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Agent User Guide
Before Start
Freezer will automatically add prefix "freezer" to the container name,
where it is provided by the user and doesn't already start with this prefix.
If no container name is provided, the default is "freezer_backups".
The execution options can be set from the command line and/or config file in
ini format. There's an example of the job config file available in
Command line options always precedes options in config file.
Backup Options
Freezer Agent can be used as standalone backup tool from command line.
In it is most simple form, you can run commands to backup your data to
OpenStack Swift, local directory or remote SSH.
Basic File System Backup
Here is the most basic use example:
.. code:: bash
# On Linux
sudo freezer-agent --path-to-backup [/data/dir/to/backup] \
--container freezer_[new-data-to-backup] --backup-name [my-backup-name]
# On Windows (need admin rights)
freezer-agent --action backup --mode fs --backup-name [testwindows] \
--path-to-backup "[C:\path\to\backup]" --container freezer_[new-windows-backup] \
--log-file [C:\path\to\log\freezer.log]
By default --mode fs is set. The command would generate a compressed tar gzip
file of the directory "/data/dir/to/backup". The generated file will be segmented
in stream and uploaded in the swift container called freezer_new-data-backup,
with backup name my-backup-name.
Now you can check /var/log/freezer.log file or in Windows
C:\path\to\log\freezer.log if your backup job finished successfully.
MongoDB Backup With LVM Snapshot
If backed up system has LVM system, Freezer can use LVM Snapshot feature
to freezes the file system. This will prevent data corruption for volumes that
contains data bases.
First let's check where your MongoDB database files are located:
.. code:: bash
mount -l
Once we know the volume on which our Mongo data is mounted, we can get the
volume group and logical volume info:
.. code:: bash
sudo vgdisplay
sudo lvdisplay
Now let's start MongoDB backup with LVM Snapshot:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --lvm-srcvol [logical/volume/path] \
--lvm-dirmount /var/lib/snapshot-backup \
--lvm-volgroup [lvm-group-name] \
--path-to-backup /var/lib/snapshot-backup/mongod_ops2 \
--container freezer_[container-name-for-new-backup] \
--exclude "*.lock" --mode mongo --backup-name [name-for-new-backup]
Now freezer-agent creates an LVM snapshot of the volume [logical/volume/path].
If no options are provided, the default snapshot name is
"freezer_backup_snap". The snapshot volume will be mounted automatically on
/var/lib/snapshot-backup and the backup metadata and segments will be uploaded
in the container freezer_[container-name-for-new-backup] with the name [name-for-new-backup].
System Backup With LVM Snapshot
Freezer can take full system backup with LVM Snapshot:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --lvm-srcvol [logical/volume/path] \
--lvm-dirmount /var/snapshot-backup \
--lvm-volgroup jenkins
--path-to-backup /var/snapshot-backup \
--container freezer_jenkins-backup-prod \
--exclude "\*.lock" \
--mode fs \
--backup-name jenkins-ops2
MySQL Backup With LVM Snapshot
MySQL backup require a basic configuration file. The following is an example of the config.
Create following config file:
.. code:: bash
sudo vi /root/.freezer/db.conf
host = []
user = [mysql-user-name]
password = [mysql-user-password]
Execute a MySQL backup using LVM Snapshot:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --lvm-srcvol /dev/mysqlvg/mysqlvol \
--lvm-dirmount /var/snapshot-backup \
--lvm-volgroup mysqlvg \
--path-to-backup /var/snapshot-backup
--mysql-conf /root/.freezer/freezer-mysql.conf \
--container freezer_mysql-backup-prod \
--mode mysql \
--backup-name mysql-ops002
Cinder Backups
Cinder has its own mechanism for backups, and freezer supports it.
But it also allows creating a glance image from volume and uploading to swift.
To use standard cinder backups please provide --cindernative-vol-id argument.
