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MoNanas consumes two configuration files, one for orchestrating data execution and the other for logging.

Orchestrating Configuration

Note: Please refer to Monasca/Design to understand the concept of each component before creating or modifying a configuration.

With the current implementation, a JSON file is used to configure how MoNanas orchestrates the data execution pipeline. This comes in different parts as follows.

ID (id)

A unique identifier for the configuration.

Spark (spark_config)

  • appName: A string describing the Spark's application name.
  • streaming: Attributes for data streaming.
    • batch_interval: DStream's batch interval.

Server (server)

  • port: Port number to listen.
  • debug: Debug mode.

Sources (sources)

sources is a JSON object (equivalent to python dictionary in this case) where the keys represent unique identifiers of sources. Each source has the following attributes:

  • module: The name of the python module used for connecting to the source.
  • params: A JSON object representing the source's parameters (e.g. data model used).

Ingestors (ingestors)

ingestors is a JSON object (equivalent to python dictionary in this case) where the keys represent unique identifiers of ingestors. Each ingestor has the following attributes:

  • module: The name of the python module implementing the ingestor.
  • params: A JSON object representing the ingestor's parameters (e.g. parameters for data conversion).

Aggregators (aggregators)

aggregators is a JSON object (equivalent to python dictionary in this case) where the keys represent unique identifiers of aggregators. Each aggregator has the following attributes:

  • module: The name of the python module implementing the aggregator.
  • params: A JSON object representing the aggregator's parameters (e.g. how data streams are aggregated).

Note: Currently, only one aggregator is supported - the python module is default_aggregator.

SML Functions (sml)

sml is a JSON object (equivalent to python dictionary in this case) where the keys represent unique identifiers of SML functions. Each SML function has the following attributes:

  • module: The name of the python module implementing the SML function.
  • params: A JSON object representing the SML function's parameters (e.g. number of samples, confidence interval).

Voters (voters)

voters is a JSON object (equivalent to python dictionary in this case) where the keys represent unique identifiers of voters. Each voter has the following attributes:

  • module: The name of the python module implementing the voter.
  • params: A JSON object representing the voter's parameters (e.g. weights, topology).

Live Data Processors (ldp)

ldp is a JSON object (equivalent to python dictionary in this case) where the keys represent unique identifiers of live data processors. Each live data processor has the following attributes:

  • module: The name of the python module implementing the live data processor.
  • params: A JSON object representing the live data processor's parameters (e.g. mode).

Sinks (sinks)

sinks is a JSON object (equivalent to python dictionary in this case) where the keys represent unique identifiers of sinks. Each sink has the following attributes:

  • module: The name of the python module used for connecting to the sink.
  • params: A JSON object representing the sink's parameters (e.g. server's details, data format).


connections is a JSON object (equivalent to python dictionary in this case) where each key represents a unique identifier of the component acting as the originating end of the data flow where its associated value is an list of unique identifiers of components acting as terminating ends of the data flow. The information described by connections can be used to represent the flow of data execution end-to-end.

Logging Configuration


MoNanas comes with a default logging configuration. To change the logging properties including format, level, etc., simply override $MONANAS_HOME/config/logging.json.


By default, Spark's logging is at an INFO level. To avoid unnecessary console output, change log4j.rootCategory=INFO, console to log4j.rootCategory=ERROR, console in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ or as preferred.

Note: Not required for a Vagrant generated VM.

Other Software/Tools

For logging configuration of other software/tools, please refer to their user guide.