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Making manila share networks span multiple subnets (with AZs)

Manila can be deployed with share drivers that handle the creation and management of share servers. In such a deployment, users create share networks by specifying network and subnet IDs from neutron. If the share driver is configured accordingly, a share server will be created with network information from the specified neutron subnet. This network information includes the IP addresses for the share server creation which are reflected in the export locations of shares created by such drivers.

If the share driver is configured with a standalone network or with a single network configuration [1], the share server is created with the network details from the manila.conf file. Network information from the user specified share network is (currently) ignored in this case. There is future work envisioned to provide network tunneling and hence, connectivity between the configured and user specified networks in such cases.

Users use share networks to create shares. A share is associated with a single share network and is exported off a share server that is also associated with the share network. Users can also associate security services such as LDAP, Active Directory or Kerberos with a share network, thereby affecting all the shares on the share network.

Problem description

When share replication [2] was designed in the Mitaka release of OpenStack, we decided to make replication work within and across availability zones. However, this feature was limited only to drivers with pre-configured share servers (DHSS = False mode). We realized that we could not support replication of shares created with drivers that support share server handling without making changes to the design of share networks.

With share replication, we recommend the use of availability zones as failure domains within an OpenStack cloud. manila-share services would be running across different availability zones when share replication is used for disaster recovery workloads. Users would create their primary share in one availability zone and replicas in different availability zones. Therefore, share servers that are created to handle and export these shares need to be created within respective availability zones.

Availability zones are used across other OpenStack services, such as nova and cinder as a way of logically partitioning resources within an OpenStack deployment. This partitioning can be motivated by the fact that these resources are meant for a particular task, or because they are co-located. However, the most common criterion is because these resources are associated with a common point of failure, such as being connected to a common power source. In the Mitaka release of OpenStack, neutron added support to availability zones [3][4]. With this, it is effectively possible for users to allocate network resources to availability zones for high availability.

In the Liberty release, when share instances were added to support features such as share replication and share migration, we acknowledged that the user's share resources can live in multiple places simultaneously. These places may be across different network subnets and/or availability zones.

Currently, there is no provision for users to isolate their manila network resources, i.e share networks and share servers within availability zones that they create their compute host aggregates or block/shared file system storage resources within.

Use Cases

  • Providing a way for a share network to span multiple subnets allows for a more realistic representation of an internal data center network when the user means for a share network to signify network connectivity between different instances of his/her resources.

    Currently, when a user brings up a compute instance or a shared file system on a subnet, all other resources on that subnet have network connectivity to this resource. Resources on other subnets can "access" this resource if there is a router that can send and receive traffic between these subnets.

    When users create their shared file systems in a distributed manner, there is a very plausible chance that they mean for their mirrors (share replicas) or migration targets (share instances) to be on different subnets.

    At the same time, there is a possibility that deployers would chose to make giant subnets that span all the availability zones.

  • Share servers in manila consume network allocations from a subnet. For advanced workloads such as share replication and share migration, they might often need to communicate between each other.

    Therefore, it makes semantic sense for users to create one share network and assign subnets to the share network. This would essentially tag all share servers that are managing share instances of a particular share with one network. Each individual share instance however is exported off a particular subnet.

Proposed change

To solve the problem of allowing users to manage their share instances (and consequently share servers) within failure domains and to allow for a better representation of the instances of a shared file system across the user's OpenStack cloud:

  • Share networks will span multiple subnets. These subnets would be associated with an availability zone each.
  • There can be a subnet associated with a share network that is associated with all storage availability zones. For the purposes of this specification, we will call this a default subnet. While not being associated with any particular availability zone, this default subnet is meant to service all availability zones.
  • Each share network can have no more than one default subnet.
  • A share network need not have a default subnet.
  • Users will have the ability to assign one subnet per configured storage availability zone per share network. They can assign the same subnet to different AZs if their setup permits, but they cannot have more than one subnet serving an AZ in particular, per share network.


We could consider allowing more than one fall-back or default subnet per share network; Similarly, we could allow more than one subnet to be specified per share network for a given availability zone.

However, when a user requests to create a resource in a particular AZ, manila will then have no way of picking the right subnet of the choices it would have.

To avoid any indeterminate (and hence wrong) behavior, we will not allow more than one default subnet per share network; or more than one subnet per availability zone.

  • API changes would involve extending the ability to modify a share network by adding and removing subnets (with pre-conditions related to existing shares and share servers).
  • Users would need to pick the share network and an AZ during share creation if they expect a share to be provisioned with a specific subnet. They only need to pick the AZ during share replica creation.