To make a cinder backup you should provide cinder-vol-id or cindernative-vol-id
parameter in command line arguments. Freezer doesn't do any additional checks
and assumes that making a backup of that image will be sufficient to restore
your data in future.
Execute a cinder backup:
.. code:: bash
freezer-agent --cinder-vol-id [cinder-volume-id]
Execute a MySQL backup with cinder:
.. code:: bash
freezer-agent --mysql-conf /root/.freezer/freezer-mysql.conf \
--container freezer_mysql-backup-prod \
--mode mysql \
--backup-name mysql-ops002 \
--cinder-vol-id [cinder-volume-id]
Nova Backups
If you provide nova argument in parameters, freezer assumes that all necessary
data is located on instance disk and it can be successfully stored using nova
snapshot mechanism.
For example if we want to store our mysql located on instance disk, we will
execute the same actions like in the case of lvm or tar snapshots, but we will
invoke nova snapshot instead of lvm or tar.
After that we will place snapshot to swift container as dynamic large object.
container/%instance_id%/%timestamp% <- large object with metadata
Restore will create a snapshot from stored data and restore an instance from
this snapshot. Instance will have different id and old instance should be
terminated manually.
To make a nova backup you should provide a nova parameter in the arguments.
Freezer doesn't do any additional checks and assumes that making a backup
of that instance will be sufficient to restore your data in future.
Execute a nova backup:
.. code:: bash
freezer-agent --nova-inst-id [nova-instance-id]
Execute a MySQL backup with nova:
.. code:: bash
freezer-agent --mysql-conf /root/.freezer/freezer-mysql.conf \
--container freezer_mysql-backup-prod \
--mode mysql \
--backup-name mysql-ops002
--nova-inst-id [nova-instance-id]
**Note: All the freezer-agent activities are logged into /var/log/freezer.log.**
Storage Options
Freezer can use following storage technologies to backup the data:
- OpenStack Swift Object Storage
- Local Directory (Can be NFS mounted directory)
Swift Object Storage Backup/Restore
Default storage option for Freezer is Swift. If you do not specify
"--storage" option Freezer will use Swift Object Storage.
"--storage swift" option can be specified in order to use Swift.
Backup example:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --path-to-backup [/data/dir/to/backup] \
--container freezer-[container] --backup-name [my-backup-name] \
--storage swift
Restore example:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --action restore --restore-abs-path [/data/dir/to/backup]
--container freezer-[container] [--backup-name my-backup-name]
--storage swift
Local Storage Backup/Restore
Freezer can use local directory as target backup location. This directory can
be NFS,CIFS,SAMBA or other network file systems mounted directory.
To use local storage "--storage local" must be specified. And
"--container %path-to-folder-with-backups%" option must be present.
Backup example:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --path-to-backup [/data/dir/to/backup]
--container /tmp/my_backup_path/ [--backup-name my-backup-name]
--storage local
Restore example:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --action restore \
--restore-abs-path [/data/dir/to/backup]
--container /tmp/my_backup_path/ \
--backup-name [my-backup-name]
--storage local
SSH Storage Backup/Restore
Freezer can user ssh to backup the data in fould on remote server. This option
will turn any Linux server to backup storage.
To use ssh storage specify "--storage ssh" And use "--container %path-to-folder-with-backups-on-remote-machine%"
Also you should specify ssh-username, ssh-key and ssh-host parameters. ssh-port is optional parameter, default is 22.
In order to use SSH to backup, "--storage ssh" and
"--container %path-to-folder-with-backups-on-remote-machine%" options must be
spesified. Also ssh-username, ssh-host parameters must be supplied.
ssh-port parameter is optional and Freezer use default
ssh port 22 if not specified.
Backup example:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --path-to-backup [/data/dir/to/backup] \
--container /remote-machine-path/ \
--backup-name my-backup-name
--storage ssh --ssh-username [ssh-user-name] --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Restore example:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --action restore \
--restore-abs-pat [/data/dir/to/backup] \
--container /remote-machine-path/ \
--backup-name my-backup-name
--storage ssh --ssh-username ubuntu --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- As a general rule, when you execute a restore, the application that writes
or reads data should be stopped.
