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OpenStack Configuration Files Validation

Congress could be used by cloud operators to formalize the constraints between options defined in configuration files with the help of business rules written in Datalog and verify the compliance of their deployments automatically. It is intended to be complementary to config management systems that should only create valid configuration files and to integration tests such as RefStack.

Problem description

Each OpenStack service on each node in parameterized by a set of configuration files describing the value of the various configuration options. In this proposal we only consider configuration files managed by the oslo-config library. Configuration options are not independent:

  • Each option value is constrained but the constraints may go beyond the expressive power of oslo-config type system.
  • For a given service on a given node, constraints may exist between different options.
  • On a given node, constraints and incompatibilities may exist between various options belonging to different services. For example, when a functionality in a given service depends on the availability of another functionality in another service.
  • Between nodes, other constraints exist either for a given service or between services.

Constraints may be defined by different actors:

  • Service developers know the constraints on the options they define and usually document them informally in the source code in the description field associated to the option.
  • Cloud integrators will discover additional constraints when they develop deployment code. Most of the time those options are only implicitly defined in the source code of the scripts.
  • Administrators may want to enforce additional constraints reflecting the operational environment constraints.
  • For companies having multiple instances of OpenStack, rules could be used to ensure compliance of the instances with their global engineering rules.
  • Although OpenStack provides abstractions that hide implementation details from end-users, some back-ends or some back-end combinations may impose constraints on what is available to the end-user. When administrators discover some back-end limitations, it may be useful to add congress rules reflecting those limitations before a more permanent solution is found.

Datalog could be used as a formal language to describe those constraints and Congress could be used to enforce those constraints if the configuration files were available for processing. Although Congress is usually used for more dynamic data coming from running instances, nothing precludes the use of more static data sources.

Proposed change

The extension adds a new agent deployed on OpenStack nodes that collect the configuration files as defined in its own configuration. The agent communicates with a datasource driver included in the congress analyzer through the message bus. The agent is configured with its own configuration file describing the files it transmit (an example configuration file is given in the 'Other deployer impact' section).

The agent is responsible for conveying information on option values but also on their meta-data: layout in groups, type, flags such as deprecation, secret status, etc. Meta-data are described in templates which are in fact a collection of namespaces. Namespace contain the actual definition of meta-data. To avoid versionning problems, Meta-data must be obtained directly from the service.

To limit the amount of traffic between the driver and agents, template files are hashed. Agents first reply to queries with hashes. The driver will request the content only if the hash is unknown. The same process is used for namespaces.

The only processing performed by agents on the option files is the removal of the values of secret options.

The datasource driver is responsible for populating the extensional database with information provided by the agents:

  • option definitions are extracted from templates and namespaces and translated in new Datalog tables.
  • option values are parsed by the oslo-config library and stored with an identification of the origin (file and node).

The Datalog model defines several tables:

  • hosts
  • files
  • templates
  • namespaces
  • option values

The definition of an option is split between three tables:

  • The option table defines the mapping between the option id and the fields that build up the key: name, namespace and group of the option.
  • The option_info table defines the type and the flags of the option. It uses the id defined in the option table to uniquely identify the option.
  • Depending on the type of the option, attributes specific to a given type are defined in a specialized table. The option id is used again as a key to refer to the option table.

Regarding the uniqueness of configuration meta-data in the extensional database, the driver must ensure that the ids are deterministic. An option identified by the same name, same group name and same namespace name should always be given the same unique id. The use of the MD5 hash function (there is no cryptographic requirement) guarantees uniqueness and determinism.


Installers usually generate correct set of configuration files for a more or less extensible set of options but provide little help for live maintenance of those files. They may also restrict the configuration space beyond what is necessary.

The proposed change must be considered as a work in progress. It does not fully address the problem of the location and the management of constraints. Most constraints are known by the service developers and should be maintained in the source code of services in a dedicated meta-data field of the option definition.

The use of an external agent to push a service configuration is not the only solution. The oslo-config library could be modified to push the configuration read by the service to the datasource driver. This could be done through the use of a hook in oslo-config. It would require additional configuration of the services to identify the endpoint.


We would like to aggregate policy violations in a few tables partitioning violations by their degree (error, warn, info).


