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Murano Windows Agent

Murano Windows Agent is an initial version of Murano Agent. Currently, it's outdated and not supported.

The main difference with the new Python agent is support of running PowerShell. After this support will be added to Python Agent, Windows Agent will be dropped.

How to build

Build using Visual Studio

  1. Launch Visual Studio
  2. Ensure that you have latest NuGet extension installed (shipped with recent versions of VS)
  3. Open WindowsAgent.sln
  4. Select target configuration (Release or Debug) using drop-down found in VS toolbar
  5. Build the Solution (Build menu -> Build Solution).

Build from command line

  1. CD to where WindowsAgent.sln is located

  2. Download nuget.exe from to current directory.

  3. Run nuget.exe restore

  4. Build the solution using msbuild: C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\MSBuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release

    The exact path to msbuild may differ on your system and .NET version installed.