- There are 3 main options that need to be set for data restore
File System Restore
Following example shows how to restore backup named "adminui.git":
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --action restore --container freezer_adminui_git
--backup-name adminui.git
--hostname [hostname-of-the-server] \
--restore-abs-path /home/git/repositories/adminui.git/
--restore-from-date "2014-05-23T23:23:23"
MySQL Restore
Execute a MySQL restore of the backup name holly-mysql.
Let's stop mysql service first:
.. code:: bash
sudo service mysql stop
Execute restore:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --action restore \
--container freezer_foobar-container-2 \
--backup-name mysq-prod --hostname [server-host-name]
--restore-abs-path /var/lib/mysql \
--restore-from-date "2014-05-23T23:23:23"
Start MySQL:
.. code:: bash
sudo service mysql start
MongoDB Restore
Execute a MongoDB restore of the backup name mongobigdata:
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --action restore \
--container freezer_foobar-container-2
--backup-name mongobigdata \
--hostname db-HP-DL380-host-001
--restore-abs-path /var/lib/mongo \
--restore-from-date "2014-05-23T23:23:23"
Cinder Restore
Cinder restore currently creates a volume with the contents of the saved one,
but doesn't implement deattach of existing volume and attach of the new
one to the vm.
You should implement these steps manually. To create a new volume from existing
content run next command:
.. code:: bash
freezer-agent --action restore --cinder-inst-id [cinder-instance-id]
freezer-agent --action restore --cindernative-vol-id [cinder-volume-id]
Nova Restore
Nova restore currently creates an instance with the content of saved one,
but the ip address of the vm will be different as well as it's id.
Execute a nova restore:
.. code:: bash
freezer-agent --action restore --nova-inst-id [nova-instance-id]
Local Storage Restore
.. code:: bash
sudo freezer-agent --action restore --container /local_backup_storage/ \
--backup-name adminui.git \
--hostname git-HP-DL380-host-001 \
--restore-abs-path /home/git/repositories/adminui.git/ \
--restore-from-date "2014-05-23T23:23:23" \
--storage local
Parallel Backup
Parallel backup can be executed only by config file. In config file
you should create n additional sections that start with "storage:"
.. code:: bash
[storage:my_storage1], [storage:ssh], [storage:storage3]
Each storage section should have 'container' argument and all parameters
related to the storage.
.. code:: bash
ssh-username, ssh-port
For swift storage you should provide additional parameter called 'osrc' Osrc
should be a path to file with OpenStack Credentials like:
.. code:: bash
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://[keystone_url]:5000/v3
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=[project_name]
export OS_USERNAME=[username]
export OS_PASSWORD=[password]
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_CACERT=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
Example of Config file for two local storages and one swift storage:
.. code:: bash
action = backup
mode = fs
path_to_backup = /foo/
backup_name = mytest6
always_level = 2
max_segment_size = 67108864
container = /tmp/backup/
storage = local
container = /tmp/backup1/
container = /tmp/backup2/
container = test
osrc = openrc.osrc
Freezer Scheduler
The freezer-scheduler is one of the two freezer components which is run on the
client nodes; the other one being the freezer-agent. It has a double role: it
is used both to start the scheduler process, and as a cli-tool which allows
the user to interact with the API.
The freezer-scheduler process can be started/stopped in daemon mode using the
usual positional arguments:
.. code:: bash
freezer-scheduler start|stop
It can be also be started as a foreground process using the --no-daemon flag:
.. code:: bash
freezer-scheduler --no-daemon start
This can be useful for testing purposes, when launched in a Docker container,
or by a babysitting process such as systemd.
The cli-tool version is used to manage the jobs in the API. A "job" is
basically a container; a document which contains one or more "actions".