Things that will not change:

  • A share would still only be associated with one share network.
  • A share server would still be allocated IPs from a single subnet's allocation pool.
  • A security service would continue to be associated with the share network. When share servers are created on new subnets, they will derive all the security server information from the share network.

Work-flows affected

Creating a share network

Users can continue to create a share network with a single subnet, but they would have to provide an availability zone to assign the subnet to. The user may also intend to create a subnet that spans all availability zones. This subnet could act as the default or fallback subnet when a dedicated subnet is not available to service a given availability zone. However, the user may not have more than one of these default subnets per share network.

Alternatively, users can also create "empty" share networks, as is the case today.

Creation of a share server

Share servers will still be created by manila-share service with network allocations from a single subnet.

Creating a share

Users can provide the share network to create the share with, as before. However, if there is more than one subnet associated with the share network, they would ideally provide an availability zone as well to create it on a particular subnet (perhaps for co-location purposes with other resources they care about on their OpenStack cloud).

If the user provides a share network and an availability zone to create the share within, the API will validate that the share network supports that AZ (i.e, either has a subnet assigned to the specified AZ or has a default subnet). The API will respond with a 400 BadRequest if this condition fails.

Creating a share replica

Users would provide the share network and AZ during creation of the primary share. They would only need to provide an availability zone to create the share replica within. The share network is inherited from the parent share object and the specific subnet is chosen in association with the AZ provided.


Currently, the API to create a share replica accepts share_network_id as an optional parameter. This parameter will be removed to support this workflow. Since there are no share drivers that work in DHSS = True mode and support share replication, we can remove this unused parameter. See associated launchpad bug [6].

Assigning a security service

Users will continue to assign security services to share networks, no changes are proposed to this workflow.


We can keep the existing design of share networks, but allow related resources to be created in multiple share networks. A share network will not span subnets, and users would require to use a different share network for each instance of a share. They would have to configure security services to each of these networks. For share replication, effectively, the share network of the share would be the share network in which the active replica instance is created.

There are limitations of this approach when the scope of future expansion is to be considered. Ideally, we would like users to be able to control their resources with respect to availability zones, and this approach lends itself poorly to that goal.

Quotas are currently enforced on the number of share networks. If a user needs to deal with multiple subnets as multiple share networks, quota limitations would be a problem. As a user, I might want to divide my network resources by availability zones, without consuming the network quotas, because they are all being used to manage the same share (and its replicas or instances), or the same security service.

Data model impact

The manila.db.sqlalchemy.models.ShareNetwork model will no longer contain the subnet specific information: neutron_net_id, neutron_subnet_id, network_type, segmentation_id, cidr and ip_version. These keys will be part of a new model manila.db .sqlalchemy.models.ShareNetworkSubnet which has a primary key: id (we'll refer to this as share_network_subnet_id for the purposes of this document) and foreign keys, availability_zone_id and share_network_id. A share network subnet is only associated with exactly one share network and one availability zone.

The manila.db.sqlalchemy.models.ShareServer model will stop having a foreign key binding to share_network_id and switch to having a foreign key reference to share_network_subnet_id instead.

No key changes are going to be made to manila.db.sqlalchemy.models.ShareNetworkSecurityServiceAssociation, manila.db.sqlalchemy.models.SecurityService, manila.db.sqlalchemy .models.ShareInstance or manila.db.sqlalchemy.models.ConsistencyGroup models. All these resources will continue to contain a foreign key reference to the manila.db.sqlalchemy.models.ShareNetwork model.

The database upgrade step will create a new share network subnet per existing share network. The availability_zone_id field will be null indicating that these are default subnets, unconfined to a given availability zone.

The database downgrade step will collapse existing share network subnets into the share network table. This step may result in loss of information if multiple subnets exist per share network. Hence, it is not recommended in a production cloud.

REST API impact

Please note the current state of these APIs in our API reference.

Creating a share network:

POST /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks


    "share_network": {
        "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
        "name": "my_network",
        "description": "This is my share network",
        "availability_zone": "london",

Subnet details neutron_net_id and neutron_subnet_id are optional.

availability_zone is optional if one of the following conditions are met:

  • user is creating a subnet that is meant to span all availability zones.
  • manila-share services are only configured with a single availability zone, or,
  • when subnet details are not provided.

If the availability_zone is not known to manila, the API will respond with 400 Bad Request.

If the tenant's share network quota has exceeded, the API will respond with 403 Forbidden.

The API will not validate the subnet information with the network provider (neutron). The validation will be performed at the share manager layer.


