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Fuel noop rspec tests

Using the fuel_noop_tests.sh wrapper util

In order to test just execute these commands:

export WORKSPACE=/tmp/fuel_noop_tests
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE

In order to run specific test and/or specific astute.yaml, you can set appropriate env variables. For example:

export NOOP_TEST='keystone/*'
export NOOP_YAMLS='/path/to/your/astute.yaml'

If you also want to store puppet logs in case of catalog compilation errors, please set PUPPET_LOGS_DIR env variable:

export PUPPET_LOGS_DIR=/tmp/puppet_error_logs

If you want to store all the delcarated File and Package resources, please set NOOP_SAVE_RESOURCES_DIR env variable:

export NOOP_SAVE_RESOURCES_DIR=/tmp/puppet_resources

Using the fuel_noop_tests.rb util directly

The tool provides an advanced functionality. Use the -h key to get the help.

Deployment data layer checks

Below are typical use cases for the fuel_noop_tests.rb tool to perform a data layer checks of a change-set (a patch) against the committed state of the data layer.

Ruby and puppet version to be used (optional)

rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p545

Initial data templates generation (preparing the committed state)

Generate all data templates of all specs of all deployment scenarios making a reset1 & update of librarian puppet before

./utils/jenkins/fuel_noop_tests.rb -Q -b -r -u

the same but only for a particular ap-proxi spec (use -S to get the full list)

./utils/jenkins/fuel_noop_tests.rb -Q -b -s api-proxy/api-proxy_spec.rb

the same but only for the particular ap-proxi spec and the particular deployment scenario (use -Y to get the full list)

./utils/jenkins/fuel_noop_tests.rb -Q -b -s api-proxy/api-proxy_spec.rb -y novanet-compute.yaml

Running the data regression checks against a change-set under test

Run checks against the committed state of the data templates and save failed cases as a replay file

./utils/jenkins/fuel_noop_tests.rb -q -b -A replay.log

Re-run the data regression checks against the committed state of the data templates using the replay file and skipping all of the globals templates being re-generated again (a handy shourtcut for the test time)

./utils/jenkins/fuel_noop_tests.rb -q -b -g -a replay.log

Confirming the data changes made to became a new committed state

Use the same patterns as if making the Initial data templates generation. Amend generated files to the commit (the change-set under test).

  1. Use ./deployment/remove_modules.sh to forcibly remove external modules in order to re-fetch them by the -r parameter.↩︎