An action contains the instructions for the freezer-agent. They are the same
parameters that would be passed to the agent on the command line.
For example: "backup_name", "path_to_backup", "max_level"
To sum it up, a job is a sequence of parameters that the scheduler pulls from
the API and passes to a newly spawned freezer-agent process at the right time.
The scheduler understands the "scheduling" part of the job document, which it
uses to actually schedule the job, while the rest of the parameters are
substantially opaque.
It may also be useful to use the "-c" parameter to specify the client-id that
the scheduler will use when interacting with the API.
The purpose of the client-id is to associate a job with the scheduler instance
which is supposed to execute that job.
A single openstack user could manage different resources on different nodes
(and actually may even have different freezer-scheduler instances running on
the same node with different local privileges, for example), and the client-id
allows him to associate the specific scheduler instance with its specific jobs.
When not provided with a custom client-id, the scheduler falls back to the
default which is composed from the tenant-id and the hostname of the machine
on which it is running.
The first step to use the scheduler is creating a document with the job:
.. code:: bash
vi test_job.json
"job_actions": [
"freezer_action": {
"action": "backup",
"mode": "fs",
"backup_name": "backup1",
"path_to_backup": "/home/me/datadir",
"container": "schedule_backups",
"log_file": "/home/me/.freezer/freezer.log"
"max_retries": 3,
"max_retries_interval": 60
"job_schedule": {
"schedule_interval": "4 hours",
"schedule_start_date": "2015-08-16T17:58:00"
"description": "schedule_backups 6"
Then upload that job into the API:
.. code:: bash
freezer-scheduler -c node12 job-create --file test_job.json
The newly created job can be found with:
.. code:: bash
freezer-scheduler -c node12 job-list
Its content can be read with:
.. code:: bash
freezer-scheduler -c node12 job-get -j [job_id]
The scheduler can be started on the target node with:
.. code:: bash
freezer-scheduler -c node12 -i 15 -f ~/job_dir start
The scheduler could have already been started. As soon as the freezer-scheduler
contacts the API, it fetches the job and schedules it.
Freezer Agent Options
Available Options
.. code:: bash
usage: freezer-agent [-h] [--action ACTION] [--always-level ALWAYS_LEVEL]
[--backup-name BACKUP_NAME]
[--cinder-vol-id CINDER_VOL_ID]
[--cindernative-vol-id CINDERNATIVE_VOL_ID]
[--command COMMAND] [--compression COMPRESSION]
[--config CONFIG] [--config-dir DIR] [--config-file PATH]
[--container CONTAINER] [--debug]
[--dereference-symlink DEREFERENCE_SYMLINK]
[--download-limit DOWNLOAD_LIMIT] [--dry-run]
[--encrypt-pass-file ENCRYPT_PASS_FILE]
[--exclude EXCLUDE] [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--insecure]
[--log-config-append PATH]
[--log-date-format DATE_FORMAT] [--log-dir LOG_DIR]
[--log-file PATH] [--log-format FORMAT]
[--lvm-auto-snap LVM_AUTO_SNAP]
[--lvm-dirmount LVM_DIRMOUNT]
[--lvm-snap-perm LVM_SNAPPERM]
[--lvm-snapname LVM_SNAPNAME]
[--lvm-snapsize LVM_SNAPSIZE] [--lvm-srcvol LVM_SRCVOL]
[--lvm-volgroup LVM_VOLGROUP] [--max-level MAX_LEVEL]
[--max-priority MAX_PRIORITY]
[--max-segment-size MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE]
[--metadata-out METADATA_OUT] [--mode MODE]
[--mysql-conf MYSQL_CONF]
[--no-incremental NO_INCREMENTAL] [--nodebug]
[--nodry-run] [--noinsecure] [--nooverwrite] [--noquiet]
[--nouse-syslog] [--nouse-syslog-rfc-format]
[--nova-inst-id NOVA_INST_ID] [--noverbose]
[--os-identity-api-version OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION]
[--overwrite] [--path-to-backup PATH_TO_BACKUP]
[--proxy PROXY] [--quiet]
[--remove-from-date REMOVE_FROM_DATE]
[--remove-older-than REMOVE_OLDER_THAN]
[--restart-always-level RESTART_ALWAYS_LEVEL]
