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Fuel UI Internationalization Guidelines

Fuel UI internationalization is done using i18next library. Please read i18next documentation first.

All translations are stored in nailgun/static/translations/core.json

If you want to add new strings to the translations file, follow these rules:

  1. Use words describing placement of strings like "button", "title", "summary", "description", "label" and place them at the end of the key (like "apply_button", "cluster_description", etc.). One-word strings may look better without any of these suffixes.
  2. Do NOT use shortcuts ("bt" instead of "button", "descr" instead of "description", etc.)
  3. Nest keys if it makes sense, for example, if there are a few values for statuses, etc.
  4. If some keys are used in a few places (for example, in utils), move them to "common.*" namespace.
  5. Use defaultValue ONLY with dynamically generated keys.

Validating translations

To search for absent and unnecessary translation keys you can perform the following steps:

  1. Open terminal and cd to fuel-web/nailgun directory.
  2. Run "gulp i18n:validate" to start the validation. If there are any mismatches, you'll see the list of mismatching keys.

Gulp task "i18n:validate" has one optional argument - a comma-separated list of languages to compare with base English en-US translations. Run "gulp i18n:validate --locales=zh-CN" to perform comparison only between English and Chinese keys. You can also run "grunt i18n:validate --locales=zh-CN,ru-RU" to perform comparison between English-Chinese and English-Russian keys.