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OpenStack SIGs

The OpenStack SIGs (Special Interest Groups) are a form of working group in OpenStack that is an emanation of the community as a whole and is not directly tied to a specific governance body.

SIGs are a good match for an activity that centers around a topic or practice that spans all the community (developers, operators, end users...), by forming a guild of people with a shared interest.

SIG communications


Asynchronous communication between SIG members happens on the openstack-sigs mailing-list, using a subject [prefix] matching the SIG name. SIG work output can of course be posted to other mailing-lists as needed to reach other groups.

Instant Messaging

IRC is the preferred method of communication as it aligns with historical and current OpenStack community best practices for simple messaging, and is also required for TC governed projects.

It is understood that for some IRC does not come with enough features by default and programming a bot to offer additional features is beyond some; skill or patience to create/maintain. If a SIG does decide to use an alternative to IRC, we ask that in keeping with the Four Opens, in particular Open Community, that you do so by ensuring meeting logs are stored/archived.


Free team accounts with Slack are not sufficient enough to meet archiving/storage of logs alone. A great alternative is to connect Slack with IRC and then follow the instructions for logging an IRC channel. Refer to for a Slack+IRC connector; a docker image is also available at

Bi-weekly Newsletter/Summary

We are suggesting to follow a great tradition started for the openstack-dev mailing list, by sending out a newsletter summarising SIG activity on a bi-weekly basis. In order to reduce the work on individuals writing and/or reading summaries for SIGs, we have an etherpad which will be compiled bi-weekly and sent to the openstack-sigs mailing list and other relevant places. We ask that SIG leaders provide updates as they see fit to the etherpad; this is not a requirement.

Process to create a SIG

To propose creation of a SIG, please propose a change to the sigs.yaml file in the openstack/governance-sigs repository. That change will be reviewed by members of the Meta SIG. If you have questions, please ask them on the openstack-sigs mailing-list with prefix [meta].