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Virtual GPU (vGPU)


This page has been identified as being affected by the breaking changes introduced between versions 2.9.x and 3.x of the Juju client. Read support note juju_29_3x_changes before continuing.


Virtual GPU (vGPU) is a graphics virtualisation solution that provides virtual machines simultaneous access to physical GPUs hosted on hypervisors. The physical GPU must be expressly designed for this purpose.

This page explains how to add vGPU capability to an existing cloud.


Due to several upstream OpenStack limitations, the vGPU feature generally works better on OpenStack Stein (and newer).


The enablement of the vGPU feature will require a reboot of all affected hypervisors.


The following requirements must be met in order to use the vGPU feature:


The OpenStack charms do not have multiple vGPU support (multiple vGPUs assigned to a single VM).


Deploy the nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu application and add a relation to nova-compute:

juju deploy ch:nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu --channel=yoga/stable
juju integrate nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu:nova-vgpu nova-compute:nova-vgpu


If the vGPU feature is to be used to a significant extent it is recommended to leverage application groups (custom application names) when deploying the nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu charm. Doing so will make working with vGPU more versatile.

Attach the device drivers to the nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu charm:

juju attach nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu \

Once the model settles, the juju status nova-compute command will show output similar to:

App                       Version  Status   Scale  Charm                     Channel      Rev  Exposed  Message
nova-compute              25.0.0   active       1  nova-compute              yoga/edge    579  no       Unit is ready
nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu           blocked      1  nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu  yoga/edge     13  no       NVIDIA GPU found; installed NVIDIA software: 510.47.03; reboot required?
ovn-chassis               22.03.0  active       1  ovn-chassis               22.03/edge    45  no       Unit is ready

Unit                           Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
nova-compute/0*                active    idle   1          Unit is ready
  nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu/0*  blocked   idle            NVIDIA GPU found; installed NVIDIA software: 510.47.03; reboot required?
  ovn-chassis/0*               active    idle            Unit is ready

When the cloud is ready, reboot all affected Compute nodes:

juju exec -a nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu -- sudo reboot

vGPU type definition

One or more physical GPUs can be installed on a Compute node. Each of these physical GPUs can be divided into one or more vGPUs types, where a type can support a specific number of actual vGPUs.

A Compute node's vGPU types (and associated physical GPUs) can be listed by querying the corresponding nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu application unit:

juju run nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu/0 list-vgpu-types

Sample output:

nvidia-105, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-1Q, num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=1024M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=16
nvidia-106, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-2Q, num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=2048M, max_resolution=7680x4320, max_instance=8
nvidia-107, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-4Q, num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=4096M, max_resolution=7680x4320, max_instance=4
nvidia-108, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-8Q, num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=8192M, max_resolution=7680x4320, max_instance=2
nvidia-109, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-16Q, num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=16384M, max_resolution=7680x4320, max_instance=1
nvidia-110, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-1A, num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=1024M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=16
nvidia-111, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-2A, num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=2048M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=8
nvidia-112, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-4A, num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=4096M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=4
nvidia-113, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-8A, num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=8192M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=2
nvidia-114, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-16A, num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=16384M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=1
nvidia-115, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-1B, num_heads=4, frl_config=45, framebuffer=1024M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=16
nvidia-163, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-2B, num_heads=4, frl_config=45, framebuffer=2048M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=8
nvidia-217, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-2B4, num_heads=4, frl_config=45, framebuffer=2048M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=8
nvidia-247, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-1B4, num_heads=4, frl_config=45, framebuffer=1024M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=16
nvidia-299, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-4C, num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=4096M, max_resolution=4096x2160, max_instance=4
nvidia-300, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-8C, num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=8192M, max_resolution=4096x2160, max_instance=2
nvidia-301, 0000:c1:00.0, GRID V100-16C, num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=16384M, max_resolution=4096x2160, max_instance=1

Here, 17 vGPU types are available from a single GPU device:

  • 0000:c1:00.0

The last column of each type's entry gives the number of vGPU cards that can be assigned to cloud VMs (e.g. max_instance=4).

vGPU type selection

vGPUs are made available to the cloud based on the selection of one or more vGPU types.

The last character of the description of an NVIDIA vGPU type maps to its intended purpose and associated NVIDIA GRID license usage:

  • Q - NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation
  • C - NVIDIA Virtual Compute Server
  • B - NVIDIA Virtual PC
  • A - NVIDIA Virtual Applications

The selection should be based on the knowledge of all types across the cloud. The types for each Compute node should therefore first be listed before making a decision.

Selecting a vGPU type consists of mapping it to a physical GPU device(s). Multiple types can also be selected but note that a physical GPU can only be associated with one type. See the Nova documentation (Attaching virtual GPU devices to guests) for upstream information.


On OpenStack releases older than Stein, only one vGPU type can be selected.