Code: 202 Accepted

    "share_network": {
        "name": "my_network",
        "created_at": "2016-06-01T21:12:12.617687",
        "id": "77eb3421-4549-4789-ac39-0d5185d68c29",
        "project_id": "e10a683c20da41248cfd5e1ab3d88c62",
        "description": "This is my share network",
        "updated_at": null

Adding a subnet to a share network:

POST /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}/subnets


    "share-network-subnet" : {
        "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "neutron_subnet_id": "12c1490a-e82c-4f5e-bcb1-fb267a58cf10",
        "availability_zone": "paris"

The same conditions exist for these parameters as with the create API above.

If the share network ID is invalid, the API will respond with 404 NotFound. If there already is a subnet defined for the availability zone specified, the API will respond with 409 Conflict.


Code: 202 Accepted

    "share_network_subnet": {
        "created_at": "2016-06-01T21:12:14.843836",
        "id": "aa7a1269-703b-4832-a3df-17ed954c276c",
        "share_network_id": "77eb3421-4549-4789-ac39-0d5185d68c29",
        "availability_zone": "paris",
        "segmentation_id": null,
        "neutron_subnet_id": "12c1490a-e82c-4f5e-bcb1-fb267a58cf10",
        "updated_at": null,
        "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "ip_version": null,
        "cidr": null,
        "network_type": null

Removing a subnet from a share network:

DELETE /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}/subnets/{share-network-subnet-id}

If the share network ID or the share network subnet ID is invalid, the API will respond with 404 NotFound. If there is a share server on the share network subnet, it cannot be removed; the API will respond with 409 Conflict.


202 Accepted

Summary listing of share networks:

GET /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks


Code: 200 OK

    "share_networks": [
            "id": "77eb3421-4549-4789-ac39-0d5185d68c29",
            "name": "my_network"
            "id": "00cc3770-2558-4370-a088-de03b055dcff",
            "name": "my_network_2"

No changes from the previous version of this API

Detailed listing of share networks:

GET /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/detail


Code: 200 OK

    "share_networks": [
            "name": "my_network",
            "id": "77eb3421-4549-4789-ac39-0d5185d68c29",
            "project_id": "e10a683c20da41248cfd5e1ab3d88c62",
            "description": "This is my share network",
            "updated_at": null,
            "share_network_subnets": [
                    "created_at": "2016-06-01T21:12:14.843836",
                    "id": "aa7a1269-703b-4832-a3df-17ed954c276c",
                    "availability_zone": "paris",
                    "segmentation_id": null,
                    "neutron_subnet_id": "12c1490a-e82c-4f5e-bcb1-fb267a58cf10",
                    "updated_at": null,
                    "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
                    "ip_version": null,
                    "cidr": null,
                    "network_type": null
                    "created_at": "2016-06-01T21:12:14.843836",
                    "id": "9c5dbe11-cdf6-48a4-b6ca-9582ef5af193",
                    "availability_zone": "london",
                    "segmentation_id": null,
                    "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
                    "updated_at": null,
                    "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
                    "ip_version": null,
                    "cidr": null,
                    "network_type": null
            "name": "my_network_2",
            "id": "00cc3770-2558-4370-a088-de03b055dcff",
            "project_id": "e10a683c20da41248cfd5e1ab3d88c62",
            "description": "This is also my share network",
            "updated_at": null,
            "share_network_subnets": [
                    "created_at": "2016-06-01T21:12:14.843836",
                    "id": "1feffbd9-9747-413d-b162-83b97981f0ba",
                    "availability_zone": "paris",
                    "segmentation_id": null,
                    "neutron_subnet_id": "647cf190-e439-4159-98f9-17cb266d6d00",
                    "updated_at": null,
                    "neutron_net_id": "3b49335d-273e-4829-9b08-b7b1df157e69",
                    "ip_version": null,
                    "cidr": null,
                    "network_type": null

Showing details of a single share network:

GET /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}/detail

If the share network ID is invalid, the API will respond with 404 NotFound.


Code: 200 OK

    "name": "my_network",
    "id": "77eb3421-4549-4789-ac39-0d5185d68c29",
    "project_id": "e10a683c20da41248cfd5e1ab3d88c62",
    "description": "This is my share network",
    "updated_at": null,
    "share_network_subnets": [
            "created_at": "2016-06-01T21:12:14.843836",
            "id": "aa7a1269-703b-4832-a3df-17ed954c276c",
            "availability_zone": "paris",
            "segmentation_id": null,
            "neutron_subnet_id": "12c1490a-e82c-4f5e-bcb1-fb267a58cf10",
            "updated_at": null,
            "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
            "ip_version": null,
            "cidr": null,
            "network_type": null
            "created_at": "2016-06-01T21:12:14.843836",
            "id": "9c5dbe11-cdf6-48a4-b6ca-9582ef5af193",
            "availability_zone": "london",
            "segmentation_id": null,
            "neutron_subnet_id": "53482b62-2c84-4a53-b6ab-30d9d9800d06",
            "updated_at": null,
            "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
            "ip_version": null,
            "cidr": null,
            "network_type": null

Showing details of a subnet:

GET /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}/subnets/{share_network_subnet_id}

If the share network ID or the share network subnet ID is invalid, the API will respond with 404 NotFound.


