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Allow env update on task re-run


Problem description

On rerunning (and resuming) a workflow execution, allow changes to the environment variables that were provided at the start of workflow execution.

Use Cases

Given the use case where a workflow execution failed because of environment related issue(s) (i.e. endpoint unavailable, etc.), it is possible that as part of resolving the environment related issue(s), the endpoint is replaced (i.e. different host/ip) or that the token passed as credential has expired. Endpoints and credentials can be passed on workflow invocation under the env param and then accessed by workflow tasks using the env() function. In these circumstances, the user will need to be able to update the env variables prior to re-running the workflow task(s). This also applies to workflow that are manually paused (i.e. for maintenance) and now resumed but the token passed as credential in the env has expired.

Proposed change

To change environment variables, this will be a two step process. First is to overlay the new set of env variables to the workflow execution context so any new task executions will pick up the changes. Second to overlay the new set to the in context of the existing tasks to be rerun. Any existing tasks that have completed successfully will not be modified.



Data model impact

  • New env property for the Task API resource model to pass the new set of environment variables.

REST API impact

Update to the env is only permitted on task re-run or workflow resume.

For workflow resume, the PUT method of the execution controller will be affected. The user will pass the new set of environment variables via params in the Execution resource model. Then the put operation for the executions controller will pass the updated env to resume_workflow (i.e. rpc.engineclient().resume_workflow(wf_ex_id, env=env)). The resume_workflow method will merge the new set of env to the workflow execution appropriately.

The following is the data for the PUT request to the execution controller.

    "state": "RUNNING",
    "params": "{'env': {'k1': 'v1'}}"

For task re-run, the PUT method of the task controller will be affected. The user will pass the new set of environment variables via the env property in the Task resource model. Then the put operation for the tasks controller will pass the updated env to rerun_workflow (i.e. rpc.engineclient().rerun_workflow(wf_ex_id, task_ex_id, env=env)). The rerun_workflow method will merge the new set of env to the workflow execution and the task execution appropriately.

The following is the data for the PUT request to the task controller.

    'state': 'RUNNING',
    'reset': True,
    'env': '{"k1": "v1"}'

End user impact

  • Add --env option to mistral execution-update to pick up a json string or path to a json file containing the list of variables to update.
  • Add --env option to mistral task-rerun to pick up a json string or path to a json file containing the list of variables to update.

Performance Impact


Deployer impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Add DB API method to update env in execution.
  • Update resume_workflow in default engine.
  • Update rerun_workflow in default engine.
  • Update PUT in execution controller.
  • Update Task API resource model.
  • Update PUT in task controller.
  • Update execution-update command in mistral client.
  • Update task-rerun command in mistral client.




  • Test that environment is updated and workflow can rerun successfully.
  • Test update of workflow execution and task execution in different states. Test exception cases where certain states are not allowed (i.e. SUCCESS).