The simplest case is a mapping of one vGPU type to a single physical GPU. For example, to have four compute optimized (GRID V100-4C) vGPUs become available (max_instance=4), vGPU type nvidia-299 (on physical GPU 0000:c1:00.0) can be selected:

juju config nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu vgpu-device-mappings="{'nvidia-299': ['0000:c1:00.0']}"

Alternatively, to have two Virtual Workstation optimized (GRID V100-8Q) vGPUs become available (max_instances=2), vGPU type nvidia-108 (on physical GPU 0000:c1:00.0) can be selected:

juju config nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu vgpu-device-mappings="{'nvidia-108': ['0000:c1:00.0']}"

Instances provisioned using this vGPU type could then be used as virtual workstations and accessed using suitable hardware accelerated remote desktop utilities.


Changing vGPU types may prevent new VMs from being created. Failure will occur if a new VM uses a type that solicits the same physical GPU of any existing VM. Recall that a physical GPU can only support one vGPU type at any given time. This can be mitigated through the strategic use of application groups for nova-compute and/or nova-compute-nvidia-vgpu.

Once the model has settled, the vGPUs can be listed via the OpenStack CLI. Start by listing the physical GPUs:

openstack resource provider list
| uuid                                 | name                              | generation | root_provider_uuid                   | parent_provider_uuid                 |
| e0f99e40-a7a5-42bb-a222-387a540c3725 | node-sparky.maas                  |          3 | e0f99e40-a7a5-42bb-a222-387a540c3725 | None                                 |
| 807d28f4-4b30-4f85-a770-1bcebd1236d3 | node-sparky.maas_pci_0000_c1_00_0 |          1 | e0f99e40-a7a5-42bb-a222-387a540c3725 | e0f99e40-a7a5-42bb-a222-387a540c3725 |


Only starting with OpenStack Stein are physical GPU devices (second row) abstracted from their root provider (first row).

Here, there is a single physical GPU with an OpenStack UUID of of 807d28f4-4b30-4f85-a770-1bcebd1236d3.


To get the last two columns above (not necessary), the openstackclients snap must at least be at version xena/stable.

A physical GPU, on Stein or newer, can now be queried via its UUID:

openstack resource provider inventory list 807d28f4-4b30-4f85-a770-1bcebd1236d3
| resource_class | allocation_ratio | min_unit | max_unit | reserved | step_size | total | used |
| VGPU           |              1.0 |        1 |        3 |        0 |         1 |     3 |    0 |

There is a total of three vGPUs available.

OpenStack configuration

vGPUs are assigned to VMs by means of an OpenStack flavor.

The following example configures an existing flavor to use one vGPU (optionally create a new flavor):

openstack flavor set <flavor-name> \
  --property resources:VGPU=1

Upon creation of a VM with such a flavor the number of used vGPUs will increase by one. This can be verified by a new physical GPU query:

openstack resource provider inventory list 807d28f4-4b30-4f85-a770-1bcebd1236d3
| resource_class | allocation_ratio | min_unit | max_unit | reserved | step_size | total | used |
| VGPU           |              1.0 |        1 |        3 |        0 |         1 |     3 |    1 |

Other query methods

An individual VM can be queried for vGPU information:

openstack resource provider allocation show <vm-uuid>

On the associated hypervisor, at the libvirt level, the XML definition of the VM (virsh dumpxml <domain>) will contain a hostdev stanza that represents the vGPU card:

<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='mdev' managed='no' model='vfio-pci' display='off'>
    <address uuid='b2107403-110c-45b0-af87-32cc91597b8a'/>
  <alias name='hostdev0'/>
  <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>

On the VM itself the card can be exposed via the lspci command:

00:04.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation TU102GL [Quadro RTX 6000/8000] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
        Subsystem: NVIDIA Corporation TU102GL [Quadro RTX 6000/8000]
        Physical Slot: 4
        Flags: fast devsel, IRQ 11
        Memory at fc000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
        Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
        Memory at fa000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=32M]
        Expansion ROM at 000c0000 [virtual] [disabled] [size=128K]
        Capabilities: [d0] Vendor Specific Information: Len=1b <?>
        Capabilities: [68] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
        Kernel modules: nvidiafb

Targeting specific vGPU types

For Compute nodes that are associated with multiple vGPU types it may be useful to state what type a VM should use. This is ultimately specified via a physical GPU since the latter is always mapped to a single vGPU type. It is achieved by means of a Placement trait.


A trait is a hardware constraint that is used by the cloud's scheduler (see upstream documentation: Placement API).

Do this by creating a trait and allocating it to a physical GPU:

openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.6 trait create CUSTOM_NVIDIA_442
openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.6 resource provider trait set --trait CUSTOM_NVIDIA_442 807d28f4-4b30-4f85-a770-1bcebd1236d3


On releases older than Stein, since the UUID of a physical GPU is not available, a trait cannot be created.

The following example configures an existing flavor to require the 'CUSTOM_NVIDIA_442' trait (optionally create a new flavor):

openstack flavor set <flavor-name> \
  --property resources:VGPU=1 \
  --property trait:CUSTOM_NVIDIA_442=required