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This subordinate charm provides a LDAP domain backend for integrating a Keystone v3 deployment with an external LDAP based authentication system.


Use this charm with the Keystone charm, running with preferred-api-version=3:

juju deploy keystone
juju config keystone preferred-api-version=3
juju deploy keystone-ldap
juju add-relation keystone-ldap keystone

Configuration Options

LDAP configuration is provided to this charm via configuration options:

juju config keystone-ldap ldap-server="ldap://" \
            ldap-user="cn=admin,dc=test,dc=com" \
            ldap-password="password" \

by default, the name of the application ('keystone-ldap') is the name of the domain for which a domain specific configuration will be configured; you can change this using the domain-name option:

juju config keystone-ldap domain-name="myorganisationname"

The keystone charm will automatically create a domain to support the backend once deployed.


Please report bugs on Launchpad.

For general questions please refer to the OpenStack Charm Guide.