[--restore-abs-path RESTORE_ABS_PATH]
[--restore-from-date RESTORE_FROM_DATE]
[--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--sql-server-conf SQL_SERVER_CONF]
[--ssh-host SSH_HOST] [--ssh-key SSH_KEY]
[--ssh-port SSH_PORT] [--ssh-username SSH_USERNAME]
[--storage STORAGE]
[--syslog-log-facility SYSLOG_LOG_FACILITY]
[--upload-limit UPLOAD_LIMIT] [--use-syslog]
[--use-syslog-rfc-format] [--verbose] [--version]
Optional Arguments
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--action ACTION Set the action to be taken. backup and restore are
self explanatory, info is used to retrieve info from
the storage media, exec is used to execute a script,
while admin is used to delete old backups and other
admin actions. Default backup.
--always-level ALWAYS_LEVEL
Set backup maximum level used with tar to implement
incremental backup. If a level 3 is specified, the
backup will be executed from level 0 to level 3 and to
that point always a backup level 3 will be executed.
It will not restart from level 0. This option has
precedence over --max-backup-level. Default False
The backup name you want to use to identify your
backup on Swift
--cinder-vol-id CINDER_VOL_ID
Id of cinder volume for backup
--cindernative-vol-id CINDERNATIVE_VOL_ID
Id of cinder volume for native backup
--command COMMAND Command executed by exec action
--compression COMPRESSION
compression algorithm to use. gzip is default
--config CONFIG Config file abs path. Option arguments are provided
from config file. When config file is used any option
from command line provided take precedence.
--config-dir DIR Path to a config directory to pull *.conf files from.
This file set is sorted, so as to provide a
predictable parse order if individual options are
over-ridden. The set is parsed after the file(s)
specified via previous --config-file, arguments hence
over-ridden options in the directory take precedence.
--config-file PATH Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files
can be specified, with values in later files taking
precedence. Defaults to None.
The Swift container (or path to local storage) used to
upload files to
--debug, -d If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG
instead of the default INFO level.
--dereference-symlink DEREFERENCE_SYMLINK
Follow hard and soft links and archive and dump the
files they refer to. Default False.
--download-limit DOWNLOAD_LIMIT
Download bandwidth limit in Bytes per sec. Can be
invoked with dimensions (10K, 120M, 10G).
--dry-run Do everything except writing or removing objects
--encrypt-pass-file ENCRYPT_PASS_FILE
Passing a private key to this option, allow you to
encrypt the files before to be uploaded in Swift.
Default do not encrypt.
--exclude EXCLUDE Exclude files,given as a PATTERN.Ex: --exclude '*.log'
will exclude any file with name ending with .log.
Default no exclude
--hostname HOSTNAME, --restore_from_host HOSTNAME
Set hostname to execute actions. If you are executing
freezer from one host but you want to delete objects
belonging to another host then you can set this option
that hostname and execute appropriate actions. Default
current node hostname.
--insecure Allow to access swift servers without checking SSL
--log-config-append PATH, --log_config PATH
The name of a logging configuration file. This file is
appended to any existing logging configuration files.
For details about logging configuration files, see the
Python logging module documentation. Note that when
logging configuration files are used all logging
configuration is defined in the configuration file and
other logging configuration options are ignored.
--log-date-format DATE_FORMAT
Defines the format string for %(asctime)s in log
records. Default: None . This option is ignored if
log_config_append is set.
--log-dir LOG_DIR, --logdir LOG_DIR
(Optional) The base directory used for relative
log_file paths. This option is ignored if
log_config_append is set.