Code: 200 OK

    "share_network_subnet": {
        "created_at": "2016-06-01T21:12:14.843836",
        "id": "aa7a1269-703b-4832-a3df-17ed954c276c",
        "share_network_id": "77eb3421-4549-4789-ac39-0d5185d68c29",
        "availability_zone": "paris",
        "segmentation_id": null,
        "neutron_subnet_id": "12c1490a-e82c-4f5e-bcb1-fb267a58cf10",
        "updated_at": null,
        "neutron_net_id": "998b42ee-2cee-4d36-8b95-67b5ca1f2109",
        "ip_version": null,
        "cidr": null,
        "network_type": null

Deleting a share network:

DELETE /v2/{tenant_id}/share-networks/{share_network_id}

A share network with multiple subnets cannot be deleted atomically. The API will respond with 409 Conflict. Users would have to iteratively remove subnets until one or lesser subnets remain in the share network before attempting to delete the share network.


Code: 202 Accepted

Security impact

Security services are still associated with share networks, but the coverage of the share network is increasing to span multiple subnets. So for an external user, the only visible change is that the share network could now be "bigger" than it previously was. Hence, due care must be taken in adding subnets to existing share networks. Users may assign as many subnets to a particular share network as there are availability zones in a deployment. They can also define a subnet that can span all availability zones.

Notifications impact

None until [5] merges and is fully supported in manila. The work to add user messages will be proposed with a new blueprint and not part of this work.

Other end user impact

  • End users will have to specify an availability zone parameter during share network creation unless they would like to create the share network with a subnet that would span all availability zones.
  • End users would have to add new subnets to an existing network iteratively to extend the share network across AZs.

Performance impact

Validating that users provide the correct storage availability zones will be performed at the API layer. However, the validation of the availability zones with respect to their configured networks will be done at the network plugin layer, as existing network checks are done today. This is not expected to cause a performance impact, but will keep our existing share network validation isolated from the API allowing for further enhancements instead of gating changes at the API layer.

There is no end user notification today when the creation of a share fails because network information in the share network is not valid. The share is set to error state and the failure is logged in the share manager logs. If and when the asynchronous user messages feature [5] is available in manila, we can enhance the share network validation.

In other words, to minimize the performance impact, no further validation of network information at the API is recommended by the design introduced in this spec.

Other deployer impact

  • No new configuration options are expected to be added. However, neutron performs AZ validation when users create networks with availability_zone_hints. Deployers must ensure that neutron services are running in the desired availability_zones to allow for the network creation to succeed.
  • All existing share networks will be assigned the default availability zone during the database upgrade to this version of the database changes.

Developer impact


Driver impact

None. Drivers must be agnostic to all these changes since they will be handled at the manila API service and the share manager services.



Primary assignee:
Other contributors:

Work Items

  • Introduce share network subnets in the database and map them to availability zones.
  • Changes to share network APIs - create, list, modify
  • CLI implementation
  • manila-ui support


nova-network has officially been deprecated [7] in the Newton release. We have proposed [8] to stop supporting it in Newton. This spec hides the fact that nova-network is currently a supported way of creating a share network. Regardless of how we decide to remove nova-network, this work can progress in parallel.

The evolution of share replication to cover the DHSS = True use case is dependant on this change. Once this work is completed, share drivers that support DHSS = True mode can support share replication. As a pre-requisite correction, the Share replica API should no longer support specifying the share_network_id. [6]


Unit test coverage will be added/maintained as per community standards. Tempest tests will be modified/added to cover new share network API changes. AZ awareness will be coded into the tests, with fall-backs like the share replication tempest tests.

Setting up multiple AZs on the gate is not in the scope of this work. However, these tests can be run manually with multi-AZ configurations.

Documentation Impact

The following OpenStack documentation will be updated to reflect this change:

  • OpenStack User Guide: will document the changes in creation and modification of share networks.
  • OpenStack Admin Guide: will document the APIs to list/delete share network instances.
  • OpenStack API Reference: All API changes will be documented
  • Manila Developer Reference: the low level implementation considerations and design of this feature will be documented.
  • OpenStack Security Guide: Readers will be made aware of the high level picture of adding AZ awareness to share networks.








