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Mailing List

The Falcon community maintains a mailing list that you can use to share your ideas and ask questions about the framework. We use the appropriately minimalistic Librelist to host the discussions.

To join the mailing list, simply send your first email to! This will automatically subscribe you to the mailing list and sends your email along to the rest of the subscribers. For more information about managing your subscription, check out the Librelist help page.

All contributors and maintainers of this project are subject to our Code of Conduct. We expect everyone who participates on the mailing list to act professionally, and lead by example in encouraging constructive discussions. Each individual in the community is responsible for creating a positive, constructive, and productive culture.

Discussions are archived for posterity.

Submit Issues

If you have an idea for a feature, run into something that is harder to use than it should be, or find a bug, please let the crew know in #falconframework and/or by submitting an issue. We need your help to make Falcon awesome!

Pay it Forward

We'd like to invite you to help other community members with their questions in IRC, and to peer-review pull requests. If you use the Chrome browser, we recommend installing the NotHub extension to stay up to date with PRs.

Code of Conduct

All contributors and maintainers of this project are subject to our Code of Conduct.