--log-file PATH, --logfile PATH
(Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to.
If no default is set, logging will go to stderr as
defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if
log_config_append is set.
--log-format FORMAT DEPRECATED. A logging.Formatter log message format
string which may use any of the available
logging.LogRecord attributes. This option is
deprecated. Please use logging_context_format_string
and logging_default_format_string instead. This option
is ignored if log_config_append is set.
--lvm-auto-snap LVM_AUTO_SNAP
Automatically guess the volume group and volume name
for given PATH.
--lvm-dirmount LVM_DIRMOUNT
Set the directory you want to mount the lvm snapshot
to. If not provided, a unique name will be generated
with thebasename /var/lib/freezer
--lvm-snap-perm LVM_SNAPPERM
Set the lvm snapshot permission to use. If the
permission is set to ro The snapshot will be immutable
- read only -. If the permission is set to rw it will
be mutable
--lvm-snapname LVM_SNAPNAME
Set the name of the snapshot that will be created. If
not provided, a unique name will be generated.
--lvm-snapsize LVM_SNAPSIZE
Set the lvm snapshot size when creating a new
snapshot. Please add G for Gigabytes or M for
Megabytes, i.e. 500M or 8G. It is also possible to use
percentages as with the -l option of lvm, i.e. 80%FREE
Default 1G.
--lvm-srcvol LVM_SRCVOL
Set the lvm volume you want to take a snaphost from.
Default no volume
--lvm-volgroup LVM_VOLGROUP
Specify the volume group of your logical volume. This
is important to mount your snapshot volume. Default
not set
--max-level MAX_LEVEL
Set the backup level used with tar to implement
incremental backup. If a level 1 is specified but no
level 0 is already available, a level 0 will be done
and subsequently backs to level 1. Default 0 (No
--max-priority MAX_PRIORITY
Set the cpu process to the highest priority (i.e. -20
on Linux) and real-time for I/O. The process priority
will be set only if nice and ionice are installed
Default disabled. Use with caution.
Set the maximum file chunk size in bytes to upload to
swift Default 33554432 bytes (32MB)
--metadata-out METADATA_OUT
Set the filename to which write the metadata regarding
the backup metrics. Use '-' to output to standard
--mode MODE, -m MODE Set the technology to back from. Options are, fs
(filesystem),mongo (MongoDB), mysql (MySQL), sqlserver
(SQL Server) Default set to fs
--mysql-conf MYSQL_CONF
Set the MySQL configuration file where freezer
retrieve important information as db_name, user,
password, host, port. Following is an example of
config file: # backup_mysql_confhost = <db-host>user =
<mysqluser>password = <mysqlpass>port = <db-port>
--no-incremental NO_INCREMENTAL
Disable incremental feature. By default freezer build
the meta data even for level 0 backup. By setting this
option incremental meta data is not created at all.
Default disabled
--nodebug The inverse of --debug
--nodry-run The inverse of --dry-run
--noinsecure The inverse of --insecure
--nooverwrite The inverse of --overwrite
--noquiet The inverse of --quiet
--nouse-syslog The inverse of --use-syslog
The inverse of --use-syslog-rfc-format
--nova-inst-id NOVA_INST_ID
Id of nova instance for backup
--noverbose The inverse of --verbose
--nowatch-log-file The inverse of --watch-log-file
--os-identity-api-version OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION, --os_auth_ver OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION
OpenStack identity api version, can be 1, 2, 2.0 or 3
--overwrite With overwrite removes files from restore path before
--path-to-backup PATH_TO_BACKUP, -F PATH_TO_BACKUP
The file or directory you want to back up to Swift
--proxy PROXY Enforce proxy that alters system HTTP_PROXY and
HTTPS_PROXY, use '' to eliminate all system proxies
--quiet, -q Suppress error messages
--remove-from-date REMOVE_FROM_DATE
Checks the specified container and removes objects
older than the provided datetime in the form 'YYYY-MM-
DDThh:mm:ss' i.e. '1974-03-25T23:23:23'. Make sure the
'T' is between date and time
Checks in the specified container for object older
than the specified days. If i.e. 30 is specified, it
will remove the remote object older than 30 days.
