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Maintenance Updates for Mirantis OpenStack 7.0

This section contains a list of available maintenance updates for Mirantis OpenStack 7.0. For detailed information on a specific update, refer to the information below. For general considerations on applying updates, see patching-ops.


The instructions below are part of Mirantis OpenStack Maintenance Updates. Applying Mirantis OpenStack Maintenance Updates may cause a downtime of entire OpenStack environment or specific OpenStack services. You must schedule a maintenance window and notify cloud users in advance.


Applying Mirantis OpenStack Maintenance Updates may override manually applied custom patches.

It is recommended to back up your deployment and test updates on your staging environment before applying updates to production. If you have any questions or concerns, consult Mirantis Support.

Security updates

There are no urgent security updates available at the moment.

Published updates

The following updates for Mirantis OpenStack 7.0 are available. These updates passed thorough testing and are recommended to be applied to the Mirantis OpenStack 7.0 deployments.

Maintenance Update 1

  • How to update the product <mos70mu1-how-to-update>
  • Resolved issues <mos70mu1-issues>
  • Updated packages <mos70mu1-packages>

Proposed updates

There are no proposed updates available at the moment.