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Installing Ceilosca using automated methods

There are a few options for configuring Ceilosca on top of a Ceilometer and Monasca deployment.

Choose one:

  • DevStack can be instructed through the local.conf to "enable ceilosca". Reference the included devstack/sample-local.conf for one configuration.

  • Use the included Vagrantfile to create and provision a VM. This will provision a new Ubuntu 16.04 VM and run the

  • Under certain conditions the may be used to set up Ceilosca for testing. This .py may also be useful reference if you choose to write your own integration scripts.

  • The devstack/ script will copy Ceilosca components on top of Ceilometer.

    • has been updated to the Newton release.
    • is also used by the Vagrant deployment option.
    • The script should be tweaked before execution, particularly the lines.
      • export SERVICE_HOST=
      • export HOST_IP_IFACE=eth0
    • The script should be run by a sudoers user with no password required. Such as is described in
    • And did not configure Horizon