Default False (Disabled) The option --remove-older-
then is deprecated and will be removed soon
--restart-always-level RESTART_ALWAYS_LEVEL
Restart the backup from level 0 after n days. Valid
only if --always-level option if set. If --always-
level is used together with --remove-older-than, there
might be the chance where the initial level 0 will be
removed. Default False (Disabled)
--restore-abs-path RESTORE_ABS_PATH
Set the absolute path where you want your data
restored. Default False.
--restore-from-date RESTORE_FROM_DATE
Set the date of the backup from which you want to
restore.This will select the most recent backup
previous to the specified date (included). Example: if
the last backup was created at '2016-03-22T14:29:01'
and restore-from-date is set to '2016-03-22T14:29:01',
the backup will be restored successfully. The same for
any date after that, even if the provided date is in
the future. However if restore-from-date is set to
'2016-03-22T14:29:00' or before, that backup will not
be found. Please provide datetime in format 'YYYY-MM-
DDThh:mm:ss' i.e. '1979-10-03T23:23:23'. Make sure the
'T' is between date and time Default None.
--snapshot SNAPSHOT, -s SNAPSHOT
Create a snapshot of the fs containing the resource to
backup. When used, the lvm parameters will be guessed
and/or the default values will be used, on windows it
will invoke vssadmin
--sql-server-conf SQL_SERVER_CONF
Set the SQL Server configuration file where freezer
retrieve the sql server instance. Following is an
example of config file: instance = <db-instance>
--ssh-host SSH_HOST Remote host for ssh storage only
--ssh-key SSH_KEY Path to ssh-key for ssh storage only
--ssh-port SSH_PORT Remote port for ssh storage only (default 22)
--ssh-username SSH_USERNAME
Remote username for ssh storage only
--storage STORAGE Storage for backups. Can be Swift or Local now. Swift
is default storage now. Local stores backups on the
same defined path and swift will store files in
--syslog-log-facility SYSLOG_LOG_FACILITY
Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is
ignored if log_config_append is set.
--upload-limit UPLOAD_LIMIT
Upload bandwidth limit in Bytes per sec. Can be
invoked with dimensions (10K, 120M, 10G).
--use-syslog Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is
DEPRECATED and will be changed later to honor RFC5424.
This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.
Enables or disables syslog rfc5424 format for logging.
If enabled, prefixes the MSG part of the syslog
message with APP-NAME (RFC5424). This option is
ignored if log_config_append is set.
--verbose, -v If set to false, the logging level will be set to
WARNING instead of the default INFO level.
--version show program's version number and exit
--watch-log-file Uses logging handler designed to watch file system.
When log file is moved or removed this handler will
open a new log file with specified path
instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file
option is specified and Linux platform is used. This
option is ignored if log_config_append is set.
To get an updated sample of freezer-scheduler configuration you the following command:
.. code:: bash
oslo-config-generator --config-file config-generator/scheduler.conf
Update sample file will be generated in etc/scheduler.conf.sample
To list options available in freezer-agent use the following command:
.. code:: bash
oslo-config-generator --namespace freezer --namespace oslo.log
this will print all options to the screen you direct the output to a file if you want:
.. code:: bash
oslo-config-generator --namespace freezer --namespace oslo.log --output-file etc/agent.conf.sample
Dependencies Notes
In stable/kilo and stable/liberty the module peppep3134daemon is imported from
local path rather than pip. This generated many issues as the package is not
in the global-requirements.txt of kilo and liberty. Also pbr in the kilo
release does not support env markers which further complicated the installation.
The Freezer logo is released under the licence Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY3.0).