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Bind9 Backend
This page documents using the Pool Manager Bind 9 backend.
The backend uses the rndc utility to create and delete zones remotely.
The traffic between rndc and Bind is authenticated with a key.
Designate Configuration
Example configuration required for Bind9 operation.
One section for each pool target
.. literalinclude:: sample_yaml_snippets/bind.yaml
:language: yaml
The key and config files are relative to the host running Pool Manager
(and can be different from the hosts running Bind)
Then update the pools in designate - see :ref:`designate_manage_pool`
for further details on the ``designate-manage pool`` command
.. code-block:: console
$ designate-manage pool update
Bind9 Configuration
Ensure Bind can access the /etc/bind/rndc.conf and /etc/bind/rndc.key files and
receive rndc traffic from Pool Manager.
Enable rndc addzone/delzone functionality by editing named.conf.options
or named.conf and add this line under options
.. code-block:: c
allow-new-zones yes;
Example configuration of /etc/bind/rndc.key
.. code-block:: c
key "rndc-key" {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "<b64-encoded string>";