X: neutron-server host

Y: ovs-agt host

Z: lb-agt host

warn('Multinode OVS and linuxbridge use incompatible UDP ports',
'vxlan_conflicting_ovs_lb_udp_ports') :-

vxlan_conflicting_ovs_lb_udp_ports(Y, Z) :-
    value(X, 'neutron.conf', 'DEFAULT', 'core_plugin', 'ml2'),
    value(X, 'ml2_conf.ini', 'ml2', 'type_drivers', 'vxlan'),
    value(X, 'ml2_conf.ini', 'ml2', 'mechanism_drivers', 'openvswitch'),
    value(X, 'ml2_conf.ini', 'ml2', 'mechanism_drivers', 'linuxbridge'),
    value(Y, 'openvswitch_agent.ini', 'agent', 'tunnel_types', 'vxlan'),
    not value(Y, 'openvswitch_agent.ini', 'agent', 'vxlan_udp_port', 8472),
    value(Z, 'linuxbridge_agent.ini', 'vxlan', 'enable_vxlan', 'True')

We'd like the 'value' table to be intelligible to most potential contributor, and also meaningful enough to spare them from predictable joins.

Currently the 'value' table is derived from the extensional tables, which describe configuration files and their meta-data. Although it is defined intentionally, it could be useful to consider it as an extensional predicate. Here is how we derived it:

value(hostname, file, group, name, value) :-
    config:option(id=option_id, group=group, name=name),
    config:file(id=file_id, host_id=host_id, name=file),
    config:host(id=host_id, name=hostname),
    config:value(option_id=option_id, file_id=file_id, val=value)

Policy actions


Data sources

The data sources are the different configuration files of OpenStack projects using the Oslo.config library for their configuration.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact

Configuration files contain sensitive credentials. Those credentials MUST NOT be transmitted to the Congress engine. The agent has access to types and must filter out credentials. Values of any option marked as secret will not be available within the engine.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

None other than the usual management of the datasource and policy. Eventually, we would like to feed the engine with rules that are coming from and maintained in the services source code.

Performance impact

Performance impact should be limited because of the static nature of the values provided by this datasource.

The main impact is the traffic on the message bus used to exchange configuration files between agents and Congress server. The server may rate-limit this traffic. If performance is still a concern, another solution is to limit the use of the bus to announcement and use a REST endpoint on the server to record new configuration files.

We give the driver control over the way data is retrieved. We want to prevent the duplicated sending of files and templates, and to prevent overloading the driver. When the driver is activated, it periodically notifies agents, over the communication bus requesting their data description. An agent send description of the files it has been set to provide. The description contains hashes of namespaces, templates and configs. The driver then requests the resources, which hashes have not been recognized.

We use the RPC server of the datasource associated DseNode.

Other deployer impact

We add a dedicated group and options to configure an agent and the configuration files to manage.

A string option serving as a node id, in a way that is meaningful to administrators.


A string option introducing the notion of version and what it would be on this node. It could be used to discriminate handling of different version of a config-file coexisting in a cloud instance during a migration. This information may be provided differently in the future to be defined at the services level.

An dict option describing the OpenStack services activated on this node. The values are also dictionaries. Keys are paths to config-files, values are paths to the associated templates. For instance:

congress: { /etc/congress/congress.conf:
/opt/stack/congress/etc/congress-config-generator.conf }

Example config :

transport_url = rabbit://..@control:5672/

services = nova : { /etc/nova.conf:
version = ocata
host = node_A

Developer impact

Discuss things that will affect other developers working on OpenStack, such as:

  • If the blueprint proposes a change to the driver API, discussion of how other hypervisors would implement the feature is required.



Primary assignees:

  • Valentin Matton
  • Pierre Crégut

Work items

  • Agent to collect the config files
  • Datasource interacting with the agents
  • Integration to devstack


We will depend on oslo-config-generator config-files, which can be used to describe OS services config-files.

We rely extensively on the oslo-config lib.


We propose to use tempest tests in a setting with 2 nodes. One of which hosts the congress-server and the second an agent. Communications will be tested : sending of meta-data and files.

Documentation impact

This feature introduces an agent component that requires separate configuration. It also defines new datasources.
