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Raw Blame History

Compromised VM

Security policy use case

Problem description

IDS service notices malicious traffic originating from an insider VM trying to send packets to hosts inside and outside of the tenant perimeter. As this is detected, some reactive response would need to be taken, such as isolating the offending VM from the rest of the network. This policy would facilitate one of the reactive responses to be invoked when a compromise is reported by an IDS service.

Proposed change

An IDS will need to monitor traffic in and out of virtual machines. The IDS will maintain the blacklist of known bad destinations. The patterns will need to maintained in the IDS. While the IDS is monitoring for traffic patterns and blacklist, it will need to notify Congress of the event through the Congress IDS plugin. Through the Congress Neutron plugin, Neutron API will need to be updated blocked IP. Congress-client and Horizon to alert the operator of changes.


(sarob) Instead of a blacklist maintained by the IDS, use an real time check of a public blacklist.

(thinrichs) Would it be simpler to flag an error anytime a VM was identified by IDS? error(vm) :- ids:ip_blacklist(ip), neutron:port(vm, ip)

(thinrichs) We should try to work out how the reactive bit would work. The way we'll do that for the beta is to write another policy that dictates which action to take under certain conditions. Imagine the policy above but instead of error(vm), we write something like neutron:block_ip(secgrp, ip) :- ids:ip_blacklist(ip), neutron:port(vm, ip), neutron:security_group(vm, secgrp) I'm sure not all the details there are right. But ideally the thing in the head of the rule would be a Neutron API call. In the worst case it can just the name of a script that we write.


error(vm) :- nova:virtual_machine(vm),

ids:ip_packet(src_ip, dst_ip), neutron:port(vm, src_ip), //finds out the port that has the VMs IP ids:ip_blacklist(dst_ip).

Policy actions

  • Monitoring: report/log the incident including the VMs IP address, external

    IP, etc.

  • Reactive: Invoke the nova API to add the VM to IDS security group restricting

    access to make changes. Invoke neutron to block all traffic to/from the VMs IP address. Alternatives are to restart the VM on a nova IDS schedule filter (limiting traffic chaos while maintaining the ability to access the VM) and/or a no route network or removing the VM network interface(s).

Data sources

  • IDS (intrusion detection service VM): IP address of the offending VM
  • neutron: network details, IP details
  • nova: VM details; instance ID, interface(s) status, instance state, security


Data model impact


REST API impact

Needs explanation

Security impact

  • DoS

Notifications impact

  • congress-client
  • horizon

Other end user impact

Unknown at this time

Performance impact

Unknown at this time

Other deployer impact

Unknown at this time

Developer impact

Unknown at this time



Unknown at this time

Work items

  • Congress IDS plugin
  • Compromised VM policy
  • Congress client notification
  • Horizon notification


Neutron really needs to provide port allow/deny primitive. Today it blocks everything and we can only poke pin holes what's allowed out -- this makes it complex to implement policy

(thinrichs) Need to understand more about these limitations.




Documentation impact

