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The OpenStack Dashboard provides a Django based web interface for use by both
administrators and users of an OpenStack Cloud.
It allows you to manage Nova, Glance, Cinder and Neutron resources within the
The OpenStack Dashboard is deployed and related to keystone:
juju deploy openstack-dashboard
juju add-relation openstack-dashboard keystone
The dashboard will use keystone for user authentication and authorization and
to interact with the catalog of services within the cloud.
The dashboard is accessible on:
At a minimum, the cloud must provide Glance and Nova services.
SSL configuration
To fully secure your dashboard services, you can provide a SSL key and
certificate for installation and configuration. These are provided as
base64 encoded configuration options::
juju set openstack-dashboard ssl_key="$(base64 my.key)" \
ssl_cert="$(base64 my.cert)"
The service will be reconfigured to use the supplied information.
There are two mutually exclusive high availability options: using virtual
IP(s) or DNS. In both cases, a relationship to hacluster is required which
provides the corosync back end HA functionality.
To use virtual IP(s) the clustered nodes must be on the same subnet such that
the VIP is a valid IP on the subnet for one of the node's interfaces and each
node has an interface in said subnet. The VIP becomes a highly-available API
At a minimum, the config option 'vip' must be set in order to use virtual IP
HA. If multiple networks are being used, a VIP should be provided for each
network, separated by spaces. Optionally, vip_iface or vip_cidr may be
To use DNS high availability there are several prerequisites. However, DNS HA
does not require the clustered nodes to be on the same subnet.
Currently the DNS HA feature is only available for MAAS 2.0 or greater
environments. MAAS 2.0 requires Juju 2.0 or greater. The clustered nodes must
have static or "reserved" IP addresses registered in MAAS. The DNS hostname(s)
must be pre-registered in MAAS before use with DNS HA.
At a minimum, the config option 'dns-ha' must be set to true and at least one
of 'os-public-hostname', 'os-internal-hostname' or 'os-internal-hostname' must
be set in order to use DNS HA. One or more of the above hostnames may be set.
The charm will throw an exception in the following circumstances:
If neither 'vip' nor 'dns-ha' is set and the charm is related to hacluster
If both 'vip' and 'dns-ha' are set as they are mutually exclusive
If 'dns-ha' is set and none of the os-{admin,internal,public}-hostname(s) are
Whichever method has been used to cluster the charm the 'secret' option
should be set to ensure that the Django secret is consistent across all units.
Keystone V3
If the charm is being deployed into a keystone v3 enabled environment then the
charm needs to be related to a database to store session information. This is
only supported for Mitaka or later.
Use with a Load Balancing Proxy
Instead of deploying with the hacluster charm for load balancing, its possible
to also deploy the dashboard with load balancing proxy such as HAProxy:
juju deploy haproxy
juju add-relation haproxy openstack-dashboard
juju add-unit -n 2 openstack-dashboard
This option potentially provides better scale-out than using the charm in
conjunction with the hacluster charm.