes

0 Bytes

VXLAN 30 Bytes

8 Bytes

GRE 22 Bytes

16 bytes

Confirmation of migration actions

Many of the actions used for the migration require a confirmation from the operator by way of the i-really-mean-it parameter.

This parameter accepts the values 'true' or 'false'. If 'false' the requested operation will either not be performed, or will be performed in dry-run mode, if 'true' the requested operation will be performed.

In the examples below the parameter will not be listed, this is deliberate to avoid accidents caused by cutting and pasting the wrong command into a terminal.

Prepare for the migration

This section contains the preparation steps that will ensure minimal instance down time during the migration. Ensure that you have studied them in advance of the actual migration.


Allow for at least 24 hours to pass between the completion of the preparation steps and the commencement of the actual migration steps. This is particularly necesseary because depending on your physical network configuration, it may be required to reduce the MTU size on all cloud instances as part of the migration.

  1. Reduce MTU on all instances in the cloud if required

    Please refer to the MTU considerations section above.

    • Instances using DHCP can be controlled centrally by the cloud operator by overriding the MTU advertised by the DHCP server.

      juju config neutron-gateway instance-mtu=1300
      juju config neutron-openvswitch instance-mtu=1300
    • Instances using IPv6 RA or SLAAC will automatically adjust their MTU as soon as OVN takes over announcing the RAs.

    • Any instances not using DHCP must be configured manually by the end user of the instance.

  2. Confirm cloud subnet configuration

    • Confirm that all subnets have IP addresses available for allocation.

      During the migration OVN may create a new port in subnets and allocate an IP address to it. Depending on the type of network, this port will be used for either the OVN metadata service or for the SNAT address assigned to an external router interface.


      If a subnet has no free IP addresses for allocation the migration will fail.

    • Confirm that all subnets have a valid DNS server configuration.

      OVN handles instance access to DNS differently to how ML2+OVS does. Please refer to the Internal DNS resolution paragraph in this document for details.

      When the subnet dns_nameservers attribute is empty the OVN DHCP server will provide instances with the DNS addresses specified in the neutron-api-plugin-ovn dns-servers configuration option. If any of your subnets have the dns_nameservers attribute set to the IP address ML2+OVS used for instance DNS (usually the .2 address of the project subnet) you will need to remove this configuration.

  3. Make a fresh backup copy of the Neutron database

  4. Deploy the OVN components and Vault

    In your Juju model you can have a charm deployed multiple times using different application names. In the text below this will be referred to as "named application". One example where this is common is for deployments with Octavia where it is common to use a separate named application for neutron-openvswtich for use with the Octavia units.

    In addition to the central components you should deploy an ovn-chassis named application for every neutron-openvswitch named application in your deployment. For every neutron-gateway named application you should deploy an ovn-dedicated-chassis named application to the same set of machines.

    At this point in time each hypervisor or gateway will have a Neutron Open vSwitch (OVS) agent managing the local OVS instance. Network loops may occur if an ovn-chassis unit is started as it will also attempt to manage OVS. To avoid this, deploy ovn-chassis (or ovn-dedicated-chassis) in a paused state by setting the new-units-paused configuration option to 'true':

    juju deploy ovn-central \
       --series focal \
       -n 3 \
       --to lxd:0,lxd:1,lxd:2
    juju deploy ovn-chassis \
       --series focal \
       --config new-units-paused=true \
       --config bridge-interface-mappings='br-provider:00:00:5e:00:00:42' \
       --config ovn-bridge-mappings=physnet1:br-provider
    juju deploy ovn-dedicated-chassis \
       --series focal \
       --config new-units-paused=true \
       --config bridge-interface-mappings='br-provider:00:00:5e:00:00:51' \
       --config ovn-bridge-mappings=physnet1:br-provider \
       -n 2 \
       --to 3,4
    juju deploy --series focal mysql-router vault-mysql-router
    juju deploy --series focal vault
    juju add-relation vault-mysql-router:db-router \
    juju add-relation vault-mysql-router:shared-db vault:shared-db
    juju add-relation ovn-central:certificates vault:certificates
    juju add-relation ovn-chassis:certificates vault:certificates
    juju add-relation ovn-chassis:ovsdb ovn-central:ovsdb
    juju add-relation nova-compute:neutron-plugin ovn-chassis:nova-compute

    The values to use for the bridge-interface-mappings and ovn-bridge-mappings configuration options can be found by looking at what is set for the data-port and bridge-mappings configuration options on the neutron-openvswitch and/or neutron-gateway applications.


    In the above example the placement given with the --to parameter to juju is just an example. Your deployment may also have multiple named applications of the neutron-openvswitch charm and/or mutliple applications related to the neutron-openvswitch named applications. You must tailor the commands to fit with your deployments topology.

  5. Unseal Vault (see the vault charm), set up TLS certificates (see Managing TLS certificates), and validate that the services on ovn-central units are running as expected. Please refer to the OVN cg:admin/networking/ovn/index page in the Charm Guide for more information.

