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Custom Context for Executions


Currently it is not possible to send contextual parameters to actions. The context contains only the OS auth parmeters in the SecurityContext and some details about the execution in the ExecutionContext. There is general demand to be able to pass parameters at this level to make these pervasively present throughout the execution without contaminating the workflow definition.

Problem description

Use Cases

  1. Pass context parameters to custom actions

Custom actions may need various contextual parameters, e.g. request/correlation IDs, authentication tokens, miscellaneous data. These pieces of data should not be passed as parameters to avoid getting logged and to be able to access them in any part of the execution.

  1. Provide auth parameters for OpenStack actions

Currently the OpenStack actions use the SecurityContext to get the authentication data. The X-Target-* headers provide an alternative way to override these parameters but the size of these headers is limited and already makes them unable to handle larger OpenStack installations. [1,2]

3. Clearly separate the Mistral API authentication parameters from the OpenStack Action authentication parameters

The Mistral API has different plugins for authentication: Keystone and Keycloak at the time of writing this specification. OpenStack actions should not rely on the parameters used for the Mistral API authentication as this tight coupling introduces unwanted restrictions. E.g. it is fairly awkward to use Keycloak authentication and run OpenStack actions in the same execution.

This separation also helps the efforts to separate OpenStack actions from the Mistral Core.

Proposed change

Add custom_context dict to the execution type API resources (Execution, ActionExecution) and use the data in it to update the context.

The 'os.auth' key is used to store the X-Target-* headers data in its current format. To decrease the size of the final context, this key is removed from the custom_context after processing.

Other keys can be used freely by custom action implmementations. These are stored under the 'custom_context' key.


  1. Keep using the X-Target-* headers: there are already bugs filed

2. Send this info hidden in the request body E.g. we could add custom_context to the POST request body and we could add it to the context in the ContextHook. However, the request body is present only in text form in the ContextHook and the parameter cannot be left in the request body as it causes the WSME implementation to fail unmarshalling the input objects.

Data model impact

Not affected.

REST API impact

Add the custom_context dict field to the Execution and ActionExecution API resources.

Does not involve REST API modification.

End user impact

mistral exection-create

Add the --custom_context parameter.

mistral execution-create --custom_context='{"correlation_id":"1212ddaa33"}' ...

mistral run-action

Add the --custom_context parameter.

mistral run-action --custom_context='{"correlation_id":"1212ddaa33"}' ...

Performance impact

Large custom_contexts can slow down the execution of workflows as it is passed in the RPC messages and saved in the delayed_calls table. For the same reason, this can affect the memory usage of components.

Backward compatibility

The clients sending the custom_context parameter will not be able to use the execution-create and run-action APIs with previous Mistral API instances because the resource unmarshalling step will fail.

Deployer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

Work Items

Add the --custom_context parameter to the mistral run-action command

Add the --custom_context parameter to the mistral create-exection command

Add the custom_context field to the Execution API resource

Add the custom_context field to the ActionExecution API resource

Add the support for the special 'os.auth' key (client and API)

Add the custom_context to mistral-lib


API test to ensure the correct parameter handling in Execution and ActionExecution

Check that the custom parameters are loaded in context.custom_context


[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-mistralclient/+bug/1702324 [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/mistral/+bug/1699248