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# Nailgun API Extension with External Git Server
### About
Nailgun extension that generates deployment data based on configuration files published in external
git repository
### Requirements
Operational Fuel 9.x (Mitaka) Master Node
### Installation
Execute following commands on Fuel Master node
# yum install git python-pip
# git clone https://github.com/openstack/fuel-nailgun-extension-iac
# cd fuel-nailgun-extension-iac
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# python setup.py install
# nailgun_syncdb
# systemctl restart nailgun.service
Since the 9.<x> version of Fuel extension should be enabled.
To list all available extensions execute following command
# fuel2 extension list
Than enable extension for a particular environment
# fuel2 env extension enable <env_id> -E fuel_external_git
### How to Use
This extension introduces set of additional Fuel CLI commands which allows the operator to
associate a git repo with a particular environment and preform CRUD operations on this repo.
See details [here](./doc/cli.md).
gitrepo create
gitrepo delete
gitrepo get configs
gitrepo init
gitrepo list
gitrepo update
Create repository and configure nailgun to use it.
fuel2 gitrepo create --env 1 --name oscnf1 --url git@github.com:dukov/oscnf.git --ref master \
--key .ssh/id_rsa
Next create repository structure. This can be done manually
(see Repo structure description below) or extension can automatically generate basic structure.
fuel2 gitrepo init --repo 11
In order to track configuration evolution it is possible to download all configuration files from
the environment into **separate** branch of configured Git repository. User which has been
configured to access repository must have write permissions to it
fuel2 gitrepo get configs --env 1
#### Git Repo structure
Here is the example repo structure
|-- controller_configs
| `-- glance-api.conf
|-- node_1_configs
| `-- nova.conf
|-- nova.conf
|-- overrides.yaml
`-- tools
`-- show-config-for.py
There are three levels of configuration: Global, Role, Node. Each level has higher priority in terms
of configuration parameters.
* Global - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to all nodes
in environment.
* Role - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to nodes with a
particular role. Parameters from this level will override parameters from Global level
* Node - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to node with a
particular id. Parameters from this level will override parameters from Global and Role levels
For example we have ```nova.conf``` file with ```debug = True``` in Global level and ```nova.conf```
with ```debug = False``` in Role level. Resulting configuration will be:
debug = False
Configuration files for Global level should be placed in repo root. Role and Node levels should be
described in overrides.yaml placed in repo root directory using following format
'<node_id>': '<directory_name>'
'<role_name>': '<directory_name>'
Example overrides.yaml
'1': node_1_configs
'2': node_2_configs
'cinder': 'cinder_configs'
'compute': 'compute_configs'
'controller': 'controller_configs'
'primary-controller': 'controller_configs'
Configuration files for Role and Node levels should be placed in corresponding directory described
in overrides.yaml
API documentation can be found [here](./doc/api.md)