Perform the migration

  1. Change firewall driver to 'openvswitch'

    To be able to successfully clean up after the Neutron agents on hypervisors we need to instruct the neutron-openvswitch charm to use the 'openvswitch' firewall driver. This is accomplished by setting the firewall-driver configuration option to 'openvswitch'.

    juju config neutron-openvswitch firewall-driver=openvswitch
  2. Pause neutron-openvswitch and/or neutron-gateway units.

    If your deployments have two neutron-gateway units and four neutron-openvswitch units the sequence of commands would be:

    juju run-action neutron-gateway/0 pause
    juju run-action neutron-gateway/1 pause
    juju run-action neutron-openvswitch/0 pause
    juju run-action neutron-openvswitch/1 pause
    juju run-action neutron-openvswitch/2 pause
    juju run-action neutron-openvswitch/3 pause
  3. Deploy the Neutron OVN plugin application

    juju deploy neutron-api-plugin-ovn \
       --series focal \
       --config dns-servers==""
    juju add-relation neutron-api-plugin-ovn:neutron-plugin \
    juju add-relation neutron-api-plugin-ovn:certificates \
    juju add-relation neutron-api-plugin-ovn:ovsdb-cms ovn-central:ovsdb-cms

    The values to use for the dns-servers configuration option can be found by looking at what is set for the dns-servers configuration option on the neutron-openvswitch and/or neutron-gateway applications.


    The plugin will not be activated until the neutron-api manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode configuration option is changed in step 9.

  4. Adjust MTU on overlay networks (if required)

    Now that 24 hours have passed since we reduced the MTU on the instances running in the cloud as described in step 1, we can update the MTU setting for each individual Neutron network:

    juju run-action --wait neutron-api-plugin-ovn/0 migrate-mtu
  5. Enable the Neutron OVN plugin

    juju config neutron-api manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode=false

    Wait for the deployment to settle.

  6. Pause the Neutron API units

    juju run-action neutron-api/0 pause
    juju run-action neutron-api/1 pause
    juju run-action neutron-api/2 pause

    Wait for the deployment to settle.

  7. Perform initial synchronization of the Neutron and OVN databases

    juju run-action --wait neutron-api-plugin-ovn/0 migrate-ovn-db
  8. (Optional) Perform Neutron database surgery to update network_type of overlay networks to 'geneve'.

    At the time of this writing the Neutron OVN ML2 driver will assume that all chassis participating in a network are using the 'geneve' tunnel protocol and it will ignore the value of the network_type field in any non-physical network in the Neutron database. It will also ignore the segmentation_id field and let OVN assign the VNIs.

    The Neutron API currently does not support changing the type of a network, so when doing a migration the above described behaviour is actually a welcome one.

    However, after the migration is done and all the primary functions are working, i.e. packets are forwarded. The end user of the cloud will be left with the false impression of their existing 'gre' or 'vxlan' typed networks still being operational on said tunnel protocols, while in reality 'geneve' is used under the hood.

    The end user will also run into issues with modifying any existing networks with openstack network set throwing error messages about networks of type 'gre' or 'vxlan' not being supported.

    After running this action said networks will have their network_type field changed to 'geneve' which will fix the above described problems.

    juju run-action --wait neutron-api-plugin-ovn/0 offline-neutron-morph-db
  9. Resume the Neutron API units

    juju run-action neutron-api/0 resume
    juju run-action neutron-api/1 resume
    juju run-action neutron-api/2 resume

    Wait for the deployment to settle.

  10. Migrate hypervisors and gateways

    The final step of the migration is to clean up after the Neutron agents on the hypervisors/gateways and enable the OVN services so that they can reprogram the local Open vSwitch.

    This can be done one gateway / hypervisor at a time or all at once to your discretion.


    During the migration instances running on a non-migrated hypervisor will not be able to reach instances on the migrated hypervisors.


    When migrating a cloud with Neutron ML2+OVS+DVR+SNAT topology care should be taken to take into account on which hypervisors essential agents are running to minimize downtime for any instances on other hypervisors with dependencies on them.

    juju run-action --wait neutron-openvswitch/0 cleanup
    juju run-action --wait ovn-chassis/0 resume
    juju run-action --wait neutron-gateway/0 cleanup
    juju run-action --wait ovn-dedicated-chassis/0 resume
  11. Post migration tasks

    Remove the now redundant Neutron ML2+OVS agents from hypervisors and any dedicated gateways as well as the neutron-gateway and neutron-openvswitch applications from the Juju model:

    juju run --application neutron-gateway '\
       apt remove -y neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-l3-agent \
       neutron-metadata-agent neutron-openvswitch-agent'
    juju remove-application neutron-gateway
    juju run --application neutron-openvswitch '\
       apt remove -y neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-l3-agent \
       neutron-metadata-agent neutron-openvswitch-agent'
    juju remove-application neutron-openvswitch

    Remove the now redundant Neutron ML2+OVS agents from the Neutron database:

    openstack network agent list
    openstack network agent delete ...