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Installing the Murano plugin

Before you install the Murano plugin, verify that your environment meets the requirements described in prerequisites. You must have the Fuel Master node installed and configured before you can install the plugin. Typically, you install a Fuel plugin before you deploy an OpenStack environment.

To install the Murano plugin:

  1. Download the Murano plugin from the Fuel Plugins Catalog.

  2. Copy the plugin .rpm package to the Fuel Master node:


    # scp detach-murano-<plugin_version> root@fuel-master:/tmp
  3. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI as root.

  4. Install the plugin by typing:

    # fuel plugins --install detach-murano-<plugin_version>
  5. Verify that the plugin is installed correctly:

    # fuel plugins
    id | name          | version | package_version
    1  | detach-murano | 1.2.0   | 4.0.0
  6. Proceed